These scripts were used during the analysis for "Whole genome sequencing uncovers the structural and transcriptomic landscape of hexaploid wheat/Am. muticum introgression lines" ( to identify Am. muticum introgression regions within a hexaploid wheat background.
They can be used to identify introgressions in your own lines.
Input for these scripts are the following:
BAM alignment files and vcfs produced from mapping WGS illumina reads from the wheat parents, Am. muticum, and the introgression lines to the wheat reference genome (we used RefSeq v1.0). These are produced and processed using details included in the methods section of the paper.
The shell script will run the whole process for a single introgression line after producing all the bam and vcf files. Arguments are: Introgressed species Wheat parent 1 Wheat parent 2 Introgression line name Bam file suffix Introgression line vcf suffix Wheat parent line vcf suffix
bash muticum Paragon Pavon76 DH354 _filt_srt_remove_dups.bam _vfallelecalls_dp5.vcf _vfallelecalls_dp10.vcf
If you want to take pieces of the code and integrate into your own pipeline to run on multiple introgression lines, below are all the components of the pipeline:
Set your variables
Index the wheat reference genome
samtools faidx 161010_Chinese_Spring_v1.0_pseudomolecules.fasta
Produce genome file for the reference genome to be used as input to bedtools
awk '{OFS="\t"; print $1,$2}' 161010_Chinese_Spring_v1.0_pseudomolecules.fasta.fai > RefSeqv1.0_genome_file.txt
Produce 1Mbp and 100Kbp window bed files
bedtools makewindows -w 1000000 -g RefSeqv1.0_genome_file.txt > RefSeqv1.0_1Mb_windows.bed
bedtools makewindows -w 100000 -g RefSeqv1.0_genome_file.txt > RefSeqv1.0_100Kb_windows.bed
Count number of reads in each 1Mbp window for the introgression line and the parent lines
hts_nim_tools count-reads RefSeqv1.0_1Mb_windows.bed ${int_line_name}${bam_suffix} | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n | awk '{OFS="\t"; print}' > ${int_line_name}_cov_1Mb_windows.tsv
hts_nim_tools count-reads RefSeqv1.0_1Mb_windows.bed ${parent_1}${bam_suffix} | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n | awk '{OFS="\t"; print}' > ${parent_1}_cov_1Mb_windows.tsv
hts_nim_tools count-reads RefSeqv1.0_1Mb_windows.bed ${parent_2}${bam_suffix} | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n | awk '{OFS="\t"; print}' > ${parent_2}_cov_1Mb_windows.tsv
hts_nim_tools count-reads RefSeqv1.0_100Kb_windows.bed ${int_line_name}${bam_suffix} | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n | awk '{OFS="\t"; print}' > ${int_line_name}_cov_100Kb_windows.tsv
hts_nim_tools count-reads RefSeqv1.0_100Kb_windows.bed ${parent_1}${bam_suffix} | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n | awk '{OFS="\t"; print}' > ${parent_1}_cov_100Kb_windows.tsv
hts_nim_tools count-reads RefSeqv1.0_100Kb_windows.bed ${parent_2}${bam_suffix} | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n | awk '{OFS="\t"; print}' > ${parent_2}_cov_100Kb_windows.tsv
Computing coverage deviation in each genomic window between the introgression line and the parent lines
python3 ${int_line_name}_cov_1Mb_windows.tsv ${parent_1}_cov_1Mb_windows.tsv ${parent_2}_cov_1Mb_windows.tsv 1Mb ${int_line_name}
python3 ${int_line_name}_cov_100Kb_windows.tsv ${parent_1}_cov_100Kb_windows.tsv ${parent_2}_cov_100Kb_windows.tsv 100Kb ${int_line_name}
Producing species_specific_SNPs. This takes the vcfs of the introgressed species and the 2 wheat parents and returns a file of species-specfic SNPs for the intrgoressed species
python3 ${int_line_name}${int_line_vcf_suffix} ${parent_1}${parent_lines_vcf_suffix} ${parent_2}${parent_lines_vcf_suffix} ${alien_species}
Matching alien specific SNPs with introgression line SNPs
python3 muticum_specific_snps.tsv ${int_line_name}${int_line_vcf_suffix} ${int_line_name} ${alien_species} 5 3
bedtools coverage -a RefSeqv1.0_1Mb_windows.bed -b ${int_line_name}_${alien_species}_specific_SNP_assignments_homo.bed | cut -f 1,2,4 > ${int_line_name}_homo_mut_1Mb_windows.tsv
bedtools coverage -a RefSeqv1.0_1Mb_windows.bed -b ${int_line_name}_${alien_species}_specific_SNP_assignments_het.bed | cut -f 1,2,4 > ${int_line_name}_het_mut_1Mb_windows.tsv
Produce coverage deviation plot and homozygous/heterozygous SNP density plot assigned introgression blocks plot. The coverage deviation and SNP plots are usually sufficient to spot where the introgressions are. You are looking for a block with coverage deviation below 1 (depending on the genetic distance of the donor chromosome from the wheat chromosome at the introgression location, this will vary. Introgressions from non-homologous chromosomes will usually have deviation below 0.5. Primary genepool introgressions, such as those from tauschii, urartu, or durum, if inserted within their homologous subgenome, will have a much more subtle drop in coverage).
Rscript plot_coverage_deviation_SNPs.R ${int_line_name}
Assigning introgression blocks based on coverage deviation blocks that overlap with a region of high homozygous species-specific SNP density and low density of heterozygous species-specific SNP density. The assigned blocks script is designed to automate what can usually be deduced by eye from the coverage and SNP plots. This works most of the time but the parameters sometimes need tweaking based on a number of variables, including the number of species-specific SNPs, the SNP density of the introgressed region, and how contiguous the block is.
paste ${int_line_name}_homo_mut_1Mb_windows.tsv ${int_line_name}_het_mut_1Mb_windows.tsv | cut -f 1,2,3,6 | python3 ${int_line_name} 55 4 0.7 5000000 0.14 0.6 RefSeqv1.0.fasta.fai
Plotting coverage deviation colour coded based on assigned introgression blocks
Rscript plot_assigned_introgression_blocks.R ${int_line_name}