The Apollo Book Search Engine is a web application that empowers users to search for books using the Google Books API. Users can create accounts, search for books, and save their favorite books to their profiles. This project has been refactored to use Apollo Client for the frontend and Apollo Server for the backend, utilizing GraphQL for more efficient data fetching and modification.
this app is deployed at Heroku: (
Installation Usage Technologies Used Contributing License Questions
- Clone the repository:
git clone
Change into the project directory:
cd apollo-book-search
Install dependencies for both the client and server:
cd client npm install
cd ../server npm install
Create a .env file in the server directory and add your MongoDB connection string:
Start both the client and server:
cd client npm run build npm run dev
Open a new terminal tab:
cd server npm start
Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000.
Explore the Apollo Book Search Engine, create an account, and start searching for books!
React.js Node.js Express.js MongoDB Apollo Client Apollo Server GraphQL Bootstrap (or any other styling framework) Contributing Contributions are welcome! If you find a bug or have a suggestion for improvement, please open an issue or create a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me:
GitHub: Bellaloc Email: [email protected]