PHP class to set and get values for the British Gas Hive Home heating/automation
I want to include my Hive Home thermostat in my OpenHAB2 installation. PHP scripts seem the easiest way to do this
You shouldn't. It's untested. I'm not very good at writing PHP. I wrote it for me, not you, but you can have a look if you like.
It's a PHP helper class around the v6 REST API for Hive products - AlertMe products that have been bought out by British Gas
Currently you can
- Get the current temperature and setpoint
- tell me when the boiler is firing or not
I want it to:
- boost heating and hotwater
- turn the system onto holiday mode
all from the command line, so I can interface to it easily through OpenHAB
include ("class.hivehome.php");
$hive = new HiveHome("hiveusername", "hivepassword");