BrewMon is a solution for monitoring beer fermentation.
Because fermentation metrics come from different equipments there is a need to build a customizable dashboard to follow the fermentation and be alerted in case of problem.
The first target is to support the following equipments:
BrewPI a great temperature controller that can control the beer fermentation with 0.1°C precision.
iSpindel an amazing DIY electronic hydrometer to get the wort gravity in real time.
This project is under active development.
Here are the first screenshots of the BrewMon dashboard,
the iSpindel is not yet calibrated nor in the fermentation bucket.
The solution relies on Grafana which is a monitoring and alerting platform with customisable dashboards and annotations.
The metrics are stored in InfluxDB, a time series database.
BrewPi is slightly modified to send its metrics to InfluxDB and extended to be able to import existing one.
iSpindel is configured to report metrics to InfluxDB.
The stack (BrewPi + InfluxDB + Grafana) is running on the Raspberry Pi using docker-compose.
Follow the BrewPi Guide up to the ssh access.
Rename the host from raspberrypi
to brewpi
by editing /etc/hostname
and /etc/hosts
, then restart.
- ssh to the Raspberry Pi then:
bash <(curl -Ss
This one line installer will :
- install docker
- install docker-compose
- build docker images: influxdb, grafana, brewpi (it takes ~15 minutes)
- start the stack as a service named
- provision a "BrewMon Template" dashboard
The default docker volume that contains all the data is:
├── data # the BrewPi data
│ ├── data
│ ├── html_data
│ ├── logs
│ └── settings
├── grafana
└── influxdb
You can configure the USB device and volume location by editing the .env
The stack can be also deployed on a normal x86_64 architecture.
First install docker and docker-compose:
curl -fsSL -o && sh
pip install docker-compose
Then checkout the docker compose files:
git clone
Build docker images:
cd brewpi-docker/ubuntu
docker-compose build
Run docker compose
docker-compose up -d
Follow the iSpindel configuration:
- Connect the iSpindel to a computer and install the latest firmware (InfluxDB is supported since version 5.8.5)
- Press the Wemos reset button and connect to the iSpindel AP
- Configure your Wifi access
- Select the InfluxDB reporting
- use the BrewPi IP (or the IP where InfluxDB is installed) and the port 8086
- use
TODO: Add some screenshot
The stack can be start and stop using systemd:
sudo systemctl status brewmon.service
sudo systemctl stop brewmon.service
sudo systemctl start brewmon.service
BrewPi should work exactly as expected in the legacy version, the default deployment use nginx
with basic authentication, you can login using the brewpi
account with the default brewpi
In the log pi@brewpi:/home/pi/brewpi/data/logs/stderr.txt
you should have a message like:
Dec 18 2018 18:03:26 Publish metrics to InfluxDB influxdb:4444/brewmon UDP
Grafana starts with a provisioned InfluxDB data source and the BrewMon dashboard.
Grafana is accessible on port 3000 of your BrewPi for instance: http://brewpi:3000/.
You can login using the admin
account with the default admin
The provisioned dashboard is named "BrewMon Template". You need to create a copy to be able to edit the dasboard, this can be done using the top menu: Settings > Save As...
Visit the Getting started documentation to learn more about Grafana.
BrewPi enable to export existing metrics "Maintenance Panel" > "Previous Beers" > "Select beer" > "Download CSV"
This file can be imported into InfluxDB with the
script present on the BrewPi container:
# Copy the CSV file to the RPI:
scp MyBeer.csv brewpi:/tmp/
# ssh to the RPI
ssh brewpi
# copy the file to a volume accessible by brewpi
sudo mv /tmp/MyBeer.csv /home/pi/brewpi/data/
# Import the file
sudo docker exec brewpi /home/brewpi/ /data/MyBeer.csv
# Importing beer 'MyBeer' from file: '/data/MyBeer.csv'
# 9161 rows imported from: Dec 02 2018 15:51:15 to Dec 14 2018 19:13:36
# For more options
sudo docker exec brewpi /home/brewpi/ --help
You may need to enter explicitly the name of the beer in the dashboard if it is not already presented. (Or go to Settings > Variables > $beer_name > Update this will refresh the available variable )
You can export the iSpindel metrics stored in InfluxDB as a CSV file.
This can be done from InfluxDB container:
sudo docker exec influxdb influx -database 'brewmon' -execute 'SELECT * FROM "measurements"' -format 'csv' > /tmp/spindel.csv
This CSV file can be copied to a volume of the brewpi container and imported into InfluxDB using
sudo cp /tmp/ispindel.csv /home/pi/brewpi/data/
sudo docker exec brewpi /home/brewpi/ --ispindel /data/ispindel.csv
# Importing iSpindel from file: '/tmp/ispindel.csv'
# 2918 rows imported
TODO: configure few alerts:
- abs(beer_temp - beer_setting_temp) > 1
- abs(fridge_temp - fridge_setting_temp) > 2
- fridge_temp > 30
- gravity < (Estimated FG + 4)
- battery < 3.4V
- no gravity update > 5m
For now BrewMon is only tested on:
- Raspberry Pi 3B+
- Raspbian 9.6
- BrewPi legacy version
- iSpindel Firmware 6.0.2
Known limitations of Grafana (v5.4):
- The X Axis dates are displayed only in American format
- Mobile support is a bit limited
- Snapshot
- does not include annotations
- can be exported as file using the REST API but not from the UI
- can be imported to but not on another instance.
Grafana and InfluxDB are light enough to run on the same RaspberryPi (RPI) used by BrewPi.
Grafana offers customisable dashboard with alerting capabilities, a dashboard and its content can be easily shared using
The storage is based on InfluxDB because:
- it is supported by iSpindel (not like Graphite)
- it is able to import existing data (not like Prometheus)
- it has an infinite retention by default (not like Graphite/Prometheus)
- it supports the UDP protocol
InfluxDB can also be used for other metrics during mashing when using CraftBeer or simply to monitor the RPI OS.
BrewPi needs to be patched without creating any regression, for this reason the metrics are exported continuously using UDP.
The default database is named brewmon
and there is one series per BrewPi beer and one series for iSpindel.
All date are stored in UTC, Grafana will manage your timezone.
From the RaspberryPi you can run influx
to get an interpreter:
sudo docker exec -it influxdb influx
From there you can access the metrics:
-- Select the database and display timestamp as date
> USE brewmon
> precision rfc3339
-- List beers
> SHOW series
-- Show BrewPi annotation for a beer
> SELECT title FROM "Kolsch"
name: Kolsch
time title
---- -----
2018-12-03T22:28:21Z Beer temp set to 18.7 in web interface
2018-12-04T10:20:12Z Beer temp set to 18.5 in web interface
2018-12-05T13:36:59Z Beer temp set to 19.0 in web interface
-- Delete some points, it requires time as nano second timestamp
> precision ns
> SELECT time, beer_temp FROM "Kolsch" WHERE beer_temp <= 18.0 and time > '2018-12-05'
name: Kolsch
time beer_temp
---- ---------
1544007570000000000 15.93
1544007449000000000 17.33
1544007690000000000 17.85
> DELETE FROM "Kolsch" WHERE time = 1544007570000000000
> DELETE FROM "Kolsch" WHERE time = 1544007449000000000
> DELETE FROM "Kolsch" WHERE time = 1544007690000000000
-- Add an annotation using a timestamp in ns
> INSERT Kolsch,beer_name=Kolsch title="Some annotation" 1544007690000000000
-- Query the iSpindel data
> SELECT * FROM "measurements" WHERE time >= now() - 5m
name: measurements
time RSSI battery gravity interval source temp_units temperature tilt
---- ---- ------- ------- -------- ------ ---------- ----------- ----
2018-12-07T14:55:55.159109731Z -70 3.592284 2.844413 120 iSpindel000 C 20.4375 30.86859
-- Delete metrics related to a beer