Status: I never much used Atom, but this was working. And it's since been discontinued. But I see there are forks, so will leave this here. I can't really support this, but PRs could be a possibility.
Or feel free to fork it.
This is an Atom package providing a validating editing environment for documents conforming to a CSL schema. It is a fork of and, configured to use CSL's .rng
- Atom Editor, with linter-autocomplete-jing installed.
Per this post, you might also add these additional package along with the above, with this command.
apm install linter-autocomplete-jing atom-wrap-in-tag double-tag tag atom-beautify linter linter-ui-default intentions busy-signal
From a terminal in this directory, run
apm link
NB: if you decide to move this folder, you'll have to rerun apm link
from the new location.
To update the required dependencies, simply run this from the same directory as initial setup.
apm update
XML files with filename extension .csl
will be validated against CSL's csl.rng
schema as you edit.
You can also manually set any XML document to use the CSL schema. One way is to click on the file-type setting at the bottom right of the Atom window. For example, if you start up a new Plain text
document, click on the Plain text
label, or if you a document opens as a generic XML
type, click on XML
, and then choose CSL Style
from the list of document types you're offered. Another way to do this is to open the command palette (command-shift-p), and choose "Grammar selector: show" (control-shift-l), and choose CSL Style
The three directories grammar
, settings
and schemas
configure the Atom package. If you want to modify settings (e.g., to configure different file extensions for validation with CSL), please see the documentation for the source package this is cloned from:
- Fix auto grammar application based on file extension
- Schematron validation?
- Add CSL templates and maybe scripts to make creation of new, and editing existing, styles easier. For example, select author-date and apa as template, add updated element with correct datetime, etc.