- Max10 FPGA 10M08SAM153C8G
- interrupts: timer & button
- basic uart with print functions
- /fw directory contains demo code
- outputs: 2x 7-segment display & 8-bit LEDs
- input: 4x switches
- UART 115200 N81 - TX connect GPIO_0 (Pin_M4), RX to GPIO_1 (Pin_P3), use external CP340 or CP2102 USB-SERIAL dongle
- run 'make' in /fw directory to generate rom.v (need riscv32 cross compiler)
- Synthesize, fit and assemble system with Quartus Prime (v18.1)
- connect Uart 115200 N,8,1
- download to FPGA, follow 'menu' in uart - see below
- use 'update_mif_asm.tcl' for fw changes, w/o HDL change
Below options displayed on power-up:
[a or 'space'] - print message
[s] - 4 on-board switches, status is displayed
[t] - toggle timer interrupt. When enabled, timer will increment LED counting
[r,g,b,o] - Red, Green, Blue, or turn Off 3-color leds
others - other keys will have ASCII codes displayed on 7-segment display, and key will be echoed by serial port
push-buttons K1-K3 will generate IRQ and respective number will be displayed through serial port
K4 - reset button
StepFPGA website MAX10 info <https://www.stepfpga.com/doc/step-max10>
btko - Aug 2022