All of this is already public. 100% of this code has been derived from the mspr_toolkit.
pip install pyplayready
Run pyplayready --help
to view available cli functions
Run the command below to create a Playready Device (.prd) from a bgroupcert.dat
and zgpriv.dat
pyplayready create-device -c bgroupcert.dat -k zgpriv.dat
Test a playready device:
pyplayready test DEVICE.prd
There currently isn't a proper method of extracting Group Certificates/Keys. They can be found inside older Samsung phones/Smart TVs, Windows DLLs and set-top-boxes in encrypted form.
An example code snippet:
from pyplayready.cdm import Cdm
from pyplayready.device import Device
from pyplayready.pssh import PSSH
import requests
device = Device.load("C:/Path/To/A/Device.prd")
cdm = Cdm.from_device(device)
session_id =
pssh = PSSH(
# set to `True` if your device doesn't support scalable licenses (this projects also doesn't yet) to downgrade the WRMHEADERs to v4.0.0.0
wrm_headers = pssh.get_wrm_headers(downgrade_to_v4=False)
request = cdm.get_license_challenge(session_id, wrm_headers[0])
response =
'Content-Type': 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8',
cdm.parse_license(session_id, response.text)
for key in cdm.get_keys(session_id):
- This project requires a valid Microsoft Certificate and Group Key, which are not provided by this project.
- Public test provisions are available and provided by Microsoft to use for testing projects such as this one.
- This project does not condone piracy or any action against the terms of the DRM systems.
- All efforts in this project have been the result of Reverse-Engineering, Publicly available research, and Trial & Error.
- Do not use this program to decrypt or access any content for which you do not have the legal rights or explicit permission.
- Unauthorized decryption or distribution of copyrighted materials is a violation of applicable laws and intellectual property rights.
- This tool must not be used for any illegal activities, including but not limited to piracy, circumventing digital rights management (DRM), or unauthorized access to protected content.
- The developers, contributors, and maintainers of this program are not responsible for any misuse or illegal activities performed using this software.
- By using this program, you agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations governing digital rights and copyright protections.