cat on steroids. Leveraging great go modules to ease my CLI life.
brew install batmac/tap/ccatos
Get the latest release from
Run the zero-install code or use your mage binary:
$ git clone
$ go run magefiles/mage.go -l # or 'mage -l'
buildDefaultAndTest* buildDefault,test
buildFull tags: libcurl,crappy,plugins
buildMinimal tags: nohl,fileonly
install put ccat to $GOPATH/bin/ccat
installDeps go mod download
test all
testGo go test ./...
verifyDeps go mod verify
* default target
$ go run magefiles/mage.go # or 'mage'
- You can update to the latest github release with
ccat --selfupdate
. - You can check against your current installed version with
ccat --check
available build tags:
: build with the libcurl opener.plugins
: build with the yaegi plugins engine.fileonly
: build with the local file opener only.nohl
: build without the syntax-highlighter.crappy
: build with some crappy (but useful) openers/mutators.keystore
: build with the OS keyring support (Mac,Linux,Windows).
$ ccat -m "x:kubectl get all" -i -w -t ready,Running --bg
pod/busybox3 1/1 Running 1 17m
service/kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 21d
( "READY and "Running" have different background colors )
$ echo Hello: | ccat -m y2j,j2y,base64,hexdump
00000000 53 47 56 73 62 47 38 36 49 47 35 31 62 47 77 4b |SGVsbG86IG51bGwK|
$ ccat -m zstd,base64 LICENSE
multi-arch container images with tags libcurl,crappy,plugins
are automatically built by Github Actions and made available on Dockerhub and Github Packages.
for instance:
$ docker run --rm -h
$ kubectl run -i --tty ccat --image=batmac/ccat:latest -- /bin/sh
version v1.17.2-55-g8a8e91e7 [libcurl,crappy,plugins,keystore], commit 8a8e91e7fc2f9d88395cf52bb920ffa2df94afb4, built at 2025-03-20@12:41:09+0100 by Mage (go1.24.1 darwin/arm64)
usage: ccat [options] [file ...]
-t, --tokens string comma-separated list of tokens
-i, --ignore-case tokens given with -t are case-insensitive
-o, --only don't display lines without at least one token
-r, --raw don't treat tokens as regexps
-n, --line-number number the output lines, starting at 1.
-L, --flock-in exclusively flock each file before reading
-l, --flock-out exclusively flock stdout
-w, --word read word by word instead of line by line (only works with utf8)
-b, --bg colorize the background instead of the font
-H, --humanize try to do what is needed to help (syntax-highlight, autodetect, etc.)
-S, --style string style to use (only used if -H, --fullhelp for the list)
-F, --formatter string formatter to use (only used if -H, --fullhelp for the list)
-P, --lexer string lexer to use (only used if -H, --fullhelp for the list)
-m, --mutators string mutators to use (comma-separated), --fullhelp for the list
-V, --version print version on stdout
--license print license on stdout
-B, --buildinfo print build info on stdout
-h, --help print usage on stderr
--fullhelp print full usage on stdout
--selfupdate Update to latest Github release
--check Check version with the latest Github release
--forceupdate Force overwriting to the latest Github release
-d, --debug debug what we are doing
-M, --mem-usage print memory usage on stderr at the end
-k, --insecure get files insecurely (globally)
-C, --completion string print shell completion script
-T, --ui display with a minimal ui
--pprof enable cpu and mem profiling
--setkey interactively ask and store a secret in the OS keyring
ccat <files>...
- highlighter (used with -H):
- Lexers: 1S, 1S:Enterprise, ABAP, abap, abl, ABNF, abnf, aconf, actionscript, ActionScript, ActionScript 3, actionscript3, Ada, ada, ada2005, ada95, Agda, agda, ahk, AL, al, alloy, Alloy, Angular2, antlr, ANTLR, apache, ApacheConf, apacheconf, APL, apl, AppleScript, applescript, aql, ArangoDB AQL, arduino, Arduino, arexx, ArmAsm, armasm, as, as3, asm, ATL, atl, autohotkey, AutoHotkey, autoit, AutoIt, Awk, awk, b3d, ballerina, Ballerina, Bash, bash, Bash Session, bash-session, basic, bat, batch, Batchfile, beef, Beef, bf, bib, bibtex, BibTeX, bicep, Bicep, bind, blitzbasic, BlitzBasic, BNF, bnf, bplus, bqn, BQN, brainfuck, Brainfuck, bsdmake, c, C, C#, c#, c++, C++, caddy, caddy-d, caddyfile, Caddyfile, Caddyfile Directives, caddyfile-d, caddyfile-directives, Cap'n Proto, capnp, cassandra, Cassandra CQL, cassette, Ceylon, ceylon, cf3, cfengine3, CFEngine3, cfg, cfs, cfstatement, chai, ChaiScript, chaiscript, chapel, Chapel, Cheetah, cheetah, chpl, cl, clj, Clojure, clojure, cmake, CMake, COBOL, cobol, coffee, coffee-script, coffeescript, CoffeeScript, Common Lisp, common-lisp, console, Coq, coq, cpp, cql, cr, crystal, Crystal, csh, csharp, CSS, css, csv, CSV, Cucumber, cucumber, cue, CUE, cython, Cython, d, D, dart, Dart, dax, Dax, desktop, Desktop file, desktop_entry, Diff, diff, django, Django/Jinja, dns, docker, Docker, dockerfile, dosbatch, dosini, dtd, DTD, duby, Dylan, dylan, EBNF, ebnf, edn, elisp, elixir, Elixir, elm, Elm, emacs, emacs-lisp, EmacsLisp, erlang, Erlang, ex, exs, f90, Factor, factor, Fennel, fennel, Fish, fish, fishshell, fnl, Forth, forth, fortran, Fortran, fortranfixed, FortranFixed, fsharp, FSharp, gas, GAS, gawk, gd, gd3, GDScript, gdscript, GDScript3, gdscript3, genshi, Genshi, Genshi HTML, Genshi Text, genshitext, gherkin, Gherkin, Gherkin, Gleam, gleam, glsl, GLSL, gnuplot, Gnuplot, go, Go, Go HTML Template, Go Template, Go Text Template, go-html-template, go-template, go-text-template, golang, gql, GraphQL, graphql, graphqls, Groff, groff, groovy, Groovy, gsed, Handlebars, handlebars, hare, Hare, Haskell, haskell, haxe, Haxe, hbs, hcl, HCL, hexdump, Hexdump, HLB, hlb, hlsl, HLSL, HolyC, holyc, hs, HTML, html, html+genshi, html+kid, http, HTTP, hx, hxsl, Hy, hylang, idr, idris, Idris, igor, Igor, igorpro, INI, ini, Io, io, iscdhcpd, ISCdhcpd, j, J, java, Java, java-properties, JavaScript, javascript, jinja, jl, js, JSON, json, JSONata, jsonata, Jsonnet, jsonnet, jsx, Julia, julia, jungle, Jungle, kid, kotlin, Kotlin, ksh, latex, lighttpd, Lighttpd configuration file, lighty, lisp, llvm, LLVM, lua, Lua, m2, make, Makefile, makefile, mako, Mako, man, mariadb, markdown, Mason, mason, materialize, Materialize SQL dialect, mathematica, Mathematica, matlab, Matlab, mawk, mcf, MCFunction, mcfunction, md, Meson, meson,, metal, Metal, mf, minizinc, MiniZinc, mkd, MLIR, mlir, mma, Modula-2, modula2, monkeyc, MonkeyC, morrowind, MorrowindScript, mwscript, Myghty, myghty, mysql, MySQL, mzn, MZN, mzsql, NASM, nasm, Natural, natural, nawk, nb, ndisasm, NDISASM, newspeak, Newspeak, ng2, nginx, Nginx configuration file, Nim, nim, nimrod, Nix, nix, nixos, no-highlight, nroff, nsh, nsi, NSIS, nsis, obj-c, objc, Objective-C, objective-c, objectivec, objectpascal, ObjectPascal, ocaml, OCaml, Octave, octave, Odin, odin, ones, OnesEnterprise, onesenterprise, openedge, OpenEdge ABL, openedgeabl, openscad, OpenSCAD, org, Org Mode, orgmode, PacmanConf, pacmanconf, Perl, perl, perl6, php, PHP, php3, php4, php5, phtml, PHTML, pig, Pig, pkgconfig, PkgConfig, pl, PL/pgSQL, pl6, plain, plaintext, plc, plpgsql, Plutus Core, plutus-core, pony, Pony, posh, postgres, postgresql, PostgreSQL SQL dialect, postscr, postscript, PostScript, pov, POVRay, powerquery, PowerQuery, powershell, PowerShell, pq, progress, prolog, Prolog, promela, Promela, PromQL, promql, properties, proto, protobuf, Protocol Buffer, PRQL, prql, ps1, psd1, PSL, psl, psm1, puppet, Puppet, pwsh, py, py2, py3, pyrex, python, Python, Python 2, python2, python3, pyx, QBasic, qbasic, qbs, qml, QML, r, R, racket, Racket, Ragel, ragel, Raku, raku, rb, react, react, reason, reasonml, ReasonML, reg, registry, Rego, rego, rest, restructuredtext, reStructuredText, rexx, Rexx, rkt, RPMSpec, rs, rst, ruby, Ruby, Rust, rust, s, sage, sas, SAS, sass, Sass, scala, Scala, scheme, Scheme, scilab, Scilab, scm, SCSS, scss, Sed, sed, sh, shell, shell-session, sieve, Sieve, smali, Smali, Smalltalk, smalltalk, smarty, Smarty, sml, snbt, SNBT, snobol, Snobol, sol, solidity, Solidity, SourcePawn, sp, sparql, SPARQL, spec, spitfire, splus, sql, SQL, squeak, squid, squid.conf, SquidConf, squidconf, ssed, st, Standard ML, stas, Stylus, stylus, sv, svelte, Svelte, swift, Swift, SYSTEMD, systemd, systemverilog, systemverilog, t-sql, tablegen, TableGen, tal, Tal, tape, tasm, TASM, Tcl, tcl, Tcsh, tcsh, Termcap, termcap, terminfo, Terminfo, Terraform, terraform, TeX, tex, text, tf, thrift, Thrift, TOML, toml, tradingview, TradingView, Transact-SQL, ts, tsql, tsx, Turing, turing, turtle, Turtle, tv, twig, Twig, typescript, TypeScript, TypoScript, typoscript, TypoScriptCssData, typoscriptcssdata, TypoScriptHtmlData, typoscripthtmldata, Typst, typst, ucode, udiff, uxntal, v, V, v, V shell, vala, Vala, vapi,,, vbnet, verilog, verilog, vhdl, VHDL, VHS, vhs, vim, VimL, vlang, vsh, vshell, vtt, vue, vue, vuejs, WDTE, WebGPU Shading Language, WebVTT, wgsl, Whiley, whiley, winbatch, XML, xml, xml+genshi, xml+kid, Xorg, xorg.conf, YAML, yaml, YANG, yang, z80, Z80 Assembly, Zed, zed, Zig, zig, zone, zsh
- Styles: abap, algol, algol_nu, arduino, autumn, average, base16-snazzy, borland, bw, catppuccin-frappe, catppuccin-latte, catppuccin-macchiato, catppuccin-mocha, colorful, doom-one, doom-one2, dracula, emacs, evergarden, friendly, fruity, github, github-dark, gruvbox, gruvbox-light, hr_high_contrast, hrdark, igor, lovelace, manni, modus-operandi, modus-vivendi, monokai, monokailight, murphy, native, nord, nordic, onedark, onesenterprise, paraiso-dark, paraiso-light, pastie, perldoc, pygments, rainbow_dash, rose-pine, rose-pine-dawn, rose-pine-moon, rrt, solarized-dark, solarized-dark256, solarized-light, swapoff, tango, tokyonight-day, tokyonight-moon, tokyonight-night, tokyonight-storm, trac, vim, vs, vulcan, witchhazel, xcode, xcode-dark
- Formatters: html, json, noop, svg, terminal, terminal16, terminal16m, terminal256, terminal8, tokens
- openers:
crng: get data from crypto/rand (accept a size limit as parameter)
echo: echo the string given
file: open local files
gcs: get a GCP Cloud Storage object via gs://
gemini: get URL via Gemini
http: get URL via HTTP(S)
curl: get URL via libcurl bindings
libcurl/8.7.1 SecureTransport (LibreSSL/3.3.6) zlib/1.2.12 nghttp2/1.63.0
protocols: dict,file,ftp,ftps,gopher,gophers,http,https,imap,imaps,ldap,ldaps,mqtt,pop3,pop3s,rtsp,smb,smbs,smtp,smtps,telnet,tftp
mc: get a Minio-compatible object via mc:// (use ~/.mc/config.json or env for credentials)
tcp: get data from listening on tcp://[HOST]:<PORT>
prng: generate endless pcg rand (don't use for crypto) (accept a seed as parameter)
s3: get an AWS s3 object via s3://
ShellScp: get scp:// via local scp
wormhole: get text, file or zipped dir via a wormhole code (wh://<code> or wormhole://<code>)
- mutators:
cb: put a copy in the clipboard
discard: discard X:0 bytes (0 = all)
dummy: a simple fifo
help: display mutators help
hexdump: dump in hex as xxd
indent: indent the text (with X:4 chars)
j: JSON Re-indent (X:2 space-based)
limit: a simple limiting fifo ( with X max size in bytes, for instance 'limit:1k')
maxbw: limit the bandwidth to the specified value (bytes per second)
mimetype: detect mimetype
pv: copy in to out, printing the total and the bandwidth (like pv) each X:1000 milliseconds on stderr
sponge: soak all input before outputting it.
wc: count bytes (b, default), runes (r), words (w) or lines (l)
wrap: word-wrap the text (to X:80 chars maximum)
wrapU: unconditionally wrap the text (to X:80 chars maximum)
x: execute command (e.g. 'x:head -n 10')
md5: compute the md5 checksum
sha1: compute the sha1 checksum
sha256: compute the sha256 checksum
xxh32: compute the xxhash32 checksum
xxh3: compute the xxh3 checksum
xxh64: compute the xxhash64 checksum
bzip2: compress to bzip2 data (X:9 is compression level, 0-9)
gzip: compress to gzip data (X:6 is compression level, 0-9)
lz4: compress to lz4 data (X:0 is compression level, 0-9)
lzma2: compress to lzma2 data
lzma: compress to lzma data
minlz: compress to minlz data
pgzip: compress with pgzip (X:6 is compression level, 0-9, blockSize, blocks)
s2: compress to s2 data
snap: compress to snappy data
xz: compress to xz data
zip: compress to zip data
zlib: compress to zlib data (X:6 is compression level, 0-9)
zstd: compress to zstd data (X:4 is compression level, 1-22)
base64: encode to base64
feed2y: rss/atom/json feed -> YAML
hex: dump in lowercase hex
html2md: html -> markdown
j2y: JSON -> YAML
j5j: JSON5 -> JSON
jcs: JSON -> JSON Canonicalization (RFC 8785)
plist2Y: display an Apple plist as yaml
qp: encode quoted-printable data
unbase64: decode base64
unhex: decode hex, ignore all non-hex chars
unqp: decode quoted-printable data
y2j: YAML -> JSON
punbzip2: parallel decompress bzip2 data (X:0 is concurrency, 0 is auto)
unbzip2: decompress bzip2 data
ungzip: decompress gzip data
unlz4: decompress lz4 data
unlzfse: decompress lzfse data
unlzma2: decompress lzma2 data
unlzma: decompress lzma data
unminlz: decompress minlz data
unpgzip: decompress with pgzip
uns2: decompress s2 data
unsnap: decompress snappy data
unxz: decompress xz data
unzip: decompress the first file in a zip archive
unzlib: decompress zlib data
unzstd: decompress zstd data
easyopen: decrypt with Nacl EasyOpen, get the key from env (KEY)
easyseal: encrypt with Nacl EasySeal, key used is printed on stderr
external APIs:
chatgpt: ask OpenAI ChatGPT, X:<unlimited> max replied tokens, the optional second arg is the model (Requires a valid key in $OPENAI_API_KEY, optional custom endpoint in $OPENAI_BASE_URL.)
claude: ask Anthropic Claude, X:<unlimited> max replied tokens, optional second arg is the model, optional third arg is the preprompt (needs a valid key in $ANTHROPIC_API_KEY)
googleai: googleai, X:gemini-1.5-flash is the model (Requires a valid key in $GOOGLE_API_KEY)
huggingface: ask HuggingFace for simple tasks, optional args are model, max tokens, temperature (needs a valid key in $HUGGING_FACE_HUB_TOKEN, set HUGGING_FACE_ENDPOINT to use an Inference API endpoint)
mistralai: ask MistralAI, X:<unlimited> max replied tokens, the optional second arg is the model (Requires a valid key in $MISTRAL_API_KEY)
translate: translate to X:en or $TARGET_LANGUAGE with google translate (needs a valid key in $GOOGLE_API_KEY)
wa: query wolfram alpha Short Answers API (APPID in $WA_APPID)
wallm: query wolfram alpha LLM API (APPID in $WA_APPID)
wasimple: query wolfram alpha Simple API (output is an image, APPID in $WA_APPID)
waspoken: query wolfram alpha Spoken API (APPID in $WA_APPID)
filterUTF8: remove non-utf8
jsonpath: a jsonpath expression to apply (on $, with all ',' replaced by '|', all ':' replaced by '£')
removeANSI: remove ANSI codes
wasm: a wasi (wasm) module to apply (path as first argument
yaegi: a yaegi script to apply (path as first argument, symbol as second argument)
('X:Y' means X is an argument with default value Y)
mutator aliases:
b64: base64
cgpt: chatgpt
d: discard
dum, dumm: dummy
gai: googleai
xxd, hd: hexdump
h2m, h2md: html2md
hf: huggingface
l, head: limit
mime: mimetype
mistral: mistralai
unb64, ub64: unbase64