is a hugo theme forked from KeepIt (which is based on LeaveIt).
take a quick look here
this theme has lots of enhancement on LeaveIt, e.g.
- auto dark mode (unfortunately we don't have manual option now)
- mathjax support
- better code highlighting (auto change light/dark based on the theme!)
- article heading anchors
- etc.
be sure to add
codeFences = false
to your config file or you will get an annoying code block
if you want use mathjax, please add
mathjax = true
both to your site config file and your article file frontmatters.(the example is toml
code, use yaml or json based on your own config file/article frontmatters)
repl.it is a pretty cool programming platform, also it provide a "embed code" share. Since hugo had disabled raw html by default from v0.60, so i write a shortcode to share repl code.
{{< repl "username/repl-name" >}}
you could find your repl's "username/repl-name" from the address bar, be caution that the username don't inculde the @ symbol.
an example config file is like this:
baseURL = "https://blog.example.com/"
languageCode = "zh-cn"
title = "example blog"
theme = "left"
hasCJKLanguage = true # if your lang is not Chinese, Japanese or Korean, pls comment this line
paginate = 12
enableEmoji = true
enableRobotsTXT = true
googleAnalytics = ""
disqusShortname = "yourdiscussshortname"
cfWebAnalyticsToken = ""
changefreq = "monthly"
filename = "sitemap.xml"
priority = 0.5
posts = "/posts/:year/:filename/"
# disable condeFences to use theme code highlight
# or this will give u an annoying code block background color
codeFences = false
name = "Posts"
url = "/posts/"
weight = 1
name = "Tags"
url = "/tags/"
weight = 3
name = "About"
url = "/about"
weight = 4
name = "RSS"
url = "/atom.xml"
weight = 5
since = 2020
author = "batkiz" # Author's name
subtitle = ""
home_mode = "" # post or other
mathjax = true
google_verification = ""
bing_verification = ""
yandex_verification = ""
pinterest_verification = ""
baidu_verification = ""
avatar = "" #comment it to use gravatar
socialShare = false
description = "" # site description
keywords = "" # site keywords
license= '如无特殊声明,本博客文章均以 <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/" target="_blank">CC BY-NC-SA 4.0</a> 协议发布'
#email = "[email protected]" #uncomment and insert your email address to use gravatar
#GitHub = "xxxx"
#Linkedin = "xxxx"
#Twitter = "xxxx"
#Instagram = "xxxx"
#Email = "[email protected]"
#Facebook = "xxxx"
#Telegram = "xxxx"
#Medium = "xxxx"
#Gitlab = "xxxx"
#Youtubelegacy = "xxxx"
#Youtubecustom = "xxxx"
#Youtubechannel = "xxxx"
#Tumblr ="xxxx"
#Quora = "xxxx"
#Keybase = "xxxx"
#Pinterest = "xxxx"
#Reddit = "xxxx"
#Codepen = "xxxx"
#Bitbucket = "xxxx"
#Stackoverflow = "xxxxx"
#Weibo = "xxxx"
#Odnoklassniki = "xxxx"
#VKontakte = "xxxx"
#Flickr = "xxxx"
#Xing = "xxxx"
#Snapchat = "xxxx"
#Soundcloud = "xxxx"
#Spotify = "xxxx"
#Bandcamp = "xxxx"
#Paypal = "xxxx"
#Fivehundredpx = "xxxx"
#Mix = "xxxx"
#Goodreads = "xxxx"
#Lastfm = "xxxx"
#Foursquare = "xxxx"
#Hackernews = "xxxx"
#Kickstarter = "xxxx"
#Patreon = "xxxx"
#Steam = "xxxx"
#Twitch = "xxxx"
#Strava = "xxxx"
#Skype = "xxxx"
#Whatsapp = "xxxx"
#Zhihu = "xxxx"
#Douban = "xxxx"
#Angellist = "xxxx"
#Slidershare = "xxxx"
#Jsfiddle = "xxxx"
#Deviantart = "xxxx"
#Behance = "xxxx"
#Dribble = "xxxx"
#Wordpress = "xxxx"
#Vine = "xxxx"
#Googlescholar = "xxxx"
#Researchgate = "xxxx"
#Mastodon = "xxxx"
#Thingiverse = "xxxx"
#Twitter = true
#Facebook = true
#Reddit = true
#Linkedin = true
#Pinterest = true
#HackerNews = true
#Mix = true
#Tumblr = true
#VKontakte = true
#Douban = true
#Weibo = true
# for RSS
copyright = "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License."
defaultContentLanguage = "en"
home = [ "Atom", "HTML" ]
mediatype = "application/rss"
baseName = "atom"
name = "xxxx"
name = "xxxx"
url = "logo.png"
width = 127
height = 40
url = "logo.png"
width = 127
height = 40
url = "cover.png"
width = 800
height = 600
# comments
owner = "" # Your GitHub ID
repo = "" # The repo to store comments
clientId = "" # Your client ID
clientSecret = "" # Your client secret
enable = false
appId = 'your appId'
appKey = 'your appKey'
notify = false # mail notifier , https://github.com/xCss/Valine/wiki
verify = false # Verification code
avatar = 'mm'
placeholder = 'your comments ...'
visitor = true
[params.utterances] # https://utteranc.es/
owner = "" # Your GitHub ID
repo = "" # The repo to store comments
[params.gitment] # Gitment is a comment system based on GitHub issues. see https://github.com/imsun/gitment
owner = "" # Your GitHub ID
repo = "" # The repo to store comments
clientId = "" # Your client ID
clientSecret = "" # Your client secret