Statocashi: Bitcoin ABC Core + statistics logging
Statocashi is a fork of JLOPP Statoshi ( adapted to work with bitcoin cash. It uses Bitcoin ABC node.
Statocashi = +
The goal of Bitcoin ABC is to create sound money that is usable by everyone in the world. We believe this is a civilization-changing technology which will dramatically increase human flourishing, freedom, and prosperity. The project aims to achieve this goal by implementing a series of optimizations and protocol upgrades that will enable peer-to-peer digital cash to scale many orders of magnitude beyond current limits.
Bitcoin Cash is an experimental digital currency that enables instant payments to anyone, anywhere in the world. It uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority: managing transactions and issuing money are carried out collectively by the network. Bitcoin Cash is a descendant of Bitcoin. It became a separate currency from the version supported by Bitcoin Core when the two split on August 1, 2017. Bitcoin Cash and the Bitcoin Core version of Bitcoin share the same transaction history up until the split.
15 November 2017 : Upgrade Statocashi to Bitcoin ABC v0.16 (DAA hard-fork version)
19 August 2017 : Fix the mining chart issue (configuration problem). New features added like prices.
16 August 2017 : First fork from Bitcoin ABC and Statoshi functions implementation.
29 May 2018 : Upgrade to Bitcoin ABC V0.17 (New hard-fork)
12 November 2018 : Upgrade to Bitcoin ABC v0.18.2/3 (Nov 2018 hard-fork)
10 Junary 2020 : Need last Bitcoin BCH ABC hard-fork upgrades /!\
How does it work ?
Statocashi node -> statsd -> graphite <- grafana (web interface) Legend : <-/-> = dataflux
Node.js: Download node [] and install node.js, on ubuntu just run
root@bash: sudo apt-get install nodejs npm
Forever: just run
root@bash: sudo npm install forever
Statsd: Download [] (the github repo of statsd) and copy all files in a folder (like /opt/statsd/).
Graphite: There are many way to install graphite. I used this one : []. If you had dependencies problems you can try this : [].
Apache2: Debian/ubuntu based
root@bash: sudo apt-get install apache2
Memcached: Debian/ubuntu based
root@bash: sudo apt-get install memcached
Grafana: Here too, this should be enough (or check at []) :
root@bash: sudo apt-get install grafana
Statsd configuration :
root@bash: sudo nano /opt/statsd/config.js
and paste the following configuration :{ graphitePort: 2003, graphiteHost: "", port: 8125, backends: [ "./backends/graphite" ] }
Save the file (ctrl + x on nano) and it should be ok !
Graphite configuration :
root@bash: sudo nano /opt/graphite/conf/storage-aggregation.conf
and paste the following configuration :[min] pattern = \.min$ xFilesFactor = 0.0 aggregationMethod = min [max] pattern = \.max$ xFilesFactor = 0.0 aggregationMethod = max [sum] pattern = \.count$ xFilesFactor = 0.0 aggregationMethod = sum [default_average] pattern = .* xFilesFactor = 0.0 aggregationMethod = average
ctrl + x and then :
root@bash: sudo nano /opt/graphite/conf/storage-schemas.conf
and paste this configuration :[carbon] pattern = ^carbon\. retentions = 10:2160,60:10080,600:262974 [stats] priority = 110 pattern = ^stats\..* retentions = 10:2160,60:10080,600:262974 [default] pattern = .* retentions = 10:2160,60:10080,600:262974
and again ctrl + x ... ! Now enable memcached on graphite :
root@bash: sudo nano /opt/graphite/webapp/graphite/
add the following lines in the fileMEMCACHE_HOSTS = [''] DEFAULT_CACHE_DURATION = 600
Clone the github projet into a folder where you want to install the node :
root@bash: sudo git clone
Check dependencies Take a loot at build notes : []
Compile the project
root@bash: cd /path/to/cloned/statocashi/repo
root@bash:/statocashi/repo/$ ./
root@bash:/statocashi/repo/$ ./configure --disable-wallet
(--disable-wallet is not necessary, but I don't care on my node !)
root@bash:/statocashi/repo/$ make
Now be patient, it depend of your computer (15 mins ~ with 4 Cores i5, more than 40minutes with 2 Cores cpu).
Create a bitcoin.conf file
root@bash: nano /statocashi/node_files/bitcoin.conf
then paste this :rpcuser=unguessableUser3256 rpcpassword=someRandomPassword server=1 rpcbind= # this is my node IP ;) addnode= blocknotify=/path/to/Statocashi/src/bitcoin-cli -conf=/path/to/statocash/conf/bitcoin.without.node.conf getmininginfo && sleep 30 && /path/to/Statocashi/src/bitcoin-cli -conf=/path/to/statocash/conf/bitcoin.without.node.conf gettxoutsetinfo
Start statsd continually (if crashed or exited)
root@bash: sudo forever start /opt/statsd/stats.js /opt/statsd/config.js
Start graphite collector
root@bash: sudo /opt/graphite/bin/ start
Start graphite webapp with the 8181 port, and listen on localhost
root@bash: sudo /opt/graphite/bin/ --port 8181 --interface localhost /opt/graphite/
Start grafana
root@bash: sudo service grafana-server start
Start the Statocashi node as a daemon
root@bash: cd /path/to/cloned/statocashi/repo/src
root@bash: ./bitcoind -conf=/statocashi/node_files/bitcoin.conf -daemon
At this stage, you can access to your grafana node (http://ip_addr:3000) (default login admin/admin) and start to copy my Dashboards (from preview website) to your grafana. Don't forget to add the Datasource (graphite : localhost:8181) to your Grafana configuration file.
Notice that you may have to totally synced your node to see coherent data ...
If you get trouble dont hesitate to open an issue or contact me !
Statocashi is released under the terms of the MIT license. See for more information. Some information about grafana configuration If you would like to contribute, please read CONTRIBUTING