CSScomb helps you sort and categorize CSS properties in your code to improve maintenance of your stylesheets.
npm install -g less-plugin-csscomb
and then on the command line,
lessc file.less --csscomb
You can chose between the following configuration: csscomb (default), zen or yandex. The preceding configuration can be passed as an argument to the plugin:
lessc file.less --csscomb="yandex"
Alternatively use your own custom configuration by providing the path as an argument to the plugin:
lessc file.less --csscomb="config/test.json"
var LessPluginCSScomb = require('less-plugin-csscomb'),
csscombPlugin = new LessPluginCSScomb("zen");
less.render(lessString, { plugins: [csscombPlugin] })
Browser usage is not supported at this time.