An implementation of dual encoder using Keras (more details are on my blog post
In this repository I implemented the dual encoder used in this paper using Keras. The motivation of this work is that the available implementations of this work are in Theano and Tensorflow
I think that both implementations are hard to understand and to re-use (my point of view) so I decided to implement a simple code using Keras with Theano in backend.
- Python 3.5
- Theano 0.9.0
- Keras 2.0.8
- Creat three folders in the local directory (dual_encoder_udc): dataset, model and embeddings.
- Download Glove Embeddings into embeddings directory
cd embeddings wget unzip
- Download the dataset (train, test and dev):
- You can download it directly in format .pkl into dataset folder: These pkl files were generated using the utilities/ script which separate the context and response from each of the train.csv, test.csv and dev.csv
- Or you can download raw files in csv format from here and run the utilities/ script by yourself.
cd utilities python
Running The above python script should give you the results below. Note that the best results are obtained after epoch 2, using the default hyperparameters: --emb_dim=300, --hidden_size=300, --batch_size=256. Note that embeddings are intilized with glove and are fine tuned during training.
Perform on test set after Epoch: 2...!
group_size: 2
recall@1 0.898414376321353
group_size: 5
recall@1 0.7420190274841437
recall@2 0.898784355179704
group_size: 10
recall@1 0.6213002114164905
recall@2 0.7822410147991543
recall@5 0.948784355179704