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breseq v0.39.0

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@jeffreybarrick jeffreybarrick released this 10 Jul 16:53
· 20 commits to master since this release

Version 0.39.0

  • Fixed MAJOR ERRORS in assigning mutations to promoter regions of genes (#374)
  • We are migrating the breseq documentation to the GitHub wiki. Please check there
    for the most updated version. The docs packaged with breseq are sunsetting.
  • Commands like breseq BAM2COV and BAM2ALN are now more forgiving in the ways regions can be specified.
    • You can include commas in positions, which will be removed. REL606:627,165-627,185 orREL606:627165-627185
    • You can provide just a single position REL606:627165 or REL606:627165-627165
    • Hyphen-like characters (–) are automatically converted to hyphens (-).
  • Removed an extra comma in gdtools COMPARE table output header (#368)

MacOSX binary updated on 10-22-24 to fix libz linking error (#386).