This is a simple automated tool, combining 2 scripts for the simple use of switch on or off 1 or more snmp enabled devices.
In this case, a metered and switched APC rack PDU is used to switch 2 lights on and off. To help this, a job is inserted in the crontab of an Linux device (eg. OrangePI). The job is inserted once manually and after that it resets itself to the correct time (...twilight_end).
So, a sort of home automation but different.
- Linux environment
- Python 3.x (compatible with 2.7)
- modules: json, requests, python-crontab
- snmp tools (like snmputils for snmpget and snmpset)
- SNMP enabled switch device
- Clone the 2 files, make them executable.
- Set the email function to your wishes in
- Set the correct latitude and longtitude of the param 'link' in
- Set the job user to the correct one
- Set the accordingly to your installation dir
- Set the snmp IP's and communities in
- Edit your crontab (crontab -e) and add these lines:
0 6 * * * <youruser> /your/dir/
1 1 * * * <youruser> /your/dir/ on >/dev/null 2>&1
0 23 * * * <youruser> /your/dir/ off >/dev/null 2>&1
Set your 'off' time accordingly. The 'on' time is just some random. It will reset itself eventually.
- Execute the API call by running "./"
- Check the new cron job with "crontab -l"
The API gives multiple times in a JSON format. You can choose your own time for switching on your lights(or device)
For now, it uses the 'nautical_twilight_end' time. Set it to your prefered time in
Yes, the could be done in a different manner. Yes, you can use z-wave/hue/insert-vendor, but if you already have such APC rack pdu behind your furniture...