Barcode Bakery is library written in .NET Standard, PHP and Node.JS which allows you to generate barcodes on the fly on your server for displaying or saving.
The library has minimal dependencies in each language in order to be supported on a wide variety of web servers.
The library is available for free for non-commercial use; however you must purchase a license if you plan to use it in a commercial environment.
There are two ways to install our library:
- With PowerShell, get the file from NuGet, run the following command:
PM> Install-Package BarcodeBakery.Barcode1D
- Or, download the library on our website, and follow our developer's guide.
- .NET Standard 2.0
- .NET Core 2.0+
- .NET Framework 4.6.1+
For a full example of how to use each symbology type, visit our API page.
public static async Task CreateAsync(string filePath, string? text = null)
// Loading Font
var font = new BCGFont("Arial", 18);
// Don't forget to sanitize user inputs
text = text?.Length > 0 ? text : "a123";
// The arguments are R, G, B for color.
var colorBlack = new BCGColor(0, 0, 0);
var colorWhite = new BCGColor(255, 255, 255);
Exception? drawException = null;
BCGBarcode? barcode = null;
var code = new BCGcode128();
code.SetScale(2); // Resolution
code.SetThickness(30); // Thickness
code.SetForegroundColor(colorBlack); // Color of bars
code.SetBackgroundColor(colorWhite); // Color of spaces
code.SetFont(font); // Font
code.Parse(text); // Text
barcode = code;
catch (Exception exception)
drawException = exception;
var drawing = new BCGDrawing(barcode, colorWhite);
if (drawException != null)
// Saves the barcode into a MemoryStream
var memoryStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
await drawing.FinishAsync(BCGDrawing.ImageFormat.Png, memoryStream);
Replace the last line of the previous code with the following:
// Saves the barcode into a file.
await drawing.FinishAsync(BCGDrawing.ImageFormat.Png, filePath);