Package rez provides image resizing in pure Go and SIMD.
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Package rez provides image resizing in pure Go and SIMD.
- YCbCr, RGBA, NRGBA & Gray resizes
- YCbCr Chroma subsample ratio conversions
- Optional interlaced-aware resizes
- Parallel resizes
- SIMD optimisations on AMD64
The easiest way to use it is:
err := Convert(output, input, NewBicubicFilter())
However, if you plan to convert video, where resize parameters are the same for multiple images, the best way is:
cfg, err := PrepareConversion(output, input)
converter, err := NewConverter(cfg, NewBicubicFilter())
for i := 0; i < N; i++ {
err := converter.Convert(output[i], input[i])
Note that by default, images are resized in parallel with GOMAXPROCS slices. Best performance is obtained when GOMAXPROCS is at least equal to your CPU count.
Automatically generated by autoreadme on 2014.11.25