Balanced Static Site
Welcome to the Balanced Static Site.
As an open company we want to put as much of our company in the public view as possible. We're creating our homepage as a static site that anyone can fork, comment on, contribute to, or generally tinker with.
Found a spelling mistake? See an error? Jump in and contribute!
You will need node installed as a development dependency. See node's site for help with that.
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install
- Build -
- To view in a browser - http://localhost:8080/
- To run unit tests at the command line
grunt test
- To build for deployment
grunt build
- To build everything
grunt build
- To deploy to S3
grunt deploy
Note: To build, you need to have binary dependendencies installed for grunt-img. See the project page for how to set that up. If you have a Mac and use homebrew, you can run this to install them:
brew install optipng jpeg
Note: In order to deploy to S3, you must have the appropriate AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
environment variables set
You can contribute to this project in one of two ways:
- Browse our issues, comment on proposals, report bugs.
- Clone the balanced-static-site repo, make some changes according to our development guidelines and issue a pull-request with your changes.
- Fork it (
git clone git://
) - Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Write your code and unit tests
- Ensure all tests still pass (
grunt test
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new pull request
Vagrant is a tool to automate the installation of development
environments in separate virtual machines. This project has been setup
with vagrant to map this current folder to /srv/app.
Vagrant will also connect port 8080 in the virtual machine to port 8080 on the host computers localhost, so that if you surf to when vagrant is running then you will be able to see the website running.
Any changes made while vagrant is running should be propagated to the virtual machine and regenerate the site with the changes made.
Install Vagrant and required dependencies.
Install Berkshelf
$ gem install berkshelf --no-ri --no-rdoc
Install the vagrant-berkshelf Plugin
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf
Install the vagrant-omnibus plugin
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus
Fire up the virtual machine first time
$ vagrant up
Fire up the virtual machine subsequent attempts
$ vagrant provision
$ vagrant ssh
$ cd /srv/app
$ grunt vagrant
Open your web browser and point it to and bask in the greatness that is our website. To see updates refresh your browser. Updates can take a few seconds to build.