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This repository holds JOD dictionary dump scripts.

A JOD dump script is a serialized ASCII script that may be used to create, update, or archive a JOD dictionary database. This repository contains current versions of my working JOD dictionaries. For more about JOD, see The JOD Page.

The following example shows how to restore JOD dictionaries from repository dump scripts. You can get JOD dictionary dump scripts in two ways. You can use Git to pull the scripts into a local repository (item 2), or you can use GitHub's Zip download feature (item 1) to grab the current version of the scripts. For simple testing and exploration, the Zip download is more straightforward.

  1. Use GitHub's Zip download to get the current scripts in one Zip file. Extract the files in the Zip file to a local directory like jpath '~temp/joddumps' and proceed to step 3. Note: jpath is a standard J utility verb.

  2. Use Git to pull scripts to a local joddumps directory.

     git init
     git remote add joddumps
     git pull joddumps master
  3. Start J, load JOD and create dictionaries. JOD is a J addon use Pacman to install it.

     load 'general/jod'
     NB. create dictionaries in standard J ~temp
     newd 'utils';jpath '~temp/joddics/utils'
     newd 'jod';jpath '~temp/joddics/jod'
     newd 'joddev';jpath '~temp/joddics/joddev'
  4. Run the dump scripts:

     od 'utils' [ 3 od ''  NB. ensure closed dictionaries
     0!:0 <jpath '~temp/joddumps/utils.ijs'
     0 globs&> }. revo ''  NB. rebuilds cross references
     3 od ''
     od ;:'jod utils'
     0!:0 <jpath '~temp/joddumps/jod.ijs'
     0 globs&> }. revo '' 
     3 od ''
     od ;:'joddev jod utils'
     0!:0 <jpath '~temp/joddumps/joddev.ijs'
     0 globs&> }. revo '' 
     3 od ''

After the dump scripts are loaded into dictionaries they can be opened and used by JOD.

    od ;:'joddev jod utils' [ 3 od ''

    did ~ 0
 │ ││      │--│Words│Tests│Groups*│Suites*│Macros│Path*            ││
 │ │├──────┼──┼─────┼─────┼───────┼───────┼──────┼─────────────────┤│
 │ ││joddev│rw│33   │2    │4      │0      │16    │/joddev/jod/utils││
 │ │├──────┼──┼─────┼─────┼───────┼───────┼──────┼─────────────────┤│
 │ ││jod   │rw│867  │91   │23     │14     │77    │/jod/utils       ││
 │ │├──────┼──┼─────┼─────┼───────┼───────┼──────┼─────────────────┤│
 │ ││utils │rw│426  │10   │23     │0      │20    │/utils           ││
 │ │└──────┴──┴─────┴─────┴───────┴───────┴──────┴─────────────────┘│

John Baker January 6, 2024


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