A sample dataset for the r.sim.terrain landscape evolution model. This dataset includes the GRASS GIS location nc_spm_evolution. This location is in the North Carolina State Plane HARN Meters coordinate system (EPSG code 3358). It contains the mapset PERMANENT with spatial data for Fort Bragg, NC. The location also contains rainfall records, rules for custom color tables, rules for recoding data, and metadata.
The mapset includes:
- 10-meter resolution digital elevation model for 2012 for Fort Bragg
- 1-meter resolution digital elevation models from 2004, 2014, and 2016 for a highly eroded subwatershed near Patterson Branch Creek on Fort Bragg
- 1-meter resolution orthoimagery of the subwatershed from 2006, 2009, 2010, 2012, and 2014
- derived data including shaded relief, landforms, and landcover
Elevation 2004 | Elevation 2016 |
Depth 2016 | Difference 2004-2016 |
Imagery 2014 | Landcover 2014 |
Landforms 2004 | Landforms 2016 |
This sample dataset is derived from publicly available data from the US Army, USGS, USDA, NC Floodplain Mapping Program, and the NC State Climate Office.
USDA NAIP was acquired from the USGS Earth Explorer.
Soil data was acquired from the USDA Soil Survey.
2001 lidar data collected by the NC Floodplain Mapping Program was acquired from the NC Floodplain Mapping Program's Spatial Data Download site and the USGS Earth Explorer.
2012 lidar data was acquired by contacting Fort Bragg.
2015 lidar data was acquired from NC Floodplain Mapping Program's Spatial Data Download site.
Weather data was acquired from the State Climate Office of North Carolina's Climate Retrieval and Observations Network Of the Southeast
This dataset is licensed under the Open Database License by Brendan Harmon