this project is driven by python ^3.5 and pip ^19
- git clone your/project/dir
- cd your/project/dir
- virtualenv venv (install virtenv or analog)
- source venv/bin/activate(or analog activation)
- pip install -r requirements.txt
then you can run migrations 6. cd dashboard_rest/ 7. python makemigrations 8. python migrate
also, you can create superadmin 9. python createsuperuser and follow the instruction below
available possibility:
- articles list
- create the article with associated tags
- edit article
- read article
- delete article
- python manage.ry runserver (port number - optional)
- copy URL below to test app (http://url:port)
- to get articles list to emulate GET request to http://url:port/articles/list/
- to create article emulate POST request (Content-Type: application/json) to http://url:port/articles/create/ with params: article: { "title":"test title", "description":"test description", "author_name":"Test Author" } tags(optional, with any amount): [ { "name":"test name 1" }, { "name":"test name 2" }, ... ]
- to edit article emulate POST request (Content-Type: application/json) to http://url:port/articles/edit// with the same params as create
- to read article emulate get the request to http://url:port/articles/read//
- to delete article emulate DELETE request (Content-Type: application/json) to http://url:port/articles/delete// witout params
so, this is it sorry for some shitty constructions in create/update actions actually, this is my first REST API plus first practice with DRF