A knowledge tracing benchmark library. It is mainly based on Pytorch and Hugging Face datasets.
Create a virtual environment then run the following from the project folder:
pip install .
Run the following from the project folder:
python baseline/run.py
By default a ".ktbench" folder is created, containing the experiment logs:
└── dataset_name
└── model_name
└── training_time_stamp
├── test.yaml # Contains results on the test set.
└── valid_fold_k.yaml # Contains validation results on the kth fold during training.
An example of training and evaluating a DKT with basic KC-expanded sequence
from ktbench import Pipeline, bench_model
from dataclasses import dataclass
from ktbench.model.dkt.dkt import DKT
class Cfg:
model_cls = DKT
window_size: int = 150
is_unfold = True
eval_method = Pipeline.EVAL_UNFOLD_KC_LEVEL
kfold = 5
class Traincfg:
batch_size = 128
eval_batch_size = 128
n_epoch = 100
lr = 0.001
bench_model(Cfg(), Traincfg(), datasets = ['assist2009'])
Useful tools for knowledge tracing:
- EduStudio: A Unified Library for Student Cognitive Modeling including Cognitive Diagnosis (CD) and Knowledge Tracing (KT).
- pykt-toolkit: A Python Library to Benchmark Deep Learning based Knowledge Tracing Models
Some datapreprocessing and model implementations were adapted from these tools.