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This is an attempt to create an mpd client using Sinatra, jQuery, and html5 <audio> elements. Things are kind of buggy at the moment but if you don't do crazy stuff it should work in general.

What works:
-view the current playlist
-change to a track in the current playlist
-clear the playlist
-add a track or folder to the playlist

What doesn't work:
Chrome's HTML5 <audio> handler seems to choke on Ogg frames that contain a Vorbis header

-the mpc gem, (requires ruby-tree), specifically my fork of it for now which fixes a small bug and adds a 'playing?' method
-an MPD server, set up to stream through icecast or the builtin streamer. Icecast seems to work better with Firefox, I think it may have something to do with MIME types but I haven't investigated it yet.

-fix song-end bug
-polling or pushing track progress and allowing the user to change the track position (jQuery-ui slider?)
-general drying up of the code, adding config files that aren't so hacky, etc.
-support for mp3 streams
-graceful fallback to jorbis or other player for older browsers

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an MPD client using Sinatra and jQuery






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