Full-stack web template in Rust using rust-actix-web-api and rust-leptos-spa templates.
Web Assembly build target
# Install wasm32 target
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
Dev tools
# Install degit
cargo install degit
# Install trunk
cargo install trunk
# Install tailwind
pushd spa && npm install && popd
# Define the new project's name
# Use `this` template
degit https://github.com/axgonz/rust-web-template $proj_name && pushd $proj_name
# Use frontend and backend templates
degit https://github.com/axgonz/rust-actix-web-api api && rm -r api/.vscode
degit https://github.com/axgonz/rust-leptos-spa spa && rm -r spa/.vscode
In a new terminal called actix
# Start actix-web service
cargo run
In a new terminal called tailwind
pushd spa && npx tailwindcss -i styles/input.css -o styles/tailwind.css --watch
In a new terminal called trunk
# Start trunk dev service
export TRUNK_BUILD_RELEASE=false && trunk serve
# Build backend
cargo build --release
# Build css
pushd spa && npx tailwindcss -i styles/input.css -o styles/tailwind.css --minify && popd
# Build frontend
export TRUNK_BUILD_RELEASE=true && trunk build
# Show build artifacts
ls -lsd target/release/rust-actix-web-api dist