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The Amazon Genomics CLI project has entered its End Of Life (EOL) phase. The code is no longer actively maintained and the Github repository will be archived on May 31 2024. During this time, we encourage customers to migrate to AWS HealthOmics to run their genomics workflows on AWS, or reach out to their AWS account team for alternative solutions. While the source code of AGC will still be available after the EOL date, we will not make any updates inclusive of addressing issues or accepting Pull Requests.


Amazon Genomics CLI


The Amazon Genomics CLI is a tool to simplify the processes of deploying the AWS infrastructure required to run genomics workflows in the cloud, to submit those workflows to run, and to monitor the logs and outputs of those workflows.

Quick Start

To get an introduction to Amazon Genomics CLI refer to the Quick Start Guide in our wiki.

Further Reading

For full documentation, please refer to our docs.


All releases can be accessed on our releases page.

The latest nightly build can be accessed here: s3://healthai-public-assets-us-east-1/amazon-genomics-cli/nightly-build/


To build from source you will need to ensure the following prerequisites are met.

One-time setup

There are a few prerequisites you'll need to install on your machine before you can start developing.

Once you've installed all the dependencies listed here, run make init to install the rest.


The Amazon Genomics CLI is written in Go.

To manage and install Go versions, we use goenv. Follow the installation instructions here.

Once goenv is installed, use it to install the version of Go required by the Amazon Genomics CLI build process, so that it will be available when the build process invokes goenv's go shim:

goenv install

You will need to do this step again whenever the required version of Go is changed.


Amazon Genomics CLI makes use of the AWS CDK to deploy infrastructure into an AWS account. Our CDK code is written in TypeScript. You'll need Node to ensure the appropriate dependencies are installed at build time.

To manage and install Node versions, we use nvm.

curl -o- | bash
echo 'export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo '[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
nvm install

Note: If you are using Zsh, replace ~/.bashrc with ~/.zshrc.

Sed (OSX)

OSX uses an outdated version of sed. If you are on a Mac, you will need to use a newer version of sed to ensure script compatibility.

brew install gnu-sed
echo 'export PATH="$(brew --prefix gnu-sed)/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Note: If you are using Zsh, replace ~/.bashrc with ~/.zshrc.

One time setup

Once you've installed all the dependencies listed here, run make init to automatically install all remaining dependencies.


We use make to build, test and deploy artifacts. To build and test issue the make command from the project root.

If you're experiencing build issues, try running go clean --cache in the project root to clean up your local go build cache. Then try to run make init then make again. This should ideally resolve it.

Running Development Code

Option 1. Running with local release

Unlike running '' script, this option will build and install a new version of Amazon Genomics CLI, replacing the one installed. To run a release version of Amazon Genomics CLI from your local build, first build your changes and then run make release. This will create a release bundle dist/ at this package root directory. Run the script in the dist folder to install your local release version of Amazon Genomics CLI. After installing, you should be able to run agc on the terminal.

Option 2. Running with development script

To run against a development version of Amazon Genomics CLI, first build your relevant changes and then run ./scripts/ This will set the required environment variables and then enter into an Amazon Genomics CLI command shell.

Option 3. Running from development code manually + Custom images

  • Update dependencies and build code with make init && make. At this point the compiled binary will be found at packages/cli/bin/local/agc.
  • Optionally, you may build the install package and install the binary and CDK libraries. make release && (cd dist/amazon-genomics-cli && ./
  • Before creating any contexts, ensure you have the relevant environment variables set to point to the ECR repository holding the images of the engines you wish to test. Leave these values unset to test against production images.
export ECR_CROMWELL_ACCOUNT_ID=<some-value>
export ECR_CROMWELL_REGION=<some-value>
export ECR_CROMWELL_TAG=<some-value>
export ECR_CROMWELL_REPOSITORY=<some-value>

export ECR_NEXTFLOW_ACCOUNT_ID=<some-value>
export ECR_NEXTFLOW_REGION=<some-value>
export ECR_NEXTFLOW_TAG=<some-value>
export ECR_NEXTFLOW_REPOSITORY=<some-value>

export ECR_MINIWDL_ACCOUNT_ID=<some-value>
export ECR_MINIWDL_REGION=<some-value>
export ECR_MINIWDL_TAG=<some-value>
export ECR_MINIWDL_REPOSITORY=<some-value>

export ECR_TOIL_ACCOUNT_ID=<some-value>
export ECR_TOIL_REGION=<some-value>
export ECR_TOIL_TAG=<some-value>
export ECR_TOIL_REPOSITORY=<some-value>

These environment variables point to the ECR account, region, repository and tags of the Cromwell, Nextflow, MiniWDL, and Toil engine respectively that will be deployed for your contexts. They are used when you create a context using the corresponding engine types.

The ./scripts/ contains logic to determine the current dev versions of the images which you would typically use. You may also use production images, the current values of which will be written when you activate an account with the production version of Amazon Genomics CLI. If you have customized containers that you want to develop against you can specify these however you will need to make these available if you wish to make pull requests with code that depends on them.

Building locally with CodeBuild

This package is buildable with AWS CodeBuild. You can use the AWS CodeBuild agent to run CodeBuild builds on a local machine.

You only need to set up the build image the first time you run the agent, or when the image has changed. To set up the build image, use the following commands:

git clone
cd aws-codebuild-docker-images/ubuntu/standard/5.0
docker build -t aws/codebuild/standard:5.0 .
docker pull amazon/aws-codebuild-local:latest --disable-content-trust=false

Create an environment file (e.g. env.txt) with the appropriate entries depending on which image tags you want to use.


In the root directory for this package, download and run the CodeBuild build script:

chmod +x
./ -i aws/codebuild/standard:5.0 -a ./output -c -e env.txt

Configuring docker image location

The default values for all variables are placeholders (e.g. 'WES_ECR_TAG_PLACEHOLDER'). It is replaces by the actual value during a build process.

WES adapter for Cromwell

Local environment variables:


The corresponding AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store property names:

  • /agc/_common/wes/ecr-repo/account
  • /agc/_common/wes/ecr-repo/region
  • /agc/_common/wes/ecr-repo/tag

Cromwell engine

Local environment variables:


The corresponding AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store property names:

  • /agc/_common/cromwell/ecr-repo/account
  • /agc/_common/cromwell/ecr-repo/region
  • /agc/_common/cromwell/ecr-repo/tag

Nextflow engine

Local environment variables:


The corresponding AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store property names:

  • /agc/_common/nextflow/ecr-repo/account
  • /agc/_common/nextflow/ecr-repo/region
  • /agc/_common/nextflow/ecr-repo/tag



See Reporting Bugs/Feature Requests for more information. For a list of open bugs and feature requests, please refer to our issues page.

Pull Requests

See Contributing via Pull Requests


See Security Issue Notification for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.