This library lets you send metrics gathered by the ekg family of packages (e.g. ekg-core and ekg) to statsd. While statsd fulfills a very similar role to ekg, it supports many more backends/graphing systems (e.g. Graphite). By sending your metrics to statsd, you can have your ekg metrics appear in these systems.
Exporting metrics to statsd is simple. Either create an empty metric store and register some metrics
import System.Metrics
import System.Remote.Monitoring.Statsd
main = do
store <- newStore
registerGcMetrics store
forkStatsd defaultStatsdOptions store
or use the default metrics and metric store provided by the ekg package
import System.Remote.Monitoring
import System.Remote.Monitoring.Statsd
main = do
handle <- forkServer "localhost" 8000
forkStatsd defaultStatsdOptions (serverMetricStore handle)
starts a new thread the will periodically send your
metrics to statsd using UDP.
Please report bugs via the GitHub issue tracker.
Master git repository:
git clone
This library is written and maintained by Johan Tibell, [email protected].