This project is based on designing and implementing a ‘Vending Machine’ for sushi. It is a Client/Server-Side software system built in Python to interact with the user on the client-side and the data storage is processed on the server-side. The vending machine under the name of ‘ケシャフ sushi’(Keshav in Japanese) will allow the user to carry out the following operations when generating an order.
- Start with a welcome message.
- Choose sushi according to a category and then, he/she will have to enter the quantity the latter wish to purchase.
- A window will display the sushi ID, sushi’s name, individual price, and the total price.
- After each order place, the vending machine will allow the following list of options: a. Add Another b. Finish and Pay c. Cancel
- Add Another operation will allow the user to add another sushi to his/her cart.
- Finish and Pay will display the final receipt containing the list of items, individual price, total price and proceed to make the payment.
- Cancel will display a message and go back to the Welcome window.
- The user can make payment either by cash or card. If payment is done by cash, then the change will also be displayed.
- Finally, after payment, a goodbye message will be displayed and redirecting the user back to the welcome message.