This is the companion repo for the KubeCon EU 2024 Talk, "Prometheus and OpenTelemetry: Better Together".
See the slides here.
Watch the talk here.
In this example, we will:
- Install KinD (KUbernetes in Docker)
- Install the
Prometheus CRs - Install the OTel Operator
- Deploy 3 Python services:
- The Python Client and Server services are instrumented using OpenTelemetry, using a combination of both auto-instrumentation via the OTel Operator, and manual instrumentation
- The Prometheus app emits Prometheus metrics which are picked up by the
CR and are added to the Prometheus Receiver's scrape config via the OTel Operator's Target Allocator.
The Target Allocator configuration and sample Python Prometheus app are based on this tutorial.
This project can be run as a Development (Dev) Container in:
- GitHub Codespaces. Check out this video to learn how.
- VSCode with the Dev Containers plugin. Go to Step 0.
Or, if Dev Containers aren't your jam, then skip Step 0 and go straight to Step 1.
This step requires the Dev Container CLI. You can also build and run your Dev Container using the Dev Container command palette in VSCode.
git clone
cd otel-target-allocator-talk
devcontainer build --no-cache
devcontainer open
The scripts below will install KinD, and then will install the following in the newly-created cluster:
- the
Prometheus CRs cert-manager
(an OTel Operator pre-requisite)- the OTel Operator.
Build Docker image and deploy to KinD
Verify that images are in KinD:
docker exec -it otel-target-allocator-talk-control-plane crictl images | grep target-allocator
Reference here.
🚨 This step deploys resources to send telemetry to the OTel Collector's sdout only. If you want to send telemetry to Dynatrace or ServiceNow Cloud Observability (formerly known as Lightstep), you'll need to skip this step and follow Step 3b or Step 3c, respectively, instead.
Now you are ready to deploy the Kubernetes resources
🚨 If you want to send telemetry to Dynatrace), you'll need to follow the steps below, and skip Step 3a and Step 3c.
To send telemetry to Dynatrace, you will first need a Dynatrace free trial account. You will also need to obtain an access token.
We're going to store the access token in a Kubernetes secret, and will map the secret to an environment variabe in the OpenTelemetryCollector CR
First, create a secrets file for the Lightstep token.
tee -a src/resources/00-secret-dt.yaml <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: otel-collector-secret
namespace: opentelemetry
DT_TOKEN: <base64-encoded-dynatrace-token>
DT_ENV_ID: <base64-encoded-dynatrace-environment-identifier>
type: "Opaque"
Replace <base64-encoded-LS-token>
with your own [access token] ( Make sure you grant the correct permissions to your token so that you Dynatrace can ingest traces (opentelemetryTrace.ingest
), logs (logs.ingest
), and metrics (metrics.ingest
). See Dynatrace Token Scopes.
Replace <base64-encoded-dynatrace-environment-identifier>
with your own environment ID. Your Dynatrace tenant will have a URL like this: https://<dynatrace-environment-identifier>
. The part before between https://
is what your environment identifier. Make sure you base64 encode that value before adding it to your secrets
Be sure to Base64 encode it like this:
echo <base64-encoded-dynatrace-token> | base64
Or you can Base64-encode it through this website.
Finally, deploy the Kubernetes resources:
# Don't forget to pass the "dt" argument
./src/scripts/ dt
For more on OTel Collector configuration with Dynatrace, check out this article.
🚨 If you want to send telemetry to ServiceNow Cloud Observability (formerly known as Lightstep), you'll need to follow the steps below, and skip Step 3a and Step 3b.
To send telemetry to ServiceNow Cloud Observability, you will first need a Cloud Observability account. You will also need to obtain an access token.
We're going to store the access token in a Kubernetes secret, and will map the secret to an environment variabe in the OpenTelemetryCollector CR
First, create a secrets file for the Lightstep token.
tee -a src/resources/00-secret-ls.yaml <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: otel-collector-secret
namespace: opentelemetry
LS_TOKEN: <base64-encoded-LS-token>
type: "Opaque"
Replace with your own [access token] (
Be sure to Base64 encode it like this:
echo <LS-access-token> | base64
Or you can Base64-encode it through this website.
Finally, deploy the Kubernetes resources:
# Don't forget to pass the "ls" argument
./src/scripts/ ls
This command will tail the Collector logs
kubectl logs -l -n opentelemetry --follow
This command will return unique items from the Collector logs containing "Name:"
kubectl logs otelcol-collector-0 -n opentelemetry | grep "Name:" | sort | uniq
Check Target Allocator logs:
kubectl logs -l -n opentelemetry --follow
Based on this article
Expose target allocator port
kubectl port-forward svc/otelcol-targetallocator -n opentelemetry 8080:80
So we can get list of jobs
curl localhost:8080/jobs | jq
Sample output:
"serviceMonitor/opentelemetry/sm-example/2": {
"_link": "/jobs/serviceMonitor%2Fopentelemetry%2Fsm-example%2F2/targets"
"serviceMonitor/opentelemetry/sm-example/0": {
"_link": "/jobs/serviceMonitor%2Fopentelemetry%2Fsm-example%2F0/targets"
"serviceMonitor/opentelemetry/sm-example/1": {
"_link": "/jobs/serviceMonitor%2Fopentelemetry%2Fsm-example%2F1/targets"
"otel-collector": {
"_link": "/jobs/otel-collector/targets"
Peek into one of the jobs:
curl localhost:8080/jobs/serviceMonitor%2Fopentelemetry%2Fmy-app%2F1/targets | jq
Sample output:
"otelcol-collector-0": {
"_link": "/jobs/serviceMonitor%2Fopentelemetry%2Fmy-app%2F1/targets?collector_id=otelcol-collector-0",
"targets": [
"targets": [
"labels": {
"__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_annotation_endpoints_kubernetes_io_last_change_trigger_time": "2024-02-28T18:09:34Z",
"__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_labelpresent_app_kubernetes_io_name": "true",
"__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_endpoint_conditions_serving": "true",
"__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_labelpresent_endpointslice_kubernetes_io_managed_by": "true",
"__meta_kubernetes_service_labelpresent_app": "true",
"__meta_kubernetes_pod_label_pod_template_hash": "f89fdbc4f",
"__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_endpoint_conditions_terminating": "false",
"__meta_kubernetes_pod_label_app": "my-app",
"__meta_kubernetes_pod_ip": "",
"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_image": "otel-target-allocator-talk:0.1.0-py-otel-server",
"__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_address_type": "IPv4",
"__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_kubectl_kubernetes_io_last_applied_configuration": "{\"apiVersion\":\"v1\",\"kind\":\"Service\",\"metadata\":{\"annotations\":{},\"labels\":{\"app\":\"my-app\",\"\":\"py-otel-server\"},\"name\":\"py-otel-server-svc\",\"namespace\":\"opentelemetry\"},\"spec\":{\"ports\":[{\"name\":\"py-server-port\",\"port\":8082,\"protocol\":\"TCP\",\"targetPort\":\"py-server-port\"}],\"selector\":{\"\":\"py-otel-server\"}}}\n",
"__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_annotationpresent_endpoints_kubernetes_io_last_change_trigger_time": "true",
"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_number": "8082",
"__meta_kubernetes_pod_uid": "06cc65c5-61a2-4d0c-87ef-74302f977d48",
"__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_labelpresent_kubernetes_io_service_name": "true",
"__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_label_endpointslice_kubernetes_io_managed_by": "",
"__meta_kubernetes_service_name": "py-otel-server-svc",
"__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_endpoint_conditions_ready": "true",
"__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_address_target_kind": "Pod",
"__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_instrumentation_opentelemetry_io_inject_python": "true",
"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_name": "py-server-port",
"__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_address_target_name": "py-otel-server-f89fdbc4f-lbb7z",
"__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_labelpresent_app": "true",
"__meta_kubernetes_pod_host_ip": "",
"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name": "py-otel-server",
"__meta_kubernetes_namespace": "opentelemetry",
"__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_label_kubernetes_io_service_name": "py-otel-server-svc",
"__meta_kubernetes_pod_controller_name": "py-otel-server-f89fdbc4f",
"__meta_kubernetes_pod_labelpresent_app_kubernetes_io_name": "true",
"__meta_kubernetes_service_label_app_kubernetes_io_name": "py-otel-server",
"__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name": "otel-target-allocator-talk-control-plane",
"__meta_kubernetes_pod_labelpresent_pod_template_hash": "true",
"__address__": "",
"__meta_kubernetes_service_labelpresent_app_kubernetes_io_name": "true",
"__meta_kubernetes_pod_label_app_kubernetes_io_name": "py-otel-server",
"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_protocol": "TCP",
"__meta_kubernetes_pod_labelpresent_app": "true",
"__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotationpresent_instrumentation_opentelemetry_io_inject_python": "true",
"__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_port": "8082",
"__meta_kubernetes_pod_phase": "Running",
"__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_name": "py-otel-server-svc-t2wgv",
"__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_label_app_kubernetes_io_name": "py-otel-server",
"__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_port_protocol": "TCP",
"__meta_kubernetes_service_annotationpresent_kubectl_kubernetes_io_last_applied_configuration": "true",
"__meta_kubernetes_pod_ready": "true",
"__meta_kubernetes_pod_controller_kind": "ReplicaSet",
"__meta_kubernetes_pod_name": "py-otel-server-f89fdbc4f-lbb7z",
"__meta_kubernetes_service_label_app": "my-app",
"__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_port_name": "py-server-port",
"__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_label_app": "my-app"