Washed Up 1.0.0
After a lot of procrastination, I'm finally comfortable officially releasing this game.
- Working Beach Background
- Trash Bag, Rusted Iron, and Plastic Bottle sprites
- Menu
- Scoreboard
Installation Instructions: In order to run the game, you'll need to have the visual c++ library installed. This is also mentioned in the project's README. Don't worry, although this sounds complicated it's really not. You can download that from here. (https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/vc_redist.x64.exe) Once it downloads, install it and you'll be good to go.
NOTE: When you try to run this or even download it, your browser will warn you that this file isn't commonly downloaded. This is true since this is the first time I'm publishing this. However, the application is safe to run and the source code is publicly available for you to look at, hence you can click on keep, and while running it click on More info > Run anyway.
Have fun!