React component to integrate Hyperwallet Drop-In UI (Unofficial)
npm install --save react-hyperwallet-dropin
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import HyperwalletTranferMethodDropIn from 'react-hyperwallet-dropin'
class Example extends Component {
render () {
return (
userToken='unique user identifier prefixed with usr-. generated when creating a user'
getAuthenticationToken = {(callback)=>{callback('auth-token')}} //token should be renewed every 10 mins
onComplete = {(trmObject, completionResult)=>{
//logic to be executed on completion of setting up transfer method.
onError = {() => {
// handle error
template = 'bootstrap3'//Specifies the UI template. Allowed values are:[bootstrap3|plain]
MIT © lahiru94