A modified xv6 operating system with some extra features.
Added contributors' names to the system boot message
Added following keyboard shortcuts to the console:
Ctrl + N
: Removing all the digits from the consoleii)
Ctrl + R
: Reversing the current lineiii)
: Substituting the current line with a command from the history -
Finding the prime numbers in the range [a, b] with the
prime_numbers a b
: This system call finds the largest prime factor of a given number. The parameter of this system call is passed in the ebx register. -
: This system call changes the size of the file by adding zeros to the end of the file or removing the last bytes of the file -
: This system call returns the history of the callers of every system call. -
: This system call returns the parent process id of the current process.
Added 3 different queues:
i) Round-Robin (with the highest priority)
ii) Lottery-queue: The chance of each process for being executed is showed with a number.
iii) Best-Job-First: The process with the lowest rank is executed first.
Added Aging: If a runnable process has not been executed for 8000 ticks, we move it to the Round-Robin queue. By default all the processes except the init and sh processes are in Lottery queue.
The following system calls are also added:
int change_scheduling_queue(int pid, int queue)
: Changes the scheduling queue of a process.ii)
set_bjf_params_process(int pid, float priority_ratio, float arrival_time_ratio, float executed_cycles_ratio)
: Sets the Best Job First parameters for a process.iii)
int set_bjf_params_system(float priority_ratio, float arrival_time_ratio, float executed_cycles_ratio)
: Sets the Best Job First parameters for a system.iv)
int set_lottery_tickets(int pid, int tickets)
: Sets the lottery tickets of a process.v)
: Shows the processes information.
- System calls which initialize, acquire, and release a semaphore are added.
- The simulation of the Dining-Philosophers is implemented.