加入链接:自动驾驶之心知识星球 | 国内首个自动驾驶全栈学习社区,近30+感知/融合/规划/标定/预测等学习路线
所有综述,均可在【自动驾驶之心】知识星球 内下载!
- Towards Autonomous Driving with Small-Scale Cars: A Survey of Recent Development
- A review: The Self-Driving Car’s Requirements and The Challenges it Faces
- Object Detection, Recognition, and Tracking Algorithms for ADAS:A Study on Recent Trends
- Survey of Technology in Autonomous Valet Parking System
- Applications of Computer Vision in Autonomous Vehicles: Methods, Challenges and Future Directions
- Potential sources of sensor data anomalies for autonomous vehicles: An overview from road vehicle safety perspective
- A review of occluded objects detection in real complex scenarios for autonomous driving
- A survey on deep learning approaches for data integration in Autonomous Driving System
- Milestones in Autonomous Driving and Intelligent Vehicles
- Perception and sensing for autonomous vehicles under adverse weather conditions: A survey
- A Survey on Autonomous Driving Datasets: Data Statistic, Annotation, and Outlook
- A Survey on Self-evolving Autonomous Driving: a Perspective on Data Closed-Loop Technology
- A Survey on Datasets for Decision-making of Autonomous Vehicle
Nuscenes: nuscenes数据集下有多个任务,涉及Detection(2D/3D)、Tracking、prediction、激光雷达分割、全景任务、规划控制等;
KITTI: https://www.cvlibs.net/
Wamyo: https://waymo.com/open/
BDD100K: https://www.vis.xyz/bdd100k/
Lyft L5数据集: https://level-5.global/data/
ApplloScape: http://apolloscape.auto/index.html
Argoverse/Argoversev2: https://www.argoverse.org/
Occ3D: http://tsinghua-mars-lab.github.io
nuPlan: http://nuscenes.org
ONCE: https://opendatalab.org.cn/ONCE
Cityscape: https://opendatalab.org.cn/CityScapes
YouTube Driving Dataset: https://opendatalab.org.cn/YouTube_Driving_Dataset
A2D2: https://opendatalab.org.cn/A2D2
SemanticKITTI: https://opendatalab.org.cn/SemanticKITTI
OpenLane: https://opendatalab.org.cn/OpenLane
OpenLane-V2: https://opendatalab.org.cn/OpenLane-V2
- Recent Advancements in End-to-End Autonomous Driving using Deep Learning: A Survey
- End-to-end Autonomous Driving: Challenges and Frontiers
- High-Definition Maps Construction Based on Visual Sensor: A Comprehensive Survey
- Data Issues in High Definition Maps Furniture – A Survey
- A Comprehensive Survey on High-Definition Map Generation and Maintenance
- HDMapNet:基于语义分割的在线局部高精地图构建 (ICRA2022)
- VectorMapNet:基于自回归方式的端到端矢量化地图构建(ICML2023)
- MapTR : 基于固定数目点的矢量化地图构建 (ICLR2023)
- MapTRv2:一种在线矢量化高清地图构建的端到端框架
- PivotNet:基于动态枢纽点的矢量化地图构建 (ICCV2023)
- BeMapNet:基于贝塞尔曲线的矢量化地图构建 (CVPR2023)
- LATR: 无显式BEV 特征的3D车道线检测 (ICCV2023)
- TopoNet: 基于图的驾驶场景拓扑推理
- TopoMLP: 先检测后推理(拓扑推理 strong pipeline)
- LaneGAP:连续性在线车道图构建
- Neural Map Prior: 神经地图先验辅助在线建图 (CVPR2023)
- MapEX:现有地图先验显著提升在线建图性能
- A Survey for Foundation Models in Autonomous Driving
- A Survey on Multimodal Large Language Models for Autonomous Driving
- A Survey of Large Language Models for Autonomous Driving
- From Efficient Multimodal Models to World Models: A Survey
- CLIP:Learning Transferable Visual Models From Natural Language Supervision
- BLIP: Bootstrapping Language-Image Pre-training for Unified Vision-Language Understanding and Generation
- BLIP-2: Bootstrapping Language-Image Pre-training with Frozen Image Encoders and Large Language Models
- InstructBLIP: Towards General-purpose Vision-Language Models with Instruction Tuning
- MiniGPT-4: Enhancing Vision-Language Understanding with Advanced Large Language Models
- InstructGPT:Training language models to follow instructions with human feedback
- ADAPT: Action-aware Driving Caption Transformer
- BEVGPT:Generative Pre-trained Large Model for Autonomous Driving Prediction, Decision-Making, and Planning
- DriveGPT4:Interpretable End-to-end Autonomous Driving via Large Language Model
- Drive Like a Human Rethinking Autonomous Driving with Large Language Models
- Driving with LLMs: Fusing Object-Level Vector Modality for Explainable Autonomous Driving
- HiLM-D: Towards High-Resolution Understanding in Multimodal Large Language Models for Autonomous Driving
- LanguageMPC: Large Language Models as Decision Makers for Autonomous Driving
- Planning-oriented Autonomous Driving
- WEDGE A multi-weather autonomous driving dataset built from generative vision-language models
- NeRF: Neural Radiance Field in 3D Vision, A Comprehensive Review
- Neural Volume Rendering: NeRF And Beyond
- MobileNeRF:移动端实时渲染,Nerf导出Mesh(CVPR2023)
- Co-SLAM:实时视觉定位和NeRF建图(CVPR2023)
- Neuralangelo:当前最好的NeRF表面重建方法(CVPR2023)
- MARS:首个开源自动驾驶NeRF仿真工具(CICAI2023)
- UniOcc:NeRF和3D占用网络(AD2023 Challenge)
- Unisim:自动驾驶场景的传感器模拟(CVPR2023)
- Vision-based 3D occupancy prediction in autonomous driving: a review and outlook
- Grid-Centric Traffic Scenario Perception for Autonomous Driving: A Comprehensive Review
- A Survey on Occupancy Perception for Autonomous Driving: The Information Fusion Perspective
- Vision-based 3D occupancy prediction in autonomous driving: a review and outlook
- A Survey on Occupancy Perception for Autonomous Driving: The Information Fusion Perspective
- Vision-Centric BEV Perception: A Survey
- Vision-RADAR fusion for Robotics BEV Detections: A Survey
- Surround-View Vision-based 3D Detection for Autonomous Driving: A Survey
- Delving into the Devils of Bird’s-eye-view Perception: A Review, Evaluation and Recipe
- Recent Advances in mmWave-Radar-Based Sensing, Its Applications, and Machine Learning Techniques: A Review
- A Survey of Automotive Radar and Lidar Signal Processing and Architectures
- Reviewing 3D Object Detectors in the Context of High-Resolution 3+1D Radar
- Radars for Autonomous Driving: A Review of Deep Learning Methods and Challenges
- Towards Deep Radar Perception for Autonomous Driving: Datasets, Methods, and Challenges
- 4D Millimeter-Wave Radar in Autonomous Driving: A Survey
- Radar-Camera Fusion for Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation in Autonomous Driving: A Comprehensive Review
- Radar Perception in Autonomous Driving: Exploring Different Data Representations
- Multimodal Fusion on Low-quality Data: A Comprehensive Survey
- A Comparative Review on Multi-modal Sensor Fusion based on Deep Learning
- Emerging Trends in Autonomous Vehicle Perception: Multimodal Fusion for 3D Object Detection
- A Survey on Deep Domain Adaptation for LiDAR Perception
- Automatic Target Recognition on Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery:A Survey
- Deep Multi-modal Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation for Autonomous Driving:Datasets, Methods, and Challenges
- MmWave Radar and Vision Fusion for Object Detection in Autonomous Driving:A Review
- Multi-Modal 3D Object Detection in Autonomous Driving:A Survey
- Multi-modal Sensor Fusion for Auto Driving Perception:A Survey
- Multi-Sensor 3D Object Box Refinement for Autonomous Driving
- Multi-View Fusion of Sensor Data for Improved Perception and Prediction in Autonomous Driving
- Multimodal Learning With Transformers: A Survey
- Deep Model Fusion: A Survey
- Camera-Radar Perception for Autonomous Vehicles and ADAS: Concepts, Datasets and Metrics
- Robustness-Aware 3D Object Detection in Autonomous Driving: A Review and Outlook
- Emerging Trends in Autonomous Vehicle Perception: Multimodal Fusion for 3D Object Detection
- 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving: A Practical Survey
- 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving:A Review and New Outlooks
- 3D Object Detection from Images for Autonomous Driving A Survey
- A Survey of Robust LiDAR-based 3D Object Detection Methods for autonomous driving
- A Survey on 3D Object Detection Methods for Autonomous Driving Applications
- Deep Learning for 3D Point Cloud Understanding:A Survey
- Multi-Modal 3D Object Detection in Autonomous Driving:a survey
- Survey and Systematization of 3D Object Detection Models and Methods
- Multi-Modal 3D Object Detection in Autonomous Driving: A Survey and Taxonomy
- Robustness-Aware 3D Object Detection in Autonomous Driving: A Review and Outlook
- Recent Advances in 3D Object Detection for Self-Driving Vehicles: A Survey
- Survey on Camera Calibration Technique
- Revisit Surround-view Camera System Calibration
- Camera calibration for the surround-view system: a benchmark and dataset
- Cooperative Visual-LiDAR Extrinsic Calibration Technology for Intersection Vehicle-Infrastructure: A review
- A Comprehensive Overview of Fish-Eye Camera Distortion Correction Methods
- External Extrinsic Calibration of Multi-Modal Imaging Sensors: A Review
- Deep Learning for Camera Calibration and Beyond: A Survey
- A Survey on Path Planning for Autonomous Ground Vehicles in Unstructured Environments
- Path Planning Algorithms in the Autonomous Driving System: A Comprehensive Review
- Deep Learning for Trajectory Data Management and Mining: A Survey and Beyond
- Planning and Learning: Path-Planning for Autonomous Vehicles, a Review of the Literature
- Human-Like Decision-Making of Autonomous Vehicles in Dynamic Traffic Scenarios
- Machine Learning for Autonomous Vehicle’s Trajectory Prediction: A comprehensive survey, Challenges, and Future Research Directions
- Trajectory-Prediction with Vision: A Survey
- A Survey on Hybrid Motion Planning Methods for Automated Driving Systems
- A Survey of Deep Learning for Low-Shot Object Detection
- A Survey of Deep Learning-based Object Detection
- Camouflaged Object Detection and Tracking:A Survey
- Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection:A Survey
- Imbalance Problems in Object Detection:A survey
- Object Detection in 20 Years:A Survey
- Object Detection in Autonomous Vehicles:Status and Open Challenges
- Recent Advances in Deep Learning for Object Detection
- Semi-Supervised Object Detection: A Survey on Progress from CNN to Transformer
- A survey of synthetic data augmentation methods in computer vision
- A survey on Image Data Augmentation for Deep Learning
- Augmentation for small object detection
- Bag of Freebies for Training Object Detection Neural Networks
- Generalizing from a Few Examples:A Survey on Few-Shot
- Learning Data Augmentation Strategies for Object Detection
- Advancements in Point Cloud Data Augmentation for Deep Learning: A Survey
- A Review of Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
- A Survey on Deep Learning Technique for Video Segmentation
- A Survey on Instance Segmentation State of the art
- A Survey on Label-efficient Deep Segmentation-Bridging the Gap between Weak Supervision and Dense Prediction
- A Technical Survey and Evaluation of Traditional Point Cloud Clustering for LiDAR Panoptic Segmentation
- Evolution of Image Segmentation using Deep Convolutional Neural Network A Survey
- On Efficient Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
- Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Image Segmentation-a Comprehensive Survey
- Cascade R-CNN
- Deep Multi-Task Learning for Joint Localization, Perception, and Prediction
- Mask R-CNN
- Mask Scoring R-CNN
- Multi-Task Multi-Sensor Fusion for 3D Object Detection
- MultiTask-CenterNet
- OmniDet
- YOLO-Pose
- Revisiting RGBT Tracking Benchmarks from the Perspective of Modality Validity: A New Benchmark, Problem, and Method
- A Survey of RGB-Depth Object Tracking
- Multi-modal Visual Tracking: Review and Experimental Comparison
- A Survey for Deep RGBT Tracking
- RGBD Object Tracking: An In-depth Review
- 3D Multiple Object Tracking on Autonomous Driving: A Literature Review
- Camouflaged Object Detection and Tracking:A Survey
- Deep Learning for UAV-based Object Detection and Tracking:A Survey
- Deep Learning on Monocular Object Pose Detection and Tracking:A Comprehensive Overview
- Detection, Recognition, and Tracking:A Survey
- Infrastructure-Based Object Detection and Tracking for Cooperative Driving Automation:A Survey
- Recent Advances in Embedding Methods for Multi-Object Tracking:A Survey
- Single Object Tracking:A Survey of Methods, Datasets, and Evaluation Metrics
- Visual Object Tracking with Discriminative Filters and Siamese Networks:A Survey and Outlook
- A Survey on Deep Learning Techniques for Stereo-based Depth Estimation
- Deep Learning based Monocular Depth Prediction:Datasets, Methods and Applications
- Monocular Depth Estimation Based On Deep Learning:An Overview
- Monocular Depth Estimation:A Survey
- Outdoor Monocular Depth Estimation:A Research Review
- Towards Real-Time Monocular Depth Estimation for Robotics:A Survey
- Deep Learning-based Depth Estimation Methods from Monocular Image and Videos: A Comprehensive Survey
- 2D Human Pose Estimation:A Survey
- A survey of top-down approaches for human pose estimation
- Efficient Annotation and Learning for 3D Hand Pose Estimation:A Survey
- Recent Advances in Monocular 2D and 3D Human Pose Estimation:A Deep Learning Perspective
- A Survey of Visual Transformers
- Efficient Transformers:A Survey
- Multimodal Learning With Transformers: A Survey
- A survey on efficient vision transformers: algorithms, techniques, and performance benchmarking
- A Comprehensive Survey on Applications of Transformers for Deep Learning Tasks
- Transformer-based models and hardware acceleration analysis in autonomous driving: A survey
- Monocular 3D lane detection for Autonomous Driving: Recent Achievements, Challenges, and Outlooks
- A Keypoint-based Global Association Network for Lane Detection
- CLRNet:Cross Layer Refinement Network for Lane Detection
- End-to-End Deep Learning of Lane Detection and Path Prediction for Real-Time Autonomous Driving
- End-to-end Lane Detection through Differentiable Least-Squares Fitting
- Keep your Eyes on the Lane:Real-time Attention-guided Lane Detection
- LaneNet:Real-Time Lane Detection Networks for Autonomous Driving
- Towards End-to-End Lane Detection:an Instance Segmentation Approach
- Ultra Fast Structure-aware Deep Lane Detection
- 3D-LaneNet+:Anchor Free Lane Detection using a Semi-Local Representation
- Deep Multi-Sensor Lane Detection
- FusionLane:Multi-Sensor Fusion for Lane Marking Semantic Segmentation Using Deep Neural Networks
- Gen-LaneNet:A Generalized and Scalable Approach for 3D Lane Detection
- ONCE-3DLanes:Building Monocular 3D Lane Detection
- 3D-LaneNet:End-to-End 3D Multiple Lane Detection
- Localization and Mapping for Self-Driving Vehicles: A Survey
- How NeRFs and 3D Gaussian Splatting are Reshaping SLAM: A Survey
- Survey of Deep Learning-Based Methods for FMCW Radar Odometry and Ego-Localization
- A review of visual SLAM for robotics evolution, properties, and future applications
- A comprehensive overview of core modules in visual SLAM framework
- Advancing Frontiers in SLAM: A Survey of Symbolic Representation and Human-Machine Teaming in Environmental Mapping
- Application of Event Cameras and Neuromorphic Computing to VSLAM: A Survey
- A Survey on Active Simultaneous Localization and Mapping-State of the Art and New Frontiers
- The Revisiting Problem in Simultaneous Localization and Mapping-A Survey on Visual Loop Closure Detection
- From SLAM to Situational Awareness-Challenges
- Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Related Datasets-A Comprehensive Survey
- LiDAR-Based Place Recognition For Autonomous Driving: A Survey
- LiDAR Odometry Survey: Recent Advancements and Remaining Challenges
- A Survey of Vehicle Localization: Performance Analysis and Challenges
- A Survey on Monocular Re-Localization: From the Perspective of Scene Map Representation
- LiDAR-based SLAM for robotic mapping: state of the art and new frontiers
- A Review of Dynamic Object Filtering in SLAM Based on 3D LiDAR
- A Survey of Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environment: The Evolution from Geometric to Semantic Approaches
- A comprehensive survey of advanced SLAM techniques
- Visual Slam and Visual Odometry Based on RGB-D Images Using Deep Learning: A Survey
- A comprehensive overview of deep learning techniques for 3D point cloud classification and semantic segmentation
- 3D point cloud for objects and scenes classification, recognition, segmentation, and reconstruction: A review
- Advancing 3D Point Cloud Understanding through Deep Transfer Learning: A Comprehensive Survey
- From Algorithm to Hardware: A Survey on Efficient and Safe Deployment of Deep Neural Networks
- Green Edge AI: A Contemporary Survey
- A Survey on Deep Neural Network CompressionChallenges, Overview, and Solutions
- Pruning and Quantization for Deep Neural Network Acceleration A Survey
- Computer Vision Model Compression Techniques for Embedded Systems: A Survey
- Towards autonomous vehicles: a survey on cooperative vehicle-infrastructure system
- Collaborative Perception Datasets in Autonomous Driving: A Survey
- Perception Methods for Adverse Weather Based on Vehicle Infrastructure Cooperation System: A Review
- Towards Vehicle-to-everything Autonomous Driving: A Survey on Collaborative Perception
- Review of the Learning-based Camera and Lidar Simulation Methods for Autonomous Driving Systems
- Surround-View Fisheye Optics in Computer Vision and Simulation: Survey and Challenges
- Towards Collaborative Autonomous Driving: Simulation Platform and End-to-End System
- A Survey of Integrated Simulation Environments for Connected Automated Vehicles: Requirements, Tools, and Architecture
- A Survey of Simulators for Autonomous Driving: Taxonomy, Challenges, and Evaluation Metrics
- Data-driven Traffic Simulation: A Comprehensive Review
- A Survey of Vehicle Dynamics Modeling Methods for Autonomous Racing: Theoretical Models, Physical/Virtual Platforms, and Perspectives
- How NeRFs and 3D Gaussian Splatting are Reshaping SLAM: A Survey
- Semantically-aware Neural Radiance Fields for Visual Scene Understanding: A Comprehensive Review
- Recent Advances in 3D Gaussian Splatting
- Neural Radiance Field in Autonomous Driving: A Survey
- Benchmarking Neural Radiance Fields for Autonomous Robots: An Overview
- Recent Advances in Multi-modal 3D Scene Understanding: A Comprehensive Survey and Evaluation
- NeRF: Neural Radiance Field in 3D Vision, Introduction and Review
- Dynamic NeRF: A Review
- 3D Gaussian Splatting: Survey, Technologies, Challenges, and Opportunities
- Data-Centric Evolution in Autonomous Driving: A Comprehensive Survey of Big Data System, Data Mining, and Closed-Loop Technologies
- Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robotics:A Survey of Real-World Successes
- Road Surface Defect Detection – From Image-based to Non-image-based: A Survey
- Pavement Defect Detection with Deep Learning: A Comprehensive Survey
- State-of-the-art in 1D Convolutional Neural Networks: A Survey
- Single-Image Shadow Removal Using Deep Learning: A Comprehensive Survey
- A Survey on Vision Mamba: Models, Applications and Challenges
- Memorization in deep learning: A survey
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