Datetimepicker add-on for ember-cli
ember install ember-bootstrap-datetimepicker
Generate blueprints
ember generate ember-bootstrap-datetimepicker
There are some breaking-changes when using this addon > v0.4.1
Two-way bindings are replaced by data down, actions up (DDAU). See:
The twitter bootstrap resources will not be imported to your resources by default. If you want the add-on to add it you have to specify it in the ember-cli-build.js
var app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
'ember-bootstrap-datetimepicker': {
"importBootstrapCSS": true,
"importBootstrapJS": true,
"importBootstrapTheme": true
Check out the demo on github pages. Alternatively you can clone this repo and run the app
sudo npm install -g ember-cli
git clone
cd ember-bootstrap-datetimepicker
npm install; bower install
ember serve
- Visit your app at http://localhost:4200.
All options supported offered by bootstrap-datetimepicker are supported
Type: Date
This variable will be changed when the user changes the date and on the other side it will update the datetime picker when "date" is updated
Type: Date
When you change this variable the component trigger an update to the minDate on the jQuery plugin.
Type: Date
When you change this variable the component trigger an update to the maxDate on the jQuery plugin.
Type: Date
When you change this variable the component trigger an update to the disabledDates on the jQuery plugin.
Type: Array Date
When you change this variable the component trigger an update to the enabledDates on the jQuery plugin.
Type: Boolean
Forces the parameter to updateDate
to be a native javascript Date instead of a moment.js Date.
Define your model
var App.DateExample = Ember.Object.create({
date1: moment(),
mindate: moment("2014-11-01"),
maxdate: moment("2015-12-01"),
Add the component to your template and bind the model.mindate with the component's minDate.
Change minDate so the jquery plugin will be updated with the minDate value
App.DateExample.set('maxdate', moment("2015-03-01"));
0.4.0 - 0.4.1
- 1.11.3
- 1.12.1
- 1.13.3
This add-on is based on bootstrap-datetimepicker
plus8 gmbh © 2014-2015