Customizer plugin for Tutor
Plugin to customize settings of Open edX.
It provides a good set of default for most Open edX settings, and allows to configure
many settings from the conf.yml
pip install git+
Set configuration variables prepended with CUSTOM_ to change the defaults.
Check the config dict in the for available variables and their default values.
See the documentation for more information about setting a password policy. The list of validators can be found in the edx repository.
Currently the available validators are:
Validator | Options |
django.contrib.auth.password_validation.UserAttributeSimilarityValidator | -- |
common.djangoapps.util.password_policy_validators.MinimumLengthValidator | min_length |
common.djangoapps.util.password_policy_validators.MaximumLengthValidator | max_length |
common.djangoapps.util.password_policy_validators.AlphabeticValidator | min_alphabetic |
common.djangoapps.util.password_policy_validators.NumericValidator | min_numeric |
common.djangoapps.util.password_policy_validators.UppercaseValidator | min_upper |
common.djangoapps.util.password_policy_validators.LowercaseValidator | min_lower |
common.djangoapps.util.password_policy_validators.PunctuationValidator | min_punctuation |
common.djangoapps.util.password_policy_validators.SymbolValidator | min_symbol |
The default value is:
[ { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.UserAttributeSimilarityValidator' }, { 'NAME': 'common.djangoapps.util.password_policy_validators.MinimumLengthValidator', 'OPTIONS': {'min_length': 2} }, { 'NAME': 'common.djangoapps.util.password_policy_validators.MaximumLengthValidator', 'OPTIONS': {'max_length': 75} } ]
Note that the type of the value is list. Setting this configuration will overwrite the default.
REGISTRATION_EXTRA_FIELDS: update field visibility options in the registration form. Visibility options are required, optional or hidden. Available fields and their defaults are:
- confirm_email (hidden)
- level_of_education (optional)
- gender (optional)
- year_of_birth (optional)
- mailing_address (optional)
- goals (optional)
- honor_code (hidden)
- terms_of_service (required)
- city (hidden)
- country (hidden)
Set CUSTOM_ENABLE_DYNAMIC_REGISTRATION_FIELDS to True (default False) to enable this feature.
Set CUSTOM_ENABLE_MKTG_SITE to True to enable the marketing site. Add the marketing site url to the ROOT element in the CUSTOM_MKTG_URLS dict.
- CUSTOM_ENABLE_MKTG_SITE (default: false)
- CUSTOM_MKTG_URLS (default empty dict). Sets the URLs at the header for non authenticated users
- when the marketing site is enabled (CUSTOM_ENABLE_MKTG_SITE=True). If the marketing site is enabled, set the following elements: - ROOT: url of the marketing site (mandatory) - COURSES: url for the 'courses' tab. Set to empty string to remove the tab. - HOW_IT_WORKS: url for the 'how it works' tab. Set to empty string to remove the tab. - SCHOOLS: url for the 'schools' tab. Set to empty string to remove the tab.
- Set marketing URLs in CUSTOM_MKTG_URLS
- Else:
- Set the marketeting URLs in CUSTOM_MKTG_URL_LINK_MAP
Default MKTG_URLS:
"MKTG_URLS": { 'ABOUT': '/about', 'ACCESSIBILITY': '/accessibility', 'AFFILIATES': '/affiliate-program', 'BLOG': '/blog', 'CAREERS': '/careers', 'CONTACT': '/support/contact_us', 'COURSES': '/course', 'DONATE': '/donate', 'ENTERPRISE': '/enterprise', 'FAQ': '/student-faq', 'HONOR': '/edx-terms-service', 'HOW_IT_WORKS': '/how-it-works', 'MEDIA_KIT': '/media-kit', 'NEWS': '/news-announcements', 'PRESS': '/press', 'PRIVACY': '/edx-privacy-policy', 'ROOT': <LMS base url>, 'SCHOOLS': '/schools-partners', 'SITE_MAP': '/sitemap', 'TOS': '/edx-terms-service', 'TOS_AND_HONOR': '/edx-terms-service', 'TRADEMARKS': '/trademarks', 'WHAT_IS_VERIFIED_CERT': '/verified-certificate' },
Set CUSTOM_MKTG_URL_OVERRIDES to a dict with URLs to override, or '#' to remove. Valid keys are:
Set CUSTOM_SUPPORT_SITE_LINK to add a link to the help center. Set to '#' to remove the link
Set CUSTOM_SECURITY_PAGE_URL to set the url of the security page
How are footer links displayed:
All these links are visible if not set to "#".
Navigation links: - ABOUT - ENTERPRISE - BLOG - NEWS - HELP_CENTER (from CUSTOM_SUPPORT_SITE_LINK) - CONTACT (This is not set here. Set CONTACT_US_CUSTOM_LINK in the site configuration) - CAREERS - DONATE
Legal links: - TOS_AND_HONOR - PRIVACY - ACCESSIBILITY - SITE_MAP - TOS (available only if TOS_AND_HONOR is not '#') - HONOR (available only if TOS_AND_HONOR is not '#')
Connect links (not visible in the standard views): - BLOG - CONTACT (This is not set here. Set CONTACT_US_CUSTOM_LINK in the site configuration) - HELP_CENTER (from CUSTOM_SUPPORT_SITE_LINK) - SECURITY (from CUSTOM_SECURITY_PAGE_URL) - MEDIA_KIT - DONATE
Business links (not visible in the standard views): - ABOUT - ENTERPRISE (plus a set of query parameters set in CUSTOM_ENTERPRISE_MARKETING_FOOTER_QUERY_PARAMS) - AFFILIATES - CAREERS - NEWS
More info links (not visible in the standard views): - TOS_AND_HONOR - TOS (available only if TOS_AND_HONOR is not '#') - HONOR (available only if TOS_AND_HONOR is not '#') - PRIVACY - COOKIE - ACCESSIBILITY - CCPA - SITE_MAP - TRADEMARKS
Set SOCIAL_MEDIA_FOOTER_URLS to a dict of social links. E.g.:
SOCIAL_MEDIA_FOOTER_URLS = { 'tumblr': '<insert_tumblr_url_here>', 'reddit': '<insert_reddit_url_here>', 'twitter': '<insert_twitter_url_here>', 'google_plus': '<insert_google_plus_url_here>', 'youtube': '<insert_youtube_url_here>', 'linkedin': '<insert_linkedin_url_here>', 'meetup': '<insert_meetup_url_here>', 'facebook': '<insert_facebook_url_here>', }
Set CUSTOM_SOCIAL_SHARING_SETTINGS as a dict with the following settings:
Change the defaults to enable social sharing urls in the dashboard (set CUSTOM_COURSE_URLS) and the certificates.
New defaults are:
'SOCIAL_SHARING_SETTINGS': { 'CUSTOM_COURSE_URLS': True, 'DASHBOARD_FACEBOOK': True, 'FACEBOOK_BRAND': "{{ CUSTOM_FACEBOOK_BRAND }}", 'DASHBOARD_TWITTER': True, 'DASHBOARD_TWITTER_TEXT': None, 'TWITTER_BRAND': "{{ CUSTOM_TWITTER_BRAND }}", 'CERTIFICATE_FACEBOOK': True, 'CERTIFICATE_FACEBOOK_TEXT': None, 'CERTIFICATE_TWITTER': True, 'CERTIFICATE_TWITTER_TEXT': None, 'CERTIFICATE_LINKEDIN_MODE_TO_CERT_NAME': { 'honor': '{platform_name} Honor Code Credential for {course_name}', 'verified': '{platform_name} Verified Credential for {course_name}', 'professional': '{platform_name} Professional Credential for {course_name}', 'no-id-professional': '{platform_name} Professional Credential for {course_name}', } },
Disable the discovery plugin and set CUSTOM_ENABLE_COURSE_DISCOVERY to False.
Enable additional Django sites by adding the URLs to the ALLOWED_HOSTS
Remember to add the url to Django's sites and create a DNS CNAME entry pointing to the LMS host.
By default, bulk enrollments via CSV is not enabled. This plugin will enable bulk enrollments by default.
To disable bulk enrollments, set CUSTOM_ALLOW_AUTOMATED_SIGNUPS
to False
with all the OAuth2 secrets. E.g.:
SOCIAL_AUTH_OAUTH_SECRETS: facebook: 98765432181bbe3a2596efa8ba7abcde google-oauth2: abcdef123456789101112131 linkedin-oauth2: 4D3Cb2aB1C0dEFGH azuread-oauth2: abcdef12341yHlmOrR8D3vlV1cD2VtL7k9xk9DSB8vw=
to False
to disable the public
registration form.
to True
to disable user/password
login and registration and force registering via a third party identity provider.
to your Google Analytics 4 ID.
Then rebuild openedx and mfe.
Set CUSTOM_ENABLE_MAX_FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS (enabled by default) to False to disable account locking after multiple failed attempts. Set CUSTOM_MAX_FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS_ALLOWED (default 6) and CUSTOM_MAX_FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS_LOCKOUT_PERIOD_SECS (default 1800) to adjust the feature.
Open edX uses django-ratelimit to limit the number of received requests from the same source in certain time periods. We include the following settings to modify the default behavior:
- CUSTOM_RATELIMIT_ENABLE (default True): Globally enable the rate limit function.
- CUSTOM_RATELIMIT_RATE (default '120/m'): Limit to access the /oauth2/access_token/ API
- CUSTOM_LOGISTRATION_RATELIMIT_RATE (default '100/5m'): Limit the user logins per source
- CUSTOM_LOGISTRATION_PER_EMAIL_RATELIMIT_RATE (default '30/m' per email): Limit the user logins per email
- CUSTOM_LOGISTRATION_API_RATELIMIT (default '20/m'): Limit the MFEContextView API calls
- CUSTOM_LOGIN_AND_REGISTER_FORM_RATELIMIT (default '100/5m'): Limit the number of gets to the login and registration form view.
- CUSTOM_RESET_PASSWORD_TOKEN_VALIDATE_API_RATELIMIT (default '30/7d'): Limit the number of password reset token validations.
- CUSTOM_RESET_PASSWORD_API_RATELIMIT (default '30/7d'): Limit password resets.
- CUSTOM_OPTIONAL_FIELD_API_RATELIMIT (default '10/h'): Not used
- CUSTOM_REGISTRATION_VALIDATION_RATELIMIT (default '30/7d'): Limit requests to the registration validation API (POST /api/user/v1/validation/registration/)
- CUSTOM_REGISTRATION_RATELIMIT (default '60/7d'): Limit requests to the registration API.
- CUSTOM_DEFAULT_THROTTLE_RATES: Limit calls to APIView subclasses. It must be a dict with values to override.
Defaults: 'user': '60/minute', 'service_user': '800/minute', 'registration_validation': '30/minute', 'high_service_user': '2000/minute',
For rate formats, see the ratelimit documentation. To disable a rate limit, set it to None.
add caddyfile directives to each section.
CUSTOM_CADDYFILE_LMS: "redir / /login"
The Other course settings
field editable in Studio's advanced settings is now
enabled by default. To disable, set CUSTOM_ENABLE_OTHER_COURSE_SETTINGS: False
To make this field available via the course blocks API, make sure it is included
in the course blocks API extra fields (see next).
setting defines which additional fields are
returned by the blocks api (https://${LMS_HOST}/api/courses/v2/blocks/
This API is managed by the BlocksView view.
The new default is [('course', 'other_course_settings')]
Video uploads is enabled now by default. Use the following variables to customize it behaviour:
- CUSTOM_ENABLE_VIDEO_UPLOAD_PIPELINE: Set to False to disable (enabled by default)
- CUSTOM_VIDEO_UPLOAD_PIPELINE_ROOT_PATH: Path inside the S3 bucket to store videos. By default "videos".
- CUSTOM_VIDEO_UPLOAD_PIPELINE_VEM_S3_BUCKET: Set the S3 bucket name. By default it uses the tutor-contrib-s3's configuration S3_STORAGE_BUCKET.
- CUSTOM_VIDEO_IMAGE_UPLOAD_ENABLED: Set to False to disable the possibility to upload a cover image to the video (enabled by default). To activate a change in this setting you must initialize Tutor
You can use a single OpenSearch cluster for multiple Open edX instances. Set "CUSTOM_ELASTIC_SEARCH_INDEX_PREFIX" to a string identifying your instance. This will add the prefix to the Open edX, Forum and Discovery indexes.
The Other course settings
field editable in Studio's advanced settings is now
enabled by default. To disable, set CUSTOM_ENABLE_OTHER_COURSE_SETTINGS: False
To make this field available via the course blocks API, make sure it is included
in the course blocks API extra fields (see next).
setting defines which additional fields are
returned by the blocks api (https://${LMS_HOST}/api/courses/v2/blocks/
This API is managed by the BlocksView view.
The new default is [('course', 'other_course_settings')]
courseware.mfe_progress_milestones is a waffle flag to display learner progress milestones in a course. Supports staged rollout to students for a new micro-frontend-based implementation of the courseware page.
Originally it is disabled by default. Set CUSTOM_MFE_PROGRESS_MILESTONES to False
to disable again.
mfe_progress_milestones_streak_celebration is a waffle flag to display a celebration modal when learner completes a configurable streak Supports staged rollout to students for a new micro-frontend-based implementation of the courseware page.
Originally it is disabled by default. Set CUSTOM_MFE_PROGRESS_MILESTONES_STREAK_CELEBRATION to False
to disable again.
Please see the user celebration model definition for more detail.
mfe_courseware_search enables Courseware Search on Learning MFE.
Originally it is disabled by default. Set CUSTOM_MFE_COURSEWARE_SEARCH to False
to disable again.
enable_navigation_sidebar enables the navigation sidebar on Learning MFE.
Originally it is disabled by default. Set CUSTOM_ENABLE_NAVIGATION_SIDEBAR to False
to disable again.
tutor plugins enable custom
This software is licensed under the terms of the AGPLv3.