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Artemis Network Traffic Virus Monitor - Standalone Edition [Deprecated]


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# This project has been deprecated by the artemis-distributed project. It may still work 
# properly but lacks much of the functionality included in the newer version.
# It has also been quite some time since I tested the scripts in this project. Though I 
# am no longer supporting this project, feel free to contact me if you have any specific
# questions or issues.  

# Artemis Network Traffic Virus Monitor
# Author: Andrew Withers ([email protected])

 ________  ________  _________  _______   _____ ______   ___  ________      
|\   __  \|\   __  \|\___   ___\\  ___ \ |\   _ \  _   \|\  \|\   ____\     
\ \  \|\  \ \  \|\  \|___ \  \_\ \   __/|\ \  \\\__\ \  \ \  \ \  \___|_    
 \ \   __  \ \   _  _\   \ \  \ \ \  \_|/_\ \  \\|__| \  \ \  \ \_____  \   
  \ \  \ \  \ \  \\  \|   \ \  \ \ \  \_|\ \ \  \    \ \  \ \  \|____|\  \  
   \ \__\ \__\ \__\\ _\    \ \__\ \ \_______\ \__\    \ \__\ \__\____\_\  \ 
    \|__|\|__|\|__|\|__|    \|__|  \|_______|\|__|     \|__|\|__|\_________\

################################# Description ###########################################
# Artemis works by monitoring a specific directory for new files. When a new file       #
# is added to the directory, a child process decides which actions are required in      #
# order to determine whether the file poses any threat to the network. First,           #
# a hash of the file is created and compared against hashes of files that have          #
# already been scanned and logged in the database. If the hash matches a file and       #
# the result of the previous scan indicated that the file was infected, an alert        #
# email is dispatched. If the hash is not present in the database and the number of     #
# current scans is below the max concurrent scan threshold, the child will              #
# begin the scanning process. If the max concurrent scans threshold has already         #
# been reached, then the file is added to a queue. Artemis will scan the files that     #
# have been queued as worker slots open up and more resources become available.         #

#################################### Notes ##############################################
# Artemis was designed for, and tested on, Ubuntu 16.04 running Security Onion NSM.     #
# At a minimum, Artemis requires that the Bro NSM be installed. Bro is utilized         #
# to extract executable files from the network data stream in order to inspect them     #
# for known viruses. Artemis "may" be compatible with other flavors of Debian           #
# Linux, so long as the systemd service manager is utilized; however, Ubuntu is the     #
# only flavor that has been tested and is currently supported.                          #
#                                                                                       #
# Ubuntu 16.04 downloads:                                                               #  
#                                                    #
#                                                                                       # 
# For more information about Security Onion visit:                                      #
#                                                            #
#                                                                                       #
# For more information about Bro visit:                                                 #
#                                                                  #
#	                                                                                #
# Questions, suggestions, and problem reporting:                                        #
#!forum/artemis-ntvm                                  #
#                                                                                       # 

########################### Installation instructions ######################################

# Enter the Artemis directory and run the Artemis install script

cd artemis
sudo ./artemis-installer

# or create an answer file using the install.conf template in the artemis/conf/ directory
# and run the installer in automated mode

sudo ./artemis-installer -f <answer file>

Example: sudo ./artemis-isntaller -f ./conf/install.conf

########################### Uninstall Instructions #########################################

# Run installer in uninstall mode and follow the prompts

sudo ./artemis-installer -u

#################################### Usage #################################################

Artemis Network Traffic Virus Monitor
Usage: artemis [OPTION]


                -h                      This message
                -v                      Print version information
                -f                      Flush the hash cache
                -w <SHA256 Hash>        Add a SHA256 hash to the whitelist
                -b <SHA256 Hash>        Add a SHA256 hash to the blacklist

############################### Auxiliary Scripts ###########################################

Tracks - Artemis log interface
Usage: tracks [Time OPTION]...[Query OPTION]
If no Time option is selected or if it is placed after the Query option, the time period will default to the last 24 hours

        Time Period Options:
                -D <YYYY-MM-HH>         Specific date
                -M <YYYY-MM>            Specific month
                -Y <YYYY>               Specific year
                -H <HH>                 Specific hour of current day
                -d <n>                  Last n number of days
                -w <n>                  Last n number of weeks
                -m <n>                  Last n number of months
                -y <n>                  Last n number of years
                -r <n>                  Last n number of hours
                -i <n>                  Last n number of minutes
                -R <Start> <End>        Specific start and end Date/Time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format
                -a                      all

        Query options:
                -F <SHA256 Hash>                Query file(s) by hash
                -S <Source IP>                  Query file(s) by source IP address
                -T <Destination IP>             Query file(s) by destination IP address
                -I <Source or Destination IP>   Query files(s) by Source or Destination IP address
                -f <Filename>                   Query file by filename

        Additional option:
                -p                              Purge all log data

arteStat - Artemis statistical report generator
Usage: arteStat [OPTION]...

        Report Period Options:
                -D <YYYY-MM-HH>         Specific date
                -M <YYYY-MM>            Specific month
                -Y <YYYY>               Specific year
                -H <HH>                 Specific hour of current day
                -d <n>                  Last n number of days
                -w <n>                  Last n number of weeks
                -m <n>                  Last n number of months
                -y <n>                  Last n number of years
                -r <n>                  Last n number of hours
                -i <n>                  Last n number of minutes
                -R <Start> <End>        Specific start and end Date/Time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format

# exit



Artemis Network Traffic Virus Monitor - Standalone Edition [Deprecated]








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