A maphack for Warcraft 3 1.24d. WC3 sets the visibility of the map every frame via a call to memset that looks like:
6F40B446 . 52 PUSH EDX
6F40B447 6A 00 PUSH 0
6F40B449 . 50 PUSH EAX
6F40B44A . E8 73643D00 CALL <JMP.&MSVCR80.memset>
By changing the push 0 instruction to push 0fh, we reveal all the squares on the map. This method will cause a desync in multiplayer games.
The injector was written in C++ and compiled with VS6 but should compile with any modern C++ compiler.
The hack was written in mASM and needs to be linked as a dll. To do this:
\masm32\bin\ml /c /coff WC3Maphack.asm
\masm32\bin\Link /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /DLL WC3Maphack.obj
Originally written 2010/02/16 by attilathedud.
The following are a list of addresses all related to drawing functions:
Addresses are for patch 1.24c. To translate to patch 1.24d, simply add 60h to each address.
6F39A415 CALL Game.6F2AC170 - draw units (whole function)
6F39A826 CALL Game.6F2AC170 - trees (whole function)
6F39BC6D CALL Game.6F2AC170 - draw shade (whole function)
6F00C8B3 PUSH 80000004 - debug protection (change to push 0 to disable)
6F39D03D CALL Game.6F017850 - shade + map tile formatting?
6F39D061 CALL Game.6F427730 - shade on characters
6F39D00A CALL Game.6F015FA0 - draws map tiles
6F39D185 CALL Game.6F610330 - draws click arrows
6F39CD7E CALL Game.6F7B6E70 - blacks out screen
6F39CD83 CALL Game.6F509E80 - draws units
6F39CB6B CALL Game.6F38CA60 - draws idle animation and resets animation bones
6F39CB79 CALL Game.6F53FC20 - unit animation
6F430762 CALL Game.6F4276B0 - unit won't respond to movement