Optimizing network using Reinforcement Learning.
- Python 3.6
Copyright 2018 Ari Saha. All rights reserved.
- Ari Saha <[email protected]>
To install rainman2:
$ make install-prod
$ source venv/bin/activate
Here are the commands avaiable for rainman2.
(venv)$ rainman2 --help
Using TensorFlow backend.
Rainman2's logging has been configured!
Usage: rainman2 [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Rainman2's cli
--verbose BOOLEAN show verbose output for debugging
--epsilon_min FLOAT min value for epsilon to stop updating
--epsilon_decay FLOAT rate at which epsilon gets updated
--epsilon FLOAT epsilon for epsilon-greedy policy
--gamma FLOAT discount factor
--alpha FLOAT learning rate
--episodes INTEGER number of episodes/epochs
--help Show this message and exit.
Cellular Arguments for cellular environment
Cellular environments describe interactions of mobile devices (known as UEs) with cell towers (known as Access Points).
- Rainman2 contains a simulated cellular environment called 'Dev' environment, which can be used to test various Reinforcement algorithms. Currently 'Dev' cellular environment supports the following algorithms:
- Naive Qlearning, which is the generic form of Qlearning (Tabular).
- Qlearning using linear function approximator, e.g. Linear regression.
- Qlearning using non-linear function approximator, e.g. Neural Network.
To run experiments using Cellular network: 1) If testing on development cellular network (i.e. --env_type = Dev), first start the development server (in a new terminal tab), which will instantiate a simulated cellular network.
(venv)$ cd rainman2/rainman2/lib/environment/cellular/dev
(venv)$ python server.py
- To start running experiments on Cellular network, use the command line as below.
(venv)$ rainman2 Cellular --help
Using TensorFlow backend.
Rainman2's logging has been configured!
Usage: rainman2 Cellular [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Arguments for cellular environment
--env_type [Dev|Prod] type of cellular network: Dev/Prod
--help Show this message and exit.
qlearning_linear_regression Qlearning with Linear Regressor as Function...
qlearning_naive Qlearning without any function approximator...
qlearning_nn Qlearning with Neural Network as Function...
- With Tabular Q-learning algorithm
(venv)$ rainman2 --verbose True --episodes 50 Cellular --env_type Dev qlearning_naive
- With Linear regression Q-learning algorithm
(venv)$ rainman2 --verbose True --episodes 50 Cellular --env_type Dev qlearning_linear_regression
- With Neural network Q-learning algorithm
(venv)$ rainman2 --verbose True --episodes 50 Cellular --env_type Dev qlearning_nn