An API wrapper for Spotify, built for Roblox games.
This is a Roblox/Lua module script built for Roblox games, to connect Roblox and Spotify together. This can be utilised in many ways: an overlay for FPS games, a replacement for paid "boombox" game passes, a way to pause the in-game music if the user is playing something on Spotify, or even a replacement for any in-game music player. *cough*, those are all ideas I just came up with, they probably have flaws. so uh, yeah.
I do not have any affiliation with Roblox or Spotify, I'm just a random developer on the Internet who wrote an API wrapper because they were bored.
You will have to put a censorship if you share what the local user is listening to, to other players. Also don't make the user play songs that contain swearing. Or NSFW. If you do that, you're probably going to get banned. And will make me chase after you.
This is still under some "alpha" phase: I am still looking for ways for the user to be able to log in without needing to input their API token
(probably by telling the script to direct the user to a Spotify authentication page to say "yes yes i am spotify account, allow bloxify to access my account"),
so if you want to include this in your script, please wait until I stop procrastinating and that gets done.
So, you've decided you wanted to implement this in your game, or that you just want to screw around with it to see how it works.
Go to the
directory in this repository, and downloadbloxify.lua
in the game's ReplicatedStorage as a ModuleScript
Now, because this module is heavily dependent on another module, Roblox Requests, you'll need to set it up as well.
Go to and download the latest release (last tested on 0.5.1)
Follow the instructions on (and please make sure that the http module script is on the root of ReplicatedStorage. please.)
Enable HTTP requests for your Roblox game. If you don't know how, this article is a good reference.
And you have inserted Bloxify in your game! Now, how do you use it? Well, here is an example of how you can add Bloxify to a regular, server-sided script.
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage')
local spotapi = require(ReplicatedStorage.bloxify)
print(spotapi.getPlaying("INSERT SPOTIFY TOKEN HERE"))
To use it in LocalScripts, you could use RemoteEvents or RemoteFunctions at your advantage, as seen in the example in this repository (example/Example.rbxl
NOTE: This project is licensed with the MIT License, meaning that all I'm asking for, if you do use this module in your game, is that you simply credit me, either in your game's description or in-game, however you want, as long as I'm credited.
jpatrickdill (Patrick Dill) for making Roblox Requests, this was a huge help for this project.
Spotify (obviously) for making a pretty good music streaming service. Also for the somewhat decent API documentation.