Welcome to py-ananke
, a Python package that offers ananke
which is a comprehensive pipeline designed to generate mock astrometric and photometric catalogs of synthetic stars derived from particle-based simulated star populations.
RGB flux map of a synthetic survey of the FIRE-2 simulated galaxy m12f (image credit: Sanderson et al. 2020).
The package was designed to provide easy installation and distribution of the ananke
software, as described in Sanderson et al. 2020. In this work, the team focused on cosmological simulations, such as the latte suite of FIRE simulations which have limited resolution and cannot accurately represent fully resolved stellar populations with individual stars. To address this challenge, the authors of ananke
developed a framework consisting of scripts and data that enabled the generation of synthetic GAIA star surveys from these simulated galaxies. The framework combines density estimations and IMF sampling techniques to create representative populations of mock stars.
An essential aspect of ananke
is its integration with the EnLink
C++ software for computing phase space densities. These computed densities are then used as input for the Galaxia
C++ software, which generates synthetic surveys by incorporating user-supplied GAIA isochrones to produce the mock photometry.
The development of py-ananke
aims to make this sophisticated framework accessible to a broader community. By providing a self-contained and easily installable Python package, we strive to facilitate the usage and adoption of ananke
for generating mock star surveys from cosmological simulations, enabling the investigation of stellar halos around nearby galaxies.
is compatible with Python versions above 3.7.12 and below 3.11. The project is organized into three branches: main, stable, and develop. The main branch contains the latest released version, while the stable and develop branches host versions currently in development, with stable being the most recent stable version. py-ananke
uses dedicated wrapper submodules, namely py-EnBiD-ananke
and py-Galaxia-ananke
, specifically developed to handle the installation and utilization of the C++ backend software, EnBiD
, and a modified version of Galaxia
called galaxia-ananke
. These submodules relieve users from the need to directly manage the C++ software while isolating the C++ wrapping process. This allows py-ananke
to focus on processing inputs and outputs using pure Python. It is worth noting that galaxia-ananke
incorporates several pre-installed photometric systems, represented by sets of isochrones generated from the CMD web interface (commonly referred to as Padova isochrones). Among the available options are HST, GAIA, Euclid, Rubin, JWST & Roman.
To install py-ananke
, you can use the following pip command, which pulls the latest version directly from the repository's main branch:
pip install git+https://github.com/athob/py-ananke@main
python -m pip install git+https://github.com/athob/py-ananke@main
Alternatively, if you prefer, you may clone the repository to your local machine and then install py-ananke
using the following pip command, which installs it from your local copy of the repository:
git clone https://github.com/athob/py-ananke
cd py-ananke
pip install .
Please note that the command with flag pip install . --no-cache-dir
may be necessary due to some dependencies issues.
Warning: DO NOT download the repository as a ZIP archive with intention to install it this way, the installation requires the git set up of the repository to propertly install its submodule dependencies.
After installation, the module can be imported in Python under the name ananke
and be ran as such.
The repository includes a Jupyter notebook that demonstrates a simplified use case utilizing a dummy set of randomly generated particle data. You can access the notebook directly at jupyter/example_notebook.ipynb. This notebook provides a step-by-step example to help you understand the functionality and usage of py-ananke
in a straightforward manner.
Note that you will need Jupyter installed on the machine where you intend to test this notebook, which will not be automatically installed by the py-ananke
's installation as it is not required to run its modules. Please follow the Project Jupyter dedicated instructions for installing its tools such as JupyterLab or Jupyter Notebook.
Work in progress...
is now published in The Journal of Open Source Software. You can also access the associated arXiv publication here.
We have an exciting roadmap of upcoming updates planned, which we aim to implement prior to or following the submission. Here are some of the planned updates in no particular order:
- Improving Extinction: The extinction feature is currently in an experimental state, and we have identified areas for significant improvement. Firstly, while the user can supply their own extinction coefficients Aλ/A0 for any photometric system, only GAIA currently has default coefficients. Future updates will expand the range of default extinction coefficients for different systems. Secondly, the estimation of dust column density maps per particle currently requires user input. Our plan is to incorporate a treatment that directly computes dust column densities from the simulated metal-enriched gas provided by the user.
- Implementing Error Modelling: The original
framework (Sanderson et al. 2020) featured error modelling as a significant component. In future updates, we will introduce a framework that allows for the incorporation of simple error models into the pipeline, enhancing the robustness of the generated mock surveys. - Interfacing with Isochrone Databases:
currently includes pre-loaded isochrones for a chosen photometric system (some of which are listed in the introduction section). Our plan is to implement a direct interface with established isochrone databases such as Padova or MIST, enabling users to download available photometric systems on-the-fly. Additionally, we aim to develop a framework that allowspy-ananke
to output photometry in a range of commonly used calibration standards. - Additional Modularization: While
serves as the density estimation routine of choice, we plan to expand the options by adding more choices such asEnLink
. Furthermore, we intend to diversify the selection of kernel functions for density estimation and sampling mock stars in phase space, making it possible to utilize anisotropic kernel functions. Additionally, we will enhance the flexibility ofpy-ananke
by incorporating a wider range of initial mass functions (IMFs) and allowing mass sampling based on present mass functions, particularly for generating mock stars in globular clusters. - Quality of Life Updates: We are dedicated to enhancing the user experience and overall usability of
. To that end, we will be implementing various quality of life updates, refining the software interface, improving documentation, and streamlining the overall workflow.
These upcoming updates signify our commitment to continuously improve py-ananke
and address the evolving needs of the community. We encourage users to stay engaged with the project, provide feedback, and contribute to its development as we work towards a more comprehensive and user-friendly tool for generating mock surveys.
You can readily access the code in the main GitHub repository, as well as its submodules repositories. We encourage users to utilize the Github issues feature to report any bugs encountered or suggest new ideas for improvement. Contributions to the project are highly valued and greatly appreciated. To contribute, we kindly request that you make your changes in a separate branch or fork of the repository. Once your contributions are ready, you can submit a pull request to merge them into the develop branch. If you choose to make your contributions in a fork, please make sure to base those changes from the develop branch in that fork, and have your pull requests originate from your forked develop branch and target this repository's develop branch. Additionally, you may need to confirm that the Workflow permissions in your fork settings are set to Read and write (Settings > Actions > General > Workflow permissions) in case the CI/CD GitHub Action doesn't complete.
is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3, offering you the freedom to utilize, modify, and distribute the software. The GPL v3 ensures that you have the flexibility to adapt py-ananke to suit your specific needs, while also contributing to the open-source community. We encourage you to read the full license text to understand your rights and responsibilities when using py-ananke.
If py-ananke has played a role in your research project or software development, we kindly request that you acknowledge and cite the project. Citing py-ananke not only gives credit to the dedicated efforts of its creators but also helps others discover and benefit from this software.
To cite py-ananke
, please use DOI 10.21105/joss.06234
as a reference in your publications, or cite as the following:
Thob, Adrien C. R. et al. 2024, “Generating synthetic star catalogs from simulated data for next-gen observatories with py-ananke”, The Journal of Open Source Software, 9, 6234, doi:10.21105/joss.06234.
Alternatively, you may use one of the entries associated with py-ananke
as listed by The SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System, such as the following BibTeX entry:
author = {{Thob}, Adrien and {Sanderson}, Robyn and {Eden}, Andrew and {Nikakhtar}, Farnik and {Panithanpaisal}, Nondh and {Garavito-Camargo}, Nicol{\'a}s and {Sharma}, Sanjib},
title = "{Generating synthetic star catalogs from simulated data for next-gen observatories with py-ananke}",
journal = {The Journal of Open Source Software},
keywords = {C++, astronomy, galaxies, stars, simulations, mock observations, Jupyter Notebook, Python, Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies, Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics},
year = 2024,
month = oct,
volume = {9},
number = {102},
eid = {6234},
pages = {6234},
doi = {10.21105/joss.06234},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
eprint = {2312.02268},
primaryClass = {astro-ph.GA},
adsurl = {https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2024JOSS....9.6234T},
adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
Below, you will find a selection of scientific papers that showcase the potential and capabilities of py-ananke. These papers serve as valuable resources for understanding the practical implementation and impact of py-ananke in various domains.
- Gray et al. 2024, “EDGE: A new model for Nuclear Star Cluster formation in dwarf galaxies”, arXiv e-prints, arXiv:2405.19286, doi:10.48550/arXiv.2405.19286
has also been discussed extensively in various workshops and conferences.
was featured at EAS 2023 in Krakow as an e-poster, check it at this URL.py-ananke_v0.1.0-beta2
was featured at the 243rd AAS meeting in New Orleans.- a Galactic Plane survey application of
was featured at:- the Roman@Yerkes workshop on Galactic Science with the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope,
- EAS 2024 in Padova as an e-poster (available here),
- the Challenging Theory with Roman meeting at Caltech (recording available here),
- the 2024 IAU GA in Cape Town (live streamed here).
We extend our sincere gratitude to Robyn Sanderson (UPenn), Andrew Eden (FloridaTech), Farnik Nikakhtar (Yale), Nondh Panithanpaisal (UPenn/CarnegieObs), and Nicolas Garavito-Camargo (FlatironCCA) for their invaluable contributions and support during the development of this package. Their expertise, guidance, and collaboration have been instrumental in shaping the vision and advancement of this project. We also appreciate the valuable feedback and suggestions provided by the wider community, including the extended Galaxy Dynamics @ UPenn group and the participants of the "anankethon" workshop, which have significantly contributed to the refinement and enhancement of the package.