- Arrays & Hashing
- Two Pointers
- Stack
- Binary Search
- Sliding Window
- Linked List
- Trees
- Heap / Priority Queue
- Intervals
- Greedy
- Backtracking
- Graphs
- Advanced Graphs
- 1-D DP
- 2-D DP
- Bit Manipulation
- Math & Geometry
Problem | Leetcode | Difficulty | Topics | Notes |
217 - Contains Duplicate | Leetcode | 🟢 | Array, Hash Table, Sorting | Use dictionary (hashmap) to check for duplicates |
242 - Valid Anagram | Leetcode | 🟢 | Hash Table, String, Sorting | Two dictionaries (hashmaps), |
1 - Two Sum | Leetcode | 🟢 | Array, Hash Table | TBD |
49 - Group Anagrams | Leetcode | 🟡 | Array, Hash Table, String, Sorting | Use dictionary (hashmap) with sorted letters of a word (key) and array of anagrams (value) |
347 - Top K Frequent Elements | Leetcode | 🟡 | Array, Hash Table, Divide and Conquer, Sorting, Heap (Priority Queue), Bucket Sort, Counting, Quickselect | TBD |
238 - Product of Array Except Self | Leetcode | 🟡 | Array, Prefix Sum | Tricky to understand the principle. Make two passes to compute products: first in-order, second in-reverse. |
36 - Valid Sudoku | Leetcode | 🟡 | Array, Hash Table, Matrix | Use 3 hashmaps (dictionaries): rows, columns and subsets (3x3, use 'row / 3', 'column / 3' as a key). Check for duplicates in sets |
271 - Encode and Decode Strings | Leetcode | 🟡 | TBD | Separator is a word length + a sign (e.g., |
128 - Longest Consecutive Sequence | Leetcode | 🟡 | Array, Hash Table, Union Find | Loop and find out if the num is a start of a sequence ( |
Problem | Leetcode | Difficulty | Topics | Notes |
125 - Valid Palindrome | Leetcode | 🟢 | Two Pointers, String | Left and right pointer. Compare left/right chars (lowercased) in |
167 - Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted | Leetcode | 🟡 | Array, Two Pointers, Binary Search | In |
15 - 3Sum | Leetcode | 🟡 | Array, Two Pointers, Sorting | Similar to the "2 Sum" approach. Sort the array first. Skip dups while iterating. Then apply "2 Sum" method, for each num and update left pointer (while no dup value found). |
11 - Container With Most Water | Leetcode | 🟡 | Array, Two Pointers, Greedy | The left p is the start, and the right p is the end of the array. Calculate the max area |
42 - Trapping Rain Water | Leetcode | 🔴 | Array, Two Pointers, DP, Stack, Monotonic Stack | TBD |
Problem | Leetcode | Difficulty | Topics | Notes |
20 - Valid Parentheses | Leetcode | 🟢 | String, Stack | Use simple stack structure ( |
155 - Min Stack | Leetcode | 🟡 | Stack, Design | Store two arrays (one for numbers, another for min values). |
150 - Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation | Leetcode | 🟡 | Array, Math, Stack | Iterate through the strings and use switch. In case of an operator, pop 2 values, calcuate the expression (mind the order) and push to the stack. In case of a number (default case), just push it to the stack. Return top value. |
22 - Generate Parentheses | Leetcode | 🟡 | String, DP, Backtracking | Implement a backtracking function and call it recursively. Pass |
739 - Daily Temperatures | Leetcode | 🟡 | Array, Stack, Monotonic Stack | TBD to deep dive |
853 - Car Fleet | Leetcode | 🟡 | Array, Stack, Sorting, Monotonic Stack | Notes |
84 - Largest Rectangle In Histogram | Leetcode | 🔴 | TBD | TBD |
Problem | Leetcode | Difficulty | Topics | Notes |
704 - Binary Search | Leetcode | 🟢 | Array, Binary Search | TBD |
74 - Search a 2D Matrix | Leetcode | 🟡 | Array, Binary Search, Matrix | TBD |
875 - Koko Eating Bananas | Leetcode | 🟡 | Binary Search, Binary Tree | TBD |
Problem | Leetcode | Difficulty | Topics | Notes |
121 - Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | Leetcode | 🟢 | Array, Dynamic Programming | TBD |
3 - Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters | Leetcode | 🟡 | Hash Table, String, Sliding Window | TBD |
Problem | Leetcode | Difficulty | Topics | Notes |
206 - Reverse Linked List | Leetcode | 🟢 | Linked List, Recursion | TBD |
21 - Merge Two Sorted Lists | Leetcode | 🟢 | Linked List, Recursion | TBD |
143 - Reorder List | Leetcode | 🟡 | Linked List, Two Pointers, Stack, Recursion | TBD |
19 - Remove Nth Node From End of List | Leetcode | 🟡 | Linked List, Two Pointers | TBD |
Problem | Leetcode | Difficulty | Topics | Notes |
226 - Invert Binary Tree | Leetcode | 🟢 | Tree, Depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search, Binary Tree | TBD |
104 - Maximum Depth of Binary Tree | Leetcode | 🟢 | Tree, Depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search, Binary Tree | TBD |
543 - Diameter of Binary Tree | Leetcode | 🟢 | Tree, Depth-First Search, Binary Tree | TBD |
110 - Balanced Binary Tree | Leetcode | 🟢 | Tree, Depth-First Search, Binary Tree | TBD |
100 - Same Tree | Leetcode | 🟢 | Tree, Depth-First Search, Binary Tree | TBD |
572 - Subtree of Another Tree | Leetcode | 🟢 | Tree, Depth-First Search, Binary Tree | TBD |