NOTE: Core development moved to
- work-in-progress
- i.e., don't file bugs yet (or do if you like)
- enjoy the ugly
- wanna help?
- can't follow peeps yet so you'll have to create your identity and build your graph on another client
- db schema is subject to change rapidly
- so MAY NEED TO do this whenever you pull new commits:
$ rm ~/.nostr-desk
- so MAY NEED TO do this whenever you pull new commits:
$ brew install clojure/tools/clojure
May need to install some java/jdk, say v. 17, if you don't have one
How to run:
$ make run
seen-on relays w/ popup
- popup queries db (w/ cache) for seen-on?
manage followers ux
design scheme for efficient load of missing:xx messages
- ie messages from contacts you don't follow
do not re-query everything when re-connecting to a relay
- bonus: limit requery when contact lists change
limit timelines by cardinality
- with "load more" support
configure/prune logs
- capture logs in ui admin console
more nips
more pretty
- themes?
win/mac/linux installables
keyboard ux
- ctrl-enter publish/reply
- esc cancel publish/reply (lose focus)
- j/k navigate posts
normy features
- traditional-like 'signup' ux
- what else
metadata-cache a bit flawed
- design more reactive approach