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sbam - Smart Battery Advanced Manager.

Charge Fronius battery using SolCast weather forecast.


After installing a Fronius Gen24 plus Solar system including a BYD battery, I wanted during months of low solar production to charge the battery at night when electricity costs are generally lower, in order to use the stored energy during the day.

Fronius through the local web interface reachable from the inverter's LAN IP provides the Battery Management utility -> Time-dependent battery control.

Indeed, it is possible to charge at night, but the process is static. Many times, I found the battery to be either too charged or too discharged the next day. I wanted something more advanced, dynamic, and adaptive that takes into account:

  • weather forecasts
  • daily electricity consumption related to my home
  • the current battery charge
  • the minimum reserve of the battery not to go below
  • the time range when the energy operator offers cheaper electricity to force the charge.

NOTE: In Solar.web, the energy balance does not display grid charge information to prevent customers from perceiving a higher consumption than actual. This is done to simplify the Solar.web view. (Source: Official Fronius support)

Here sbam is all this and much more :)


sbam requires the following prerequisites to function correctly: link

Home Assistant:

Sbam is available as an add-on for HAOS (Home Assistant OS).

N.B. HAOS must be able to reach the Fronius inverter on its LAN IP.

follow this guide to install and configure in HAOS: link

Stand Alone:

sbam can be run via cli with the following parameters:

sbam - Smart Battery Advanced Manager.
        Charge Fronius© battery using weather forecast.
        Initiate parameters from command line, env variables or config.yaml file.

  sbam [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  configure   Configure Battery Storage Charge
  estimate    Estimate Forecast Solar Power
  help        Help about any command
  schedule    Schedule Battery Storage Charge

  -h, --help      help for sbam
  -v, --version   version for sbam

Use "sbam [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Connect to the fronius inverter via modbus and set charging

  sbam configure [flags]

  -d, --defaults            Set defaults
  -f, --force-charge        Force charge
  -H, --fronius_ip string   FRONIUS_IP
  -h, --help                help for configure
  -p, --power int16         Power (percent of nominal power)


Print the solar forecast and the battery storage power

  sbam estimate [flags]

  -k, --apikey string       set APIKEY
  -H, --fronius_ip string   set FRONIUS_IP
  -h, --help                help for estimate
  -u, --url string          Set the forecast URL. For multiple URLs, use a comma (,) to separate them


Workflow to Check Forecast and Battery residual Capacity and decide if it has to be charged in a definited time range.

  sbam schedule [flags]

  -k, --apikey string                  APIKEY
  -E, --batt_reserve_end_hr string     BATT_RESERVE_END_HR (default END_HR)
  -S, --batt_reserve_start_hr string   BATT_RESERVE_START_HR (default START_HR)
  -t, --crontab string                 CRONTAB (default "0 0 0 0 0")
  -d, --defaults                       DEFAULTS (default true)
  -e, --end_hr string                  END_HR (default "00:55")
  -H, --fronius_ip string              FRONIUS_IP
  -h, --help                           help for schedule
  -m, --max_charge float               MAX_CHARGE (default 3500)
  -r, --pw_batt_reserve float          PW_BATT_RESERVE
  -c, --pw_consumption float           PW_CONSUMPTION
  -s, --start_hr string                START_HR (default "00:00")
  -u, --url string                     Set the Forecast URL. For multiple URLs, use a comma (,) to separate them

Debug Logs

To increase the log level to debug, just set the DEBUG environment variable to true.

export DEBUG=true
❯ bin/sbam --help
{"level":"debug","ts":"2024-11-17T12:16:28+01:00","msg":"Debug Logs activated: true"}

Config file and env vars

A configuration file config.yml and/or environment variables are also supported.