The Astrophysics Science Detector package (asdetector) provides a command line and tcp server interface to MACIE/ASIC detector readout systems.
This is an ITAR insensitive version, with ACADIA specific information removed. If you are using ACADIAs, and are not subject to ITAR restrictions, reach out to the author for a version that is closer to off the shelf functionality.
Install underlying API software, MACIE library.
a) Add MACIE.dll or to path
b) If you are using MACIE with GigE, make sure python is allowed through the firewall to detect and communicate with the MACIE board
If not installed already, install python. I recommend miniconda
- If you are using a Windows computer, it is best to use this installer, and selecting the install option to add python to $PATH. This is especially convenient if you are using asdetector alongside the LabVIEW camera control software.
Install the required packages
a) If you are using conda:
$ conda install six astropy numpy matplotlib pandas
b) If you are using pip:
$ pip install six astropy numpy matplotlib pandas
Clone the repository:
$ git clone
- If you are using asdetector alongside the LabVIEW camera control software it is best to clone this repository within
. The path within the LabVIEW software can be changed, but this is the default location.
- If you are using asdetector alongside the LabVIEW camera control software it is best to clone this repository within
Configure settings if you want to change default settings.
Run the interface
$ python --help
$ python COMMAND ARG1
Available commands, are:
Note: Commands are not case-sensitive
$ python SERVER
The SERVER command creates a TCP/IP server that accepts the other commands in the same format as the command line interface
Available TCP/IP server commands are the same as the command line commands: OPEN, INIT, START, CLOSE
Messages are expected to take the following form
0xbeef[message_length_bytes (4 bytes)][message]
When a command completes, there will be an ETX message
# in python byte string format:
A simple client is available as well. It will send any message given as the argument.
$ python MESSAGE
Where "MESSAGE" is any message you would like to send. Preferably one of the available commands (OPEN, INIT, START, or CLOSE).
$ python OPEN
Starts underlying detector API software. This command should be run at startup.
$ python INIT
Initializes hardware clocks and biases. Run this command
$ python START [exposure_time] [skip_time] [number_exposures]
Takes exposures for a given exposure_time
, skips saving frames up the ramp for the skip_time
duration, and duplicates this exposure number_exposure
$ python CLOSE
Closes underlying detector API software
$ python STATUS
Returns the JSON string contained in the JSON status file
$ python MODE [mode]
Changes the frame reduction mode used to convert multiple up the ramp frames from an exposure to a single frame.
Current modes available:
- CDS (last_frame-first_frame)
- SSR (last_frame)
- Fowler2
- Fowler4
- Fowler8
- Fowler16
The JSON Status file, status/status.json, has the following format:
"CommandStartTime": "",
"CurrentCommand": "",
"CommandComplete": false,
"CommandCompleteTime": "",
"ExposureTimeRemaining": -9999.9,
"TotalFrameCount": -9999,
"ExposureFrames": {
"CAMERA0": [],
"CAMERA1": [],
"CAMERA2": [],
"CAMERA3": []
"IntermediateReducedFrames": {
"CAMERA0": [],
"CAMERA1": [],
"CAMERA2": [],
"CAMERA3": []
"FinalReducedFrame": {
"CAMERA0": "",
"CAMERA1": "",
"CAMERA2": "",
"CAMERA3": ""
- CommandStartTime - Time when command was made
- CurrentCommand - Command being executed
- CommandComplete - Flags whether a command has completed
- CommandCompleteTime - Time command was completed. Blank until command is complete
- ExposureTimeRemaining - Time remaining in current exposure. Particular to START command
- TotalFrameCount - Total raw frames for an exposure. Particular to START command
- ExposureFrames - Dictionary containing a list for each camera with the absolute paths to the raw fits files for an exposure in chronological order. Particular to START command
- IntermediateReducedFrames - Dictionary containing a list for each camera with the absolute paths to the bias subtracted fits files for an exposure in chronological order. These lightly processed frames are typically more useful for an observer. Particular to START command
- FinalReducedFrame - Dictionary containing single reduced frame an exposure for each camera. This appears at the end of an exposure, and is the file the observer will take home with them. Particular to START command
This module comes with a TCP client if you want to interact with the TCP server started by the python SERVER
$ python [COMMAND] [ARG1] [ARG2]
$ python START 300 0 0
Detector Readout settings should appear in the main folder in a file called settings.json. To obtain a template run: python MODE CDS
and settings.json will appear in the git repo's base directory.
If a key is missing in the settings.json file, or if there is no settings.json file, the default will be used.
Here are the Python default settings. To obtain a json copy run: python MODE CDS
and settings.json will appear in the git repo's base directory.
'READOUTHARDWARE': 'MACIE', # Don't change this value unless further development is done for other readout hardware
'SIMULATION': False, # Change to True to switch to the simulated API instead of the MACIE API
'NUMBEROFREADOUTCHANNELS': 33, # Number of readout channels enabled on the ASIC
# including detector and other voltage measurement channels
'NUMBEROFSCIENCEHEADERSPERROW': 0, # Number of telemetry header columns at the start of the ASIC readout
'REMOVESCIENCEHEADERS': True, # Removes the telemetry header columns discussed above
'HOST': 'localhost', # IP address for the TCP server
'PORT': 9999, # Port for the TCP server
'CAMERANAMES': ['C0', 'C1', 'C2', 'C3'], # Camera names. Can be any string allowed in a filename
'MODE': 'CDS', # Ramp data reduction mode
'MACIEIPLIST': None, # List of IP addresses to search for the MACIEs.
# If None, it will use the built-in API search for the MACIEs
'FRAMEX': 4224, # Number of columns expected in the readout
'FRAMEY': 4096, # Number of rows expected in the readout
'MACIEBOPTION': False, # Boolean value indicating if DMA bit needs to be set (SIDECAR ASIC),
# or the mSPI-specific registers are to be addressed (ACADIA ASIC)
'MACIEGIGECOMMANDPORT': 0, # integer indicating the GigE port number (e.g. 42037)
'MACIEFIRMWARESLOT': True, # chooses the firmware slot to use on the MACIE (0 or 1)
'MACIELOADFILES': [], # list of .mcf, .ald, etc. files should go here
'REDUCEINTERMEDIATEFRAMES': True, # Create CDS reduced frames as raw frames are sampled up the ramp
'REDUCEFINALFRAME': True, # Create a final reduced frame from the overall data acquisition using method from 'MODE'
'ASICRESETFRAMES': 1, # Number of reset frames before acquiring science frames
'SAVERESETFRAMES': False, # Choose whether to save reset frames
'FRAMETIMESEC': 2.863, # Approximate time for frame readout. Used to calculate number of science frames needed
# based on exposure time and 'MODE'
'ASICREADFRAMESADDRESS': 0x0000, # should be changed to match ASIC (ACADIA, SIDECAR, etc.)
'ASICRESETFRAMESADDRESS': 0x0000, # should be changed to match ASIC (ACADIA, SIDECAR, etc.)
'ASICSTARTACQUSITIONADDRESS': 0x0000, # should be changed to match ASIC (ACADIA, SIDECAR, etc.)
'ASICSTARTACQUSITIONVALUE': 0x0000, # should be changed to match ASIC (ACADIA, SIDECAR, etc.)
'MACIEWAITBETWEENLOADS': 1000, # time to wait between loading files from 'MACIELOADFILES'
'MACIESCIENCEREADBLOCKSADDRESS': 0x01b6, # address used to set MACIE science block size.
# Used when there are multiple ASICs with interleaved data.
'INSTRUMENTNAME': 'prime', # used in the output fits filenames
'SAVENUMPYARRAY': False, # save the raw frames as a numpy array without reshaping, deinterlacing, or deinterleaving
# Useful for debugging
'OUTPUTLOGSTATUSBASEDIR': base_dir, # base directory used for all outputs: images, logs, status json files
'DEINTERLACE': True, # Deinterlace outputs based on number of channels
'SCIENCEFRAMETIMEOUT': 4000, # Timeout in ms for reading a frame
'SCIENCEDATATIMEOUT': 4000, # Timeout in ms for reading science data from ASIC
'FITSHEADER': {}, # Dictionary containing all constant headers. Format discussed further in
'LOGSTATUS': True, # Choose whether to log outputs from the Status command
# (may want to turn off if polled frequently)
'PRINTSTATUS': True, # Choose whether to print outputs from the Status command
# (may want to turn off if polled frequently)
'TCPMSGCLOSE': False, # Stops messages from being sent over TCP connection when close command is sent.
# Useful to avoid errors if the server client stops listening after a close command.
'ERRORNAK': True, # Return NAK instead of ACK when an error occurs
'AUTORESYNC': False, # Automatically run INIT command if telemetry data shows ACADIAs are out of sync
'INITWAIT': 10000, # Time to wait after INIT for voltages to settle
'ENABLETESTERRORS': False, # Sets off errors based on 'TESTERRORS' for testing
'ASICLOOKUPTABLE': ( # Table giving the sca number, sca position, and ASIC number for each enabled ASIC
{'sca': 12345, 'position': 1, 'sce': 123},
{'sca': 67890, 'position': 2, 'sce': 456},
{'sca': 23456, 'position': 3, 'sce': 789},
{'sca': 78901, 'position': 4, 'sce': 234},
# ASIC chip id lower from telemetry data used for autoresyncing. depends on telemetry header information.
# key is the chip ID, value is the camera number
0x000: 0,
0x001: 1,
0x002: 2,
0x003: 3,
'ASICIDLOWERTELEMETRYROW': 0, # row containing the asic id lower telemetry information
'ASICIDLOWERTELEMETRYCOLUMN': 0, # column containing the asic id lower telemetry information
'ASICBIASVOLTAGEADDRESS': { # ASIC address to read the detector voltage. Skips value if set to None
'VDDA': None,
'VDD': None,
'GND': None,
'GNDA': None,
'SUB': None,
'DSUB': None,
'VRESET': None,
'DRAIN': None,
'VREF': None
The FITSHEADER setting expects a dictionary where the key is the header key is the keyword name and the value is another dictionary with 2 keys, 'value' and 'comment'.
"value": 65535,
"comment": "[ADU] detector saturation value"
"GAIN": {
"value": 2.0,
"comment": "[e-/ADU] gain value for detector"
SATURATE= 65535 / [ADU] detector saturation value
GAIN0 = 2.0 / [e-/ADU] gain value for detector
Date stamped log files can be found in the 'logs' directory. Messages are appended to the log with the following format:
[UTC time stamp]\t[Logged message]\n\n\n