backpack is the package manager for goboscript.
backpack fetches and places all dependencies inside the backpack
directory in your
project. backpack allows you to specify dependencies inside goboscript.toml
by their
git repository URL and tag name (version).
git clone
cd backpack
cargo install --path .
Usage: backpack <COMMAND>
sync Fetch and add dependencies to the backpack directory
purge Purge unused packages from the package cache
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
-V, --version
Print version
Add dependencies to your project by adding them to goboscript.toml
dependencyName = "[email protected]"
Then run backpack sync
to fetch and add the dependencies to the backpack directory.
backpack will recursively add all dependencies to the backpack directory.
backpack caches cloned git repositories in the user cache directory, you can choose to either remove cached packages which haven't been used for 30 days or all cached packages.
To remove unused packages run backpack purge --all
or backpack purge