Geo-Bet is a web application that allows users to create user accounts with authentication and answer geography questions with a casino-esque twist. Each question can be bet on (in game coins) and the user gains or loses the amount they bet based on their answer. A leaderboard shows the top scorers so that users can compete to be the best geography trivia player.
Made for the change-coding-challenge-2024 by ChangePlusPlusVandy
Frameworks: React + Vite (JSX), Firebase User Authentication, Tailwind CSS
Component Library: DaisyUI
Miscellaneous: Axios
Frameworks: Node, Express
Database: MongoDB
API Testing: Jest
Miscellaneous: Axios, Cors
git clone <SSH Key>
cd server
npm i
go to package.json and add the following scripts
"start": "node server"
"dev": "nodemon server"
cd ../client
npm i