The final deployed link of the project prototype: https://attention-span.now.sh
Follow the following steps to run the project:
- Open index.html file and then wait for the browser(preferably firefox) to ask camera and microphone permission.
- Click allow and then wait for few seconds for the video to start playing automatically after detecting you face.
The playback of the video is controlled by the presence of face in the camera frame.
There are two graphs on the web page showing the time for which the user was attentive and another shows the noise level around the user.
When you click the stop button the attention percentage and the noise ratio are calculated and displayed.
There is a button to print the report for the user. When that button is clicked a report in pdf format is available to download.
The above information are there in pdf format, i.e. both the graphs and the calculated parameters.
Below is the demo video of the project
Project Developers -
**Ashish Kushwaha** **Somil Jain** **Shradha Khapra** **Nishant Aggarwal** **Sabeel Ahmad** **Raghav Dalmia**