- nightwatch:
- Remove unused documentation files (052fda52)
- designers:
- typography: Remove inaccurate references to typography Sass (#472) (2885e933)
- checkbox/radio:
- styleguidist: Upgrade styleguidist to 6.2. Remove leftover Adobe script stuff from the index. (f68681b4)
- box: Add alt attribute to box sample images (593da043)
- select:
- eslint: upgrade (#473) (af48250e)
- responsive: use defaultmatches for all uses (#471) (#461) (314bc55d)
- nighwatch: Update path to /tests in config file (0c59c7b3)
- icons: move to packages for split versions (38e3cbc6)
- form-field: move to shared for split packages (2033d4fe)
- flexbox: move to shared for split versions (2580de1c)
- expand-collapse: move to packages for split versions (34e0d3fb)
- clickable: move to shared for split versions (41243b2c)
- choice: move to packages for split versions (e7d1c192)
- animation: move to shared for split versions (1a5cb634)
- flex-grid: move to packages for split versioning (bbeb8310)
- wave-divider: move to packages for split versions (85f5d310)
- hairline-divider: move to packages for split versioning (d1e0216a)
- dimple-divider: move to packages for split versioning (cd1e93eb)
- checkbox: move to packages for split versioning (32299541)
- card: move to packages for split versioning (995b006b)
- button: move button to packages for split versioning (ce89b99b)
- box: move to packages for split versioning (8cdd965f)
- step-tracker: move to packages for split versioning (53a2a8b1)
- spinner: move to packages directory for split versioning (13accebd)
- selector-counter: Move to packages folder to prepare for indepedent versioning (30f6ee95)
- nightwatch: Remove eslint disabled statements (8808ba01)
- echint: Ignore nightwatch accessibility reports in tests/reports (bdf81355)
- release.sh: Remove precommit from release.sh. It will be run automatically now on git commit (3e3d94d5)
- precommit: Introduce lint-staged to only lint staged files in the precommit (b790cc19)
- precommit: Add husky and pretty-quick for precommit and prepush hook enhancements (cdf3a4a5)
- developer-guide: Add precommit and prepush hooks docs (54763db7)
- styleguidist: Add Set polyfill via polyfill.io (f94a711f)
- designers:
- welcome: Fix console warning by adding HairlineDivider into Box spacers (08cde465)
- responsive:
- Fix console warning due to single quotes on MardownHeading (9f601339)
- Remove example explanation to keep it simple (1ec1f7af)
- Minor tweak to example explanation (3e276dbf)
- Update example and sniffing user-agent info (121e5c5d)
- Use Responsive instead of Media in example : (2d25da57)
- Fix code example for defaultMatches (469f194d)
- document defaultMatches prop (7d5aca4b)
- choice: use span instead of div (4c6ee5b6)
- form-field: Update Box inside label to use the tag prop (14845697)
- expand-collapse: Enable conditional rendering of panels (#447) (444dd461)
- use class properties transform (#464) (6c99087c)
- expand-collapse: Move state after the constructor in PanelWrapper (6aeb1888)
- re-add flexgrid components to styleguide (ff87605f)
- readme:
- welcome:
- styleguide: add welcoming paragraph (cfa3d934)
- designers:
- getting-started: replace craftmanager9 image (7edf0320)
- guide:
- github: add code of conduct (61cd17b3)
- flexgrid: Rename of the column class name (ad200711)
- scripts: Remove scss/utility from dist/scss (44758988)
- guide: clean up links to make them GitHub friendly (afbc6842)
- readme:
- Add missing @ on Stephen's slack handle (fb40643c)
- Removing duplicate content in /guide (2e5b95a4)
- update maintainer list (cae21a8d)
- Remove duplicate content in README (0dd7e078)
- update logo (9d42ac67)
- update component link (2b303f23)
- update second paragraph (79212da6)
- add licence and npm badges (927b684a)
- Update shields (af6dfd93)
- add npm and prettier shields (9bfca11a)
- styleguidist:
- ToC: Moved Table of Contents to guide/README.md (405f359b)
- guide:
- input: change name example (21a39f63)
- contributing:
- faq:
- icons: add 48px sized icon example (0d52747e)
- TDS_logo_lockup.png: no longer need logo (3d5111a9)
- license:
- writing: add michael edits (1f4a0427)
- iconography: add michael edits (78fe8a27)
- typography:
- principles: add michael edits (d266da28)
- roadmap: add michael edits (41544079)
- designer-guide: add michael edits (1eb9cd35)
- developers: add michael edits (7a027411)
- designers:
- getting-started:
- upgrading: Remove upgrading.md (60a69739)
- foundational-elements:
- grid: Add (deprecated) on the sidebar listing (53073ced)
- package:
- github: add security notice (a22377bd)
- scripts: only copy colours to dist (5aaafe11)
- grid: Remove old Grid sass, components and documentation (53145d4f)
- selector-counter: Add .accessible-hide and also style the label on the last example (2fbd048c)
- styleguide: link properly to github (3fe40d87)
- select:
- base-button: Fix padding when long cta copy is used (efc3f610)
- selector-counter: Adjust caret size to match what's in production (f4185596)
- line-height: in globally scoped css (0d01091f)
- css-cleanup: Removed mixins and variables sass files (9325f6b8)
- lint: adjust echint for .svg files (1a9313f5)
- roadmap: add roadmap image (13ba9a4b)
- flex-grid:
- designer-guide:
- contact: updated copy (d747f715)
- guide:
- summary: move faqs to support (e102f304)
- upgrading: Add initial draft of Upgrading from 0.21.1 to v1 section (33aa9f47)
- designers:
- codebase: Minor edits while in QA (cda84714)
- getting-started: add screenshots (2339efb6)
- guide:
- flex-grid:
- styleguidist: Fix TELUS logo to link to the top of the Styleguidist page (f8f5fbed)
- getting-started: adjust message and grammar (a6d1bb77)
- link: Use insert-logo-link and add a few TELUS css styles (10de916d)
- textarea:
- styleguiderenderer: pass tests (fcd6ec58)
- github: move issue templates to prescribed dir (9fa107c7)
- textarea: change filename case (5a966289)
- summary:
- flex-grid: restore row component (e69612ce)
- ExpandCollapse: Update update label to 0.33.1 (99c7458b)
- writing: fixed typo in overview (79adf68d)
- imagery: updated docs (52506f72)
- keyboard-nav: typo in tab order (9ad1cb94)
- dividers: update overview (bfa5874e)
- layout: update governance (12be662f)
- typography: updated type leading (002654e6)
- flexgrid: add css styles (fa658e70)
- ExpandCollapse: remove the core-js/es6/set import from ExpandCollapse (92de7314)
- select:
- radio:
- guide:
- headings: updated usage criteria (400487af)
- heading: updated usage criteria (6fc62550)
- codebase: add more tools, use relevant directory example (43676ca1)
- contact: provide consistent content to internal docs (94ac25b8)
- accessibility:
- principles: added sub section to first page (640832c8)
- summary: added Principles to Design in side (f6864e2d)
- design:
- colour: Add colour palette to the static docs (59e37bd1)
- inputfeedback:
- change telus digital name to lowercase (f5289902)
- pr-template: updates to tools and verbosity (7d5f1309)
- support: add support channels (f572edae)
- textarea:
- getting-started: Updates and expansions to the getting started guide for devs (d20d560f)
- prep select, textarea, and inputfeedback for release (cbc58625)
- add stale bot (e9cc4933)
- add inputfeedback to staging (16f9a248)
- github: update issue and pr templates (2c847949)
- guide:
- pull-request-template: remove obsolete info (d5874282)
- gitbook: add collapsible menu (468620f6)
- input: deprecate input.helper (3c9e7e36)
- inputfeedback: add separate component (4e4679f8)
- select: Adjust accessibility for select / Abstract Helper to its own component (Feedback) / Add docs select component (7b5b1c5a)
- textarea: set min height (a4ee19eb)
- codebase-overview: adjust syntax highlighting in react example (1d4ab36b)
- pull changes from master (a9fe3e57)
- helper: extract helper into its own independent component (f27ad321)
- Unskip and fix old tests for Spinner and SelectorCounter (b586b20c)
- package.json: Set engines to node 8 (99bb8e61)
- icons: Remove old icons.js script. Not used. (2346c56a)
- expand-collapse: Remove old ExpandCollapse component that is no longer used (8d3893c2)
- getting-started:
- contributing:
- link: fix syntax highlighting (30c74ddb)
- standards: Add a WIP notice at the top (59d82866)
- radio: add default radio to example (2fb101b0)
- grid: remove screen-breaking words (cfbea93a)
- form: add usage guide for checkbox and radio (8ad34c47)
- forms: Add deprecation badge on CSS checkbox and radio inputs (6766075c)
- docker: upgrade alpine to node 8 (15151407)
- typography:
- display-heading: Add wordBreak class (0941d1fb)
- heading: hyphenate and break long words (12bef2b6)
- borders: change border specificity (7bf0ee55)
- dependencies: Remove redux-contentful as a dependency (2089e84e)
- dockerfile: Move the gitbook:install step after the guide files are copied into the Docker image (dbd216c8)
- v0.32.0: release prep (4e847f53)
- config:
- roadmap: Fill out the online roadmap (30451f74)
- image:
- contributing:
- flex-grid: Enable in staging (35e4fb02)
- guide:
- radio:
- checkbox:
- choice: Minor updates to example (d6e00cb0)
- gitbook:
- integration: Integration Gitbook with styleguidist (9bdfd3e7)
- image: Fix minor typo in warning (8da5904d)
- getting-started: Add first draft of getting started for developers (57b5dee7)
- flex-grid: Document the props. Refactor the gutterless prop to be in the positive. (937682ce)
- radio: Remove error prop (4d258acd)
- choice:
- Add top and left attributes to hiddenInput (e6baeea4)
- Fix alignment of selected state on mobile devices (532ada36)
- Add accessibility enhancements re: aria-invalid and aria-describedby (2f9b16dc)
- Top align choice element to handle labels that wrap into more than on line (13178d92)
- Add ability to display error message above the input field (a798186d)
- Update label prop to accept nodes (4d08fdb4)
- choice: add pointer cursor to input (4acfbe86)
- checkbox: improve accessibility on safari (e2213a1e)
- docs: Correct tabbing on Radio.md (4fdb7b3f)
- dependencies: Move react-braodcast to dev dependencies (b7fdc4a0)
- babel: Remove babel-cli in favor of babel-core (b4ec4d01)
- v0.31.0: Prep: add badge and update index.js (73b96d39)
- responsive:
- analytics: Only load Adobe analytics script in production (8cb77f1e)
- radio: Show Radio component in staging (754b57bf)
- styleguide: Enable Select and Textarea in staging (df34764c)
- checkbox: Add basic examples (210a04d1)
- image: Add local image example and wording changes to prop descriptions. (6ce8c768)
- textarea:
- flexgrid:
- styles: Remove pointer from disabled checkbox and radio components (63566cbf)
- radio:
- select:
- checkbox:
- Center align label and refactored css (5efd7208)
- Add disabled states (200c6f56)
- Fix error state logic and styles (a192b5fc)
- Add feedback prop to display error styles (541e4040)
- Add onFocus and onBlur callbacks and willReceiveProps (6786a758)
- Add interactivity and focusing/blurring (2a26d061)
- Initial commit to reset globally scoped CSS styles (bb5c2b10)
- image:
- responsive: Add query prop to allow targeting of media query characteristics (441401ee)
- forms: Adjust font size on SelectorCounter and remove coloured border from focus states on inpu (5d62e27a)
- styleguide: Add compact to remove the 'undefined' path (ee574fae)
- input: Use FormField child component. Ensure global styles do not apply to it. (1d641663)
- textarea: Insert padding-right in order to prevent overlapping text and icons (d29634c4)
- forms-styles: Rename FormFields.modules.scss as Forms.modules.scss to prevent confusion wi (3d6c0635)
- helper: Move helper into the Formfield folder (af7036cc)
- flexgrid:
- radio: Refactor commont subcomponents of radio and checkbox into Choice (d100c60f)
- styles: Allow radio and checkbox to emit focus/blur events (05f5d7f7)
- image: Use inline clip-path to do circular masking (9b8e2fc9)
- select: Apply better spacing to the icons (fbfa3d3b)
- responsive:
- expand-collapse: Use new responsive component (4f8135ce)
- box: Use new responsive component (9d3dba4b)
- button: Use new responsive component (9dce6e32)
- tooltip: Use the new responsive component (b05f35d5)
- heading: Use a sub component to make the conditionals easier to follow (9ea7b15d)
- display-heading: Use react-media based responsive component (36dbd444)
- choice: Add transition styles in Choice.modules.scss (e9b498e6)
- radio: Remove the uncheck tests (ee04b902)
- image: Enable Image component in staging (7a1aa6b4)
- searchComponent: Standardize search box with TDS input (c49cd742)
- expand-collapse: enable in staging (636e0a5c)
- responsive:
- icons: fixed accessible green typo (f92c9204)
- 0.30.0: add expandcollapse and accordion to the production bundle and docs (7b05673c)
- expand-collapse:
- select: Initial commit of Select (eeb5e69e)
- textarea: Initial commit of textarea component (2a5c5338)
- expand-collapse: Make location of the tertiary-text in Panel responsive (24dc41e6)
- responsive
- heading: Fix responsive heading classes (d4962ed7)
- box: Fix responsive classes (07feb4a0)
- tooltip: Change class hierarchy of responsive classes to properly to directionality (01ee4d28)
- expand-collapse: Force TELUS-Web font family in PanelWrapper.modules.scss (518ed5f3)
- small: Change Small/Text size="small" components line-height to 20px (fd8d56e0)
- styleguide-config: Refactor how we set up namespaced components import statements (4056345b)
- box: Remove the .false class from Box.jsx when not minWidth="md" is false (20ce8d74)
- tooltip:
- button: Update BaseButton to use the Responsive component (b76b13f0)
- sub: Remove unused Heading.Sub, DisplayHeading.Sub and Text.Sub components (ae8a612e)
- heading: re-org sup and sub classes (8f7c8f56)
- display-heading: Cleaned up css now that Responsive component is used (35e8d722)
- responsive:
- select: Add tests for select. (4b40d557)
- textarea: Un-skip tests using expect.objectContaining for matching partial events (727600a5)
- react: Update react and react-dom to v16.1.0 (ffeba8db)
- responsive:
- box:
- Fix path for image examples (1a57ade5)
- Add inset and between example images (a1f49cc1)
- updated the example in the docs (14340451)
- Add alignment back to Card examples. Use box in Input helper example. (21bfb94d)
- Adjust examples and props descriptions (f4a4d372)
- Fix Card component content spacing to match Sketch file (e3084662)
- Fix example with ButtonLink spaced out using between (350b133b)
- Use Box component in jsx examples (99367a9e)
- Update HairlineDividr examples (0ee80499)
- simplify component description (3ea70535)
- hide below prop, add pixel values to spacing matrix (d04d479b)
- add badge, use between prop exclusively (f9a23456)
- update inline example (1960428f)
- add between examples (66db3c4c)
- add documentation to dev and staging (7fa08450)
- 0.29.0: Remove badges from 0.26 release (01560fd5)
- typography: Small wording adjustment to the spacing system callout (616d2bfe)
- styles: Remove unused docs styles and cleanup used ones (543fffd6)
- expandcollapse: Initial docs and props descriptions (708abdad)
- utility-icons: Fix primary/secondary colours mixup in Variables section (3a4b80d0)
- getting-started: changed the link of the sketch file (b0295d6d)
- responsive:
- box:
- Remove feature toggle from Box and add it to the package (2a1bcac8)
- offload align-items css to consumers (3b3e7af0)
- Set flexbox properties to stacked boxes (c0875823)
- Removed extra CSS classes from Box.modules.scss (7b051507)
- Remove right and left prop from Box component (304216b9)
- Remove below prop in Box from Input component (b628adae)
- Use Box between in ExpandCollapse component (0eda8eed)
- Use Box inline between in Notification component (32c220dc)
- Remove Box right prop in Input Component (d147d79e)
- Adjust spacing on Input component (54f84380)
- wip use between prop everywhere (8e9598ba)
- add between inline classes (0ef38855)
- styleguide: enable box in staging (062053fb)
- card:
- expandcollapse:
- Change font sizes of header texts (a32bc421)
- Add ability to disable the top divider (626b63cd)
- Hide panel content from screen readers until it is opened (eb1a215a)
- Add tertiary text in the header (192226a3)
- Move hairline dividers outside of all the panels (692c50c6)
- Make header text bold when there is subtext (5c1eec5e)
- Close accordion panels on click when they are open (843a9f26)
- Reverse the caret translation direction when the panel is open (f9cbc2a6)
- Add Accordion component (1f0cf377)
- Add aria-expanded for screen reader support (fa17403e)
- unorderedlist: rearrange props (16cf6784)
- box: simplify internal logic (f9a1036f)
- prettier: Add bracketSpacing option explicitly on package.json (6309faf8)
- flexbox: Remove duplicate Flexbox.modules.scss (62f4edbb)
- expandcollapse: Add support for subtext and arbitrary header content (3c5f4c82)
- box:
- Add left prop so we can easily set margin left for ChevronLink and refactor how to calcul (0daf3b90)
- Update vertical padding on Notification to use the vertical prop (79e44a00)
- Update Card, ExpandCollapse, Notification and Tooltip to use the new Box props (e97130fd)
- Aligned on new interface. Renamed x and y props to horizontal and vertical and refactored right prop to add right margin. Also refactored the Input component to use the new interface. WIP because there are a few more components to fix (115db024)
- Add between prop to add bottom margin to all children except for last (170d67e5)
- add tag prop (68bda42a)
- chevronlink: remove underline (7b71b946)
- button: add padding to the left and right of every button (243e4114)
- expandcollapse:
- swap caret direction when panel opens and closes (5babd4ed)
- Convert back from a set to an array when calling onToggle callbacks (5f9e48b7)
- Add ability to disable panels (9e169141)
- Adjust panel content height when inner content changes (5b2c369e)
- Fire callback when any panel is opened or closed with full panel state (52c52ec7)
- Add Translate animation to move the caret on hover (6f686bd1)
- box: Update language and interface for adding padding and margin (4bf05c29)
- button:
- links: Allow objects in to prop (a1de2fb0)
- button: Bring Button and ButtonLink into a common base component (309271bf)
- css: move typography guideline to typography component (53c9b8dc)
- notification: use text component for bold faces (d79691de)
- colours: Set font-size to 1rem (9ebb36ed)
- examples: Use Typography components in code examples within the /old-components folder (4a7d497c)
- markdown-lists: Add MarkdownUnorderedList and MarkdownOrderedList (c15b7617)
- strong: Use Strong component in Markdown (bfbcd2c9)
- markdown-heading:
- props: Increase font size in props tables to match default Paragraph size (5b3aa1d7)
- markdown-paragraph: Add MarkdownParagraph (d65e6216)
- sidebar: Move the Components section up (acac1c59)
- section-heading: Use TDS Heading component instead Styleguidist default heading styles (f777d0de)
- expandcollapse:
- animations: Move Fade and Reveal into an Animations module (f9528a6d)
- expandcollapse: Mark tests as skipped instead of commented (3727264c)
- expand-collapse: Comment out broken tests (26af1a7c)
- snapshots: Use the enzyme-to-json snapshot serializer for easier snapshot config (e4a37b17)
- echint: Ignore .tgz files (40fd2abd)
- badges: Update for v0.26.0 (777074f3)
- card:
- standalone-icon: Fix spelling error (7e751272)
- config: Add autoprefixing (ba198f58)
- standalone-icon:
- card:
- docs: improve docs css for flex selection (4249997a)
- standalone-icon: Fix styles for 48px icon. (e34297c8)
- button: Make buttons 100% width on mobile (65ac25ed)
- tooltip: Use interactive standalone icon (24ef293a)
- card: Change gray variant to grey (817386c8)
- icons: Fix spacing in Icon examples. (e3737e73)
- buttons:
- examples: Move the horizontal spacing class into the class name of the editors (b3a03f8d)
- buttons:
- docs:
- prettier: remove prettier config file (311e0551)
- meta: Remove Hero block (7d044528)
- tooltip: Rewording the tooltip and sublabel descriptions. (877c6ee1)
- badges:
- staging: Enable tooltip in staging. (066e38e4)
- tooltip:
- Replace Element#closest polyfill with a non-invasive function (cc2a431c)
- Set width instead of using min and max to be more browser compatible (0057a0f8)
- Change responsive sizes of tooltip (c23939c8)
- Set responsive max sizing for the tooltip relative to the container size (a873892a)
- Use Element#closest for a better way of keeping the bubble open if clicking in it (c97808bc)
- Set the text color of the trigger button for Safari (908540f7)
- Close tooltip on keypress (cd7916e5)
- Keep the tooltip open when clicking inside the bubble (397fd805)
- Close the tooltip when clicking anywhere on the document (72d4c688)
- Force the bubble to display to the left at small breakpoints (7b0546a1)
- Set tooltip min and max widths (7bc9ff8d)
- Pass the label of the connected form field to tooltip (4c6dee42)
- Align the tooltip icon (7a737477)
- Clean up styles and component (4adffd87)
- Add accessibility enhancements (a69c73e3)
- Update bubble wrapper to a div tag (7c95a1f1)
- Remove WithPadding component for spacing (30795bfe)
- Add WithPadding to bubble (65615a23)
- Render bubble with small text (c7051a9e)
- Integrate with Input component (f9411191)
- Add tooltip CSS wedge at bottom of bubble (37ac93a1)
- hint: TDS-358: Rename sublabel to hint. (b54a80f0)
- package: upgrade styleguidist - simplify markdown examples - add global 'helper example' classes (dcfc106b)
- wave-divider: A little more cleanup of the class names. Removing un-necessary prefixes, CSS Mo (ba2f1ca8)
- rollup: Add Icons, Tooltip, and Dividers to the package entry point (905530b8)
- icon: Add deprecation warning. Gearing up for v0.24.0 release. (b3331f3d)
- input:
- box:
- with-padding:
- spacing: Introduce a WithPadding component to do internal spacing of components (39d69765)
- package: restore build commands to fix openshift builds (2cc9677e)
- wavedivider: render as an svg element to work in ie11 (785b86e6)
- webpack: disable host check when running dev server (49ede6b6)
- css: move docs classes out of source scss (f14ede46)
- wavedivider: optimise wave svg (c767d9e5)
- input: Remove data-testid from sublabel. Not needed. (6bc5278a)
- spacing: Removed all usages of the spacing Sass variables (281264b2)
- box:
- editorconfig: Allow trailing whitespace in markdown files (11110671)
- prettier:
- react: Bump react and related dependencies to v16 (9b1f0498)
- components: Moving docs components into a single place: docs/components (d88ee7b3)
- button: Fix spelling mistake on Usage criteria section (30439905)
- cta: Make sure all CTA links have an href so they can be focused. (c841fd48)
- ordered-list: Update example with real text (437b4093)
- links: Use TDS Link component for documentation links (3114b799)
- dividers:
- theme: Update sidebar background colour to white (b3636e42)
- copy: Use sentence case for headings and labels (a0487de5)
- tooltip:
- prep for v0.23.0 release (8561a011)
- icon: Update Icon font-size typo (17433835)
- dividers: New gradient properties for hairline gradients (8aa51def)
- unordered-list: Remove size prop (a9a65f40)
- ordered-list: Remove size prop (d5aeef2c)
- text: Add ability to render a block element (c823ae8b)
- input:
- Add top and bottom padding to the input field. (05100faf)
- Use the StandaloneIcon component for the icons in the feedback states (6a1205c7)
- Set the height of inputs and buttons to ensure they are the same cross-browser. (f316a2bf)
- Use core-js/array/find instead of native find to ensure browser compatibility. (14c75e2b)
- rollup: add react-dom as an external (463e2fed)
- button-link: Center align the text in button link. (9a55ebe9)
- lint: Update lint dependencies: eslint, eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y, eslint-plugin-react (d7f0ec98)
- tooltip:
- s3-website: Bump version to 3.1.2 to try to fix broken deploy (2f81a4fd)
- lint: Remove --fix from stylelint to try to fix the build pipeline (6e89514d)
- package: Add typography components to the rollup package (4117bc60)
- react: Update peer dependecies to support version 16 (f346cdb5)
- icon:
- lint: Fix lint warnings in old components to reduce noise, mostly by ignoring them (5aa9c089)
- yarn: Update to yarn.lock (ba557cae)
- stylelint: Add stylelint-config-standard (24e5c825)
- scripts: Enable linting of scripts (00fa39ad)
- docs: Add a deprecation badge to foundation elements that have been deprecated (e64a1459)
- scaffold: populate .md file with default content (d0a82997)
- release: Make the release script messaging a bit more user friendly (ae7529ba)
- feature-toggles: Add the ability to toggle components on in staging and off in production. Toggle Input on in dev (b1a938ea)
- feature-toggles: Expanding feature toggling into the element docs (82fd7fc0)
- icon:
- Remove deprecated badge from old Icon component (1d9e957f)
- Add old Icon component back and mark it as deprecated (ad91f883)
- Set toggle to show in staging (06fc2d3b)
- Add description for Decorative and Standalone icon components (c450d222)
- Update Accessibility considerations section (9f94301c)
- add new prop descriptions (b7837da4)
- icons: Add more documentation and examples (f8d4c8c4)
- versions: Add text to show how to access previous versions (3d84615e)
- divider: Initial docs (c0d2af7d)
- badges:
- headings: Edits and cleanup to the DisplayHeading and Heading docs (ccd8a2e3)
- typography:
- Edits and cleanup to Text, Paragraph, Strong, Small, and Text.Sup docs (4830b2bf)
- Aligned children prop documentation for all typography components (bcf10ede)
- Add deprecation notice in Foundation Elements section (f865ec2c)
- Untoggle Paragraph, Strong and Small for staging review (03d55dbb)
- Add last few tweaks to paragraph documentation (148c7076)
- Clean up css and update documentation (b082b14d)
- Add usage blurb on Sup/Sub components (297c6bd0)
- Add a message to Sup/Sub component to denote they are sub components (8cc4c88a)
- untoggle sup/sub for headings for review (32900fa6)
- general touchup (09f8045c)
- add typography docs along with spacing system (6b5209a4)
- logo: Use the Text component for the TDS version text (4db3102d)
- lists:
- unordered-list: Update example with real copy (ea0cbd46)
- input: Initial commit of docs (f31e7dfc)
- ordered-list: Adjust displayName (typo) and move things around the sidebar (9144967c)
- small: Update Small documentation (51d82fb3)
- link: Update inverted link example to use Paragraph component (2ed8fa8e)
- sup:
- sub: Hide subscript subcomponents until we identify concrete use cases for them (dcc31886)
- heading:
- Adjust import path for Heading and DisplayHeading for their sub-components (7e701ced)
- add displayName to HeadingSup/Sub and DisplayHeadingSup/Sub (cbaa312a)
- usage update copy (531e7d65)
- updated usage copy (ada902a3)
- updated usage copy (4c8d7435)
- updated usage copy (4205d69b)
- add docs for props and usage (a99d81da)
- add usage notes and props comments (f8d5a8a7)
- text:
- paragraph: Join class names with a space instead of new lines. (9abac7b3)
- dividers:
- hairline-divider: Add styles for 4 different options (9dab0117)
- scaffold: Add camelizeation of component name for test (e16ed3e1)
- icon:
- Remove duplicate icon (incomplete) (60035802)
- Change size prop values to numbers only (1c64c041)
- Add name convention for size prop (c3f796ea)
- remove label prop (561c0d53)
- Add fixes to render icons using new css classes (a355ae8d)
- Align css classname with CSS modules standards (505bf56c)
- Copy to /components folder (ee8f17a5)
- adjust prop usage (6d55d12a)
- Add label prop and corresponding aria attributes (3fcc8873)
- add accessibility labels (2ed56481)
- deprecate fixedWidth prop (25ce29d0)
- add deprecation tests (62bc5cc5)
- upgrade props (8720121a)
- divider:
- standalone-icon: Add new standalone icon (a7b2cb92)
- decorative-icon: Add new decorative icon component (e81344f2)
- input:
- Make the helper text small for custom helper components (9a9f0c86)
- Make helper text gray for error style instead of red (d52a190a)
- Show ellipsis when the input value is longer than the input field (a001526d)
- Remove the disabled section from the docs to discourage its use (d59d30bc)
- Make the helper text size small (df0122bc)
- Remove the border from disabled style (fe11fae1)
- Add babel-polyfill and a browserslist to fix Input field in the docs (ec3345e5)
- Style the input placeholder text (62544888)
- Add additional HTML5 input types (0818c080)
- Set font properties to medium (8c3587b0)
- Adjust spacing of label, helper, and field to follow spacing system. (fabe7754)
- Support complex field helpers and simplify the interface for using them. (0c4f6d0a)
- Add a Messaging.modules CSS file to share messaging related styles for Notification and (2221b6cd)
- Add a Flex.modules CSS file to share flexbox styles among components (1a15b606)
- Add a Borders.modules CSS file to share border styling among components (c1f5c0c3)
- Add WithSpacing to apply consistent spacing to sub components in Input (d9d3458e)
- Add accessibility properties for invalid state and error/helper text (2cfa7829)
- Add field helper (2b5de941)
- Add error message (f0b3ce63)
- Animate in/out the feedback icon when focusing and losing focus (e62baa31)
- Add disabled styles (cdeece00)
- Add feedback states with styles and icons (f55ea1a0)
- Add initial styles (e94a9c02)
- lint:
- lists:
- Add styles for UnorderedList (698a84e8)
- Move UnorderedList and UnorderedItem under Lists directory (09e769f9)
- Add custom prop type validation for OrderedList items (e333f907)
- Remove Text component wrapper in OrderedList and OrderedList.Item and set size u (13e4e71c)
- Update variant prop to listStyle (b7e9c40a)
- Add OrderedList component (51f49141)
- Updates to UnorderedList (5bd600c7)
- Fix local styleguide by correcting the path to the list items in the config file. (a3de9ebe)
- Merge list item tests into its corresponding parent .spec.jsx file (b9bd3f87)
- Add UnorderedList and Unordered Item first draft WIP
- text:
- display-heading:
- Input: Initial commit. No styles. (d2cd9266)
- heading:
- sup:
- config: add heading components to official docs (6285776a)
- buttonlink: remove default invert prop (2078d9af)
- notification:
- chevron-link: Update to use new DecorativeIcon component (6751cc67)
- safeRest: Move safeRest.js to src/utils folder (7a12d25f)
- warn: Move warn.js to src/utils folder (f097f2ed)
- capitalize:
- icon: Add joinClassNames utility (d3a4c9e3)
- unordered-list: Code cleanup (b05a06fc)
- ordered-list: Code clean up (a159b9ae)
- text:
- scaffold: Move scaffold script to JS for more control. Use template files. (196eb722)
- components: Use new typography classes in ChevronLink and Button components (5a27d2f9)
- icon: Last revert for old-components/Icon component (feaad99d)
- old-icon: Leave old icon component alone (a6c96bbd)
- scss: Rearrange the stylint extends so that CSS modules comes second. (bc081eb8)
- typography: Add minor left padding to sub and sup (fc3a0627)
- heading: adjust sup/sub position in heading as per design review (6fde7e4d)
- scaffold:
- links: Add missing snapshot test to ButtonLink and ChevronLink (56240099)
- openshift-template: Fix tabbing for npmrc secret (206824a6)
- publish:
- link: hide link components from sidebar (d54a7797)
- heading: limit size props, transfer styles (d510537a)
- notification: Add new notification component to next release (460330eb)
- button-link: Add inverted variant to replace the invert prop to match Button (e3684436)
- button: Add inverted variant (0e1071bd)
- link: Add ChevronLink and ButtonLink to the bundle (7c91374e)
- link: hide link components from sidebar (5e0a5ab9)
- link: add link to index.jsx to generate new npm package (ee29309d)
- docker: Update Dockerfile with starter-kit performance improvements (0dd841cb)
- css-modules: Move non-CSS Modules components to ease the rollup build (bbf56d95)
- eslint: remove config folder from eslint command (a0ffac60)
- readme: Correct docs link to tds.telus.com (96a8ccf3)
- remove eslint errors (0c612f7d)
- eslint: add config and docs to lint test, fix errors (a606a92f)
- publish: Own the .npmrc file by node user in Dockerfile (d79b464e)
- deploy-docs:
- Abort early if no AWS keys are present in the environment (b179ea76)
- Edit the logging during deploy and remove test folder. (f2543687)
- Try with promises so that only 1 deploy at a time happens. (c9b1738c)
- Change prod deploy-docs to deploy to latest and versioned folder. (ee99c6c1)
- Test deploying to a folder with a period in the name. (d45ea825)
- Try deploying to 2 staging sites using syncronous upload (91fc31c0)
- remove call to second promise when on staging (601d6137)
- add reject to promises (8bdbe0e9)
- using promises to push to 2 buckets (dc2f39e9)
- Turn off deploy to staging to old bucket. (a28659ca)
- Turn back on the deployment of docs to staging. (c3f33996)
- Deploy staging docs to old bucket again to resolve AWS S3 permissions issues. (993c0ef5)
- link:
- hide link components from sidebar (d54a7797)
- add paragraph example (14bd9066)
- add designer friendly usage criteria (eb7cfb84)
- make chevron docs designer-friendly (61bcaa97)
- fix syntax errors on LinkWrapper example (ee368bf3)
- adjust react router example (98e85bb3)
- more es2015 adjustments to router example 🍤 (d66e0345)
- adjust react router example (edf9034a)
- provide wrapper for react router links (1e6178a6)
- add chevron link (70758f8b)
- add button link (24f5aa2b)
- adjust sidebar to include links section (9fc3e902)
- depracate link element (c9815262)
- add hash anchor to link docs from button docs (92529815)
- notification:
- button: Update documentation for Button outlined inverted usage (a9e54e5a)
- icon: Add the left chevron into the list of available icons (06572795)
- hint: Fix incorrect spelling of button--plain class (597ba653)
- notification:
- Add new notification component to next release (460330eb)
- Add Row and Column wrapper to Notification (7c2ad913)
- Size the icon as "large" (df2772de)
- Remove extra typography classes from the build (676d5cf7)
- Rename ColoredText to ColoredTextProvider (89c6425b)
- Introduce components to color text and links for error notifications. (d228b292)
- Align content with flexbox. Give success and error proper text styling. (a427ee78)
- Introduce new Notification component that is full width (1ec90e29)
- button-link:
- button:
- link:
- use generated displayname for sidebar (b5551139)
- use shark grey for outlined button (42d6e4ec)
- use user-friendly names in sidebar (04401095)
- Un-namespace ButtonLink and ChevronLink from Link as they are only related, not coupled. (3a464975)
- Use CSS modules composes from Button in ButtonLink (62b4698e)
- untoggle display of Link Components for staging and production (f6bfe088)
- remove variant prop (c9357845)
- add the invert prop back for Link Button (c99b1282)
- touchup tests and component logic (dedb598b)
- replace invert prop in Button Link with secondaryInverted and outlinedInverted variants (643346fd)
- replace invert prop with inverted variant (b1054fe2)
- add prop for react router link to Button Link (a67d7858)
- add prop for react router link to Chevron Link (510f4ba7)
- add prop for react router link (b4e2e6d7)
- add css module for link button (05c88e82)
- add button link (d8c2645a)
- add left-facing chevron link (312a3600)
- add accessibility enhancements to Chevron and Button link (389a4a8e)
- set base styles by default (dd7baae1)
- add :visited pseudo css for consistent text colour (b9999f74)
- remove disable function for anchors (0f00046e)
- use standard medium font for chevron link (9ff2fd74)
- add specificity to chevron link colours (90f0cd07)
- scaffold:
- paragraph:
- heading: add module styles and sample docs (93b3dd21)
- text:
- small: Add small text component (b2b7908d)
- strong: add Strong component (78fe847e)
- chevron-link: Give Roman 55 font to Chevron links (c1b5e9dd)
- link: remove bloated foundation/typography import in chevron link (49a5e309)
- feature-toggle:
- deploy-docs: rewrite deployToS3 to make code easier to read (30a81a0d)
- echint:
- eslint: integrate TD eslint config (a9ff5ca4)
- link: add afterEach function to reset all Mocks to ensure warnings work properly (d7235530)
- rollup: Introduce CSS Modules to the rollup build. (2e40da3f)
- dependencies: Remove redux-contentful as as a peer dependency as it is not actually used yet. (0c372b81)
- sketch: remove designs/ folder (c04d3a44)
- Remove un-needed CI files.: Includes removing the service config from openshift, the old s3 d (290c7558)
- Old docs: Remove old Wintersmith docs. They are no longer used. (86e1ec2a)
- button:
- css-modules: Add local identifier name for CSS modules in docs site. (d73e711b)
- grid: adjust grammar (d6b6356e)
- button:
- link:
- Publish package:
- Sass: Rename icons utility file to prevent overriding the variables file on build. (0816b057)
- docker:
- Add an express server to serve the static styleguide. (ae26a084)
- Add comments to the docker config files to make them easy to understand. (86f8187a)
- Add an initial docker-compose.yml file for easy running of docker commands. (ec3c6fbd)
- Add an initial working Dockerfile and .dockerignore file. (e48ae35b)
- bundler:
- Remove image copy for Headline block because it is not needed now. (26265f36)
- add new tasks to copy scss files with re-usable vars, mixins to dist/scss (93cb4b65)
- add global CSS to the rollup build (6c5daa72)
- Remove overriding of caret up icon in Panel. Not needed. (157b0a8d)
- add block-components to the rollup build (ae9507be)
- add all blocks to the rollup build (f3eb547b)
- add the rest of the components to the rollup build (8ade54ac)
- introduced rollup to do an ES6 modules build (eb485e4e)
- release script: Enhance the release script for running locally. (13c49b3d)
- rollup: Stop overriding babelrc with rollup, move it to the babelrc instead (1eabaeeb)
- package:
- Set semantic versions for peer dependencies (8ea94a99)
- add dist and src to the files array for the package (42cff529)
- remove /enriched (959b8496)
- remove core/ (329779ee)
- merging core and enriched: copied all js files into src/ (c4585b24)
- merging core & enriched: copy global Sass files into src/scss (141f1ab8)
- webhook: Add an empty line in README to test the Github webhook. (cd95759d)
- package.json: Remove README.md to prevent unwanted files getting packaged (da485aa9)
- README: Correct Sass paths in usage of TDS Sass variables (36edaedb)
- dependencies: Upgrade styleguidist to get some patches. Add file-loader to fix peer-dependenc (99823763)
- Deploy Docs: Edit deploy-docs script to deploy staging to a folder (8b61d819)
- DeployDocs: Add missing comma in deploy-docs script. (a4c49b54)
- Jenkins: Add stages for deploying docs to s3 and publishing to npm. (2b04d6f8)
- openshift:
- Move back to using S3 as deployment target for the docs site. (cd18dd34)
- Add a stage to deploy docs to prod and publish the npm package. (90fbb414)
- Add the user input stage back into the pipeline (fa61ee71)
- Configure Jenkins pipeline and Openshift deployment to staging. (b2e0e951)
- Add openshift files from isomorphic-starter-kit. (82957b00)
- docker: Add a new user to the Dockerfile to try to resolve CI errors. (6a1cb974)
- add brandhub references (4b17482d)
- adjust grammar (61fa0390)
- Logo:
- contributing:
- typography:
- SelectorCounter:
- ExpandCollapse: Polish the exmaples and API. (1b283768)
- Notification:
- expandcollapse:
- icon: Write docs for Icon is stylguidist format. (934309f3)
- elements: Write explanation of replacing styles with components. (769da97c)
- grid:
- steps: Document Steps in the styleguidist format (dd10542b)
- overview:
- Utility Icons:
- lists: Document Lists CSS in Styleguidist (a4dd1f7d)
- forms: Document forms CSS in Styleguidist (ad98e225)
- card: add jsdoc (8ea00287)
- colours: Document Colours in Styleguidist format (244e1b4c)
- links: Document links CSS in Styleguidist format (477b1e3e)
- buttons: Document buttons CSS in styleguidist format (889dd40b)
- spinner: Document Spinner in styleguidist format (e6f376f5)
- changelog: manual header fix (6ad9da50)
- Button:
- docs:
- button:
- css:
- button: Set the font-family of buttons to TELUS-Web (ee7cfc34)
- Icon: Align Icon to coding standards. (56f1e002)
- steps: Introduce component folders for Step and Steps for more separation (5cea7855)
- scss: Split up scss utility and setting files for modularity (460fd17b)
- deprecate: Change the deprecating warning message level from log to warn (fc73985b)
- console.log: remove console.dir statement in nav.js (docs) (2ed91277)
- mocks: Replace sinon with jest mocks (fe6439cb)
- snapshots: Correct misnamed snapshot to try to fix Docker build. (bb904bb5)
- fix(Card and Notification): import css using require just like on previous versions
- fix(links): cleaned up link underline mixin
- fix(buttons): update anchor styles when styled as buttons
- fix(notification): make it more accessible by using role="banner"
- fix(Expand Collapse): fix hover states by using chevrons to indicate state
- docs(sketch file): update
- docs(hide blocks and block components): because they are not following latest standards and no one i
- Changelog and version bump for v0.18.0
- docs(sketch): update file to show colour updates
- docs(sketch): updates to versioning art board with details about colour changes
- docs(sketch): minor update to versioning details in sketch
- docs(sketch): update re: raven - shade of grey in forms
- build(dependencies): remove js-dom as a dependency as it was unused and causing install problems
- build(dependencies): add yarn.lock files to lock down dependencies for devs using yarn
- chore(editor): Add an .editorconfig file for aligning editor configurations
- feat(Card): Deprecate className and style.
- refactor(notification): deprecate className and style
- Changelog and version bump for v0.17.0
- docs(documentation to use 0.16.1 to fix release):
- Changelog and version bump for v0.16.3
- docs(changelog): usual manual update
- fix(repo rename updates): to keep the old repo instead of using the newly created so we don't loose
- fix(colours, chevron and display h1 updates): - colour renaming and updates
- chore(move over beta 0.16.1):
- docs(changelog): update
- Update README.md
- Remove console.log (#344)
- Update README.md
- Beta Release (#369)
- docs(typography example): fix typo on list class
- docs(links): update code to match example
- Changelog and version bump for v0.16.0
- Revert updates of latest blocks + component
- fix(component collapsible): make collapsible content height dynamic
- Revert "Revert updates of latest blocks + component"
- refactor(changed react.propTypes to PropTypes): (#337)
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core
- build(add prop-type package to enriched package.json):
- Changelog and version bump for v0.15.3
- fix(linting): remove jsx-filename-extension rule because spec.js need to be written using a differen
- fix(linting): fix javascript linting
- fix(linting): fix linting errors and warnings caused by updates to eslint file
- docs(changelog): manually update changelog.md with jade header :S
- Merge branch 'fix/linting' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core
- build(preinstall): remove preinstall task and call /scripts/init-npm.sh instead
- build: groovy.ci
- build(groovy.ci): cd into /scripts folder to run init-npm.sh
- build(groovy.ci): updating path to init-npm.sh :)
- Changelog and version bump for v0.15.2
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/qatesting' into qatesting
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/qatesting' into qatesting
- Merge branch 'master' into qatesting
- docs(changelog): update manually
- fix(viewport): adding initial-scale to test
- Merge branch 'qatesting' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core into qatesting
- fix(layout): make tablet view same as desktop
- fix(layout): css update for docs
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/qatesting' into qatesting
- fix(change nav bg on medium to match large view):
- Merge branch 'qatesting' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core into qatesting
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core into qatesting
- add polyfill.io to fix layout issues on IE11
- Revert "add polyfill.io to fix layout issues on IE11"
- feat(buttons): remove styles from html tag
- switch from include to indexof
- typo fix
- fix(set to display:block on reset.css for IE11):
- fix(changelog.sh): update changelog_entry()
- docs(navigation): add classname to navigation items
- fix(button): make min-width: 180px
- feat(button): remove css styles from button html tag
- docs(sketch): update version on sketch file to v0.15.0
- BEMize button styles
- docs(links): moved links documentation to its own page, it didn't really make sense to have it on th
- docs(upgrading.md): add note about changes made to buttons.scss
- fix(buttons): remove border on hover state of disabled button
- fix(buttons): BEMized style for button's disabled state
- docs(buttons): add TOC
- feat(chevron links): refactor css/html to reduce markup, ie. chevron is now displayed using :after p
- docs(typography): showcase of typography layout changes
- fix(buttons): inverted button hover state to match the other buttons
- docs(upgrading.md): documenting updates to reset offsets
- add Steps component
- feat(buttons): refactor css to clean up buttons css and documentation
- add in unit tests
- fix(component: Card): remove border
- fix(buttons): on selector counter component needed .tds-button--plain class
- fix(component card): remove 1px border from Card component
- fix(collapsible): Fixes vertical alignment of items win Collapsible.Panel using flex (#321)
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core
- docs(components with buttons in doc): update button classes
- fix(buttons): update cursor on button's disabled state
- Merge branch 'feature/steps' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core into qatesting
- ci(package.json): remove --watch from test task
- add Spinner component
- add in unit tests
- add api in doc
- build(jest): update to version 0.19.0
- test(test snapshots): update
- Merge branch 'feature/Spinner' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core into qatesting
- fix(component steps): add references to Steps in enriched/ and docs/ so the Step Tracker shows on it
- fix(steps): fix button on step tracker page
- docs(component collapsible): spelling mistake
- fix(button): fix button related bugs in documentation
- docs(forms): update code sample using tds-button--plain
- add spinner full screen mode
- remove console
- update style
- fix full screen bug
- type fix
- bug fix
- remove transition
- remove bulr effect
- Revert "docs(forms): update code sample using tds-button--plain"
- Revert "fix(button): fix button related bugs in documentation"
- Revert "fix(buttons): update cursor on button's disabled state"
- Revert "docs(components with buttons in doc): update button classes"
- Revert "Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core"
- Revert "feat(buttons): refactor css to clean up buttons css and documentation"
- Revert "fix(buttons): inverted button hover state to match the other buttons"
- Revert "feat(chevron links): refactor css/html to reduce markup, ie. chevron is now displayed using :after p"
- Revert "docs(buttons): add TOC"
- Revert "fix(buttons): BEMized style for button's disabled state"
- Revert "docs(upgrading.md): add note about changes made to buttons.scss"
- Revert "BEMize button styles"
- Revert "feat(button): remove css styles from button html tag"
- Revert "fix(button): make min-width: 180px"
- Revert "fix(component: Card): remove border"
- Revert "docs(links): moved links documentation to its own page, it didn't really make sense to have it on th"
- refactor a bit
- refactor
- Merge branch 'qatesting'
- Revert "Merge branch 'qatesting'"
- fix(collapsible component): fix toggle buttons on collapsible doc and the ControlledCollapsible.jsx
- docs(sketch): update version number on sketch file because it was missed on 0.15.0 release
- updating issue template (#336)
- Changelog and version bump for v0.15.1
- fix(html tags style): remove styles on and set default font-weight: 400 globally
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core into qatesting
- Issue #304
- update doc
- fix(form hinter): adjust font size to make it more legible
- docs(contributing): add Alex's email to email us links
- ci(changelog.sh): add .jade header to avoid seeing Untitled in left nav after a release
- Revert "fix(html tags style): remove styles on and set default font-weight: 400 globally"
- feat(dimple): add tds-dimple mixin and use it in accordion component
- feat(grid offset): revert back to previous offset functionality and added offset reset for each view
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/collapsible-disable-state' into qatesting
- docs(changelog): updating .jade header manually for the last time
- Issue #304 (#306)
- Merge branch 'qatesting'
- Changelog and version bump for v0.15.0
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core
- docs(fix container on sample forms page):
- docs(sketch): update new file v0.14.1
- Changelog and version bump for v0.14.1
- fix(typography): add etext for helvetica 45(400), 55(600), 65(700) and the corresponding line-height
- fix(fonts): adjust font-url-prefix for new extext fonts
- fix(grid): fix containers, including add new .container--fluid
- fix(typography): letter-spacing audit for etext
- docs(typography): update typography example layout
- fix(typography): adjust line-height on h2 mobile
- feat(grid): update dimensions
- docs(grid): update documentation re: grid containers
- docs(fonts): update list of fonts in documentation
- fix(etext): update path to load from cdn /production/core/fonts/etext
- BMK-000 - Dan & Guille: Add index to blocks directory. (#276)
- docs(PR template and changelog): update PR template with acceptance criteria and manually update cha
- add url loader to doc webpack config
- BMK-123: Rodrigo - Add WithLegal to OverviewBlock (#282)
- feat(titled text block): Adds titled text block and documentation (#279)
- docs(gh #281): update md parsing to display classes
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core
- fix(build): add .npmrc to /enriched so we can install private contentful-redux package
- build(ci.groovy): call npm run preinstall explicitly
- build(ci.groovy and package.json): call npm run preinstall explicitly
- build(ci.groovy): add new jenkins job to get triggered from test branch to not pollute the master br
- build(ci.groovy): add ability to push to qa from test branch
- fix(package.json): move init-npm.sh to /enriched
- fix(init-npm.sh): update path to .npmrc
- Fixing tests (#291)
- fix(video block): fix unit test missing colon in console statement
- build(ci.groovy): update builds to accommodate pushing to qa to test
- fix(package.json): set react to 15.3.2 on peerDependencies
- Adding wrapper object to create an sshAgent containing an SSH key (#293)
- fix(docs): fix missing navigation
- build(ci.groovy): add sshAgent wrapper on new qa jenkins job
- build(ci.groovy): remove qa jenkins job
- fix(blocks): fix title on headline and titled text blocks due to title -> caption search and replace
- build(ci.groovy): setup jenkins job for qatesting branch
- feat(sketch): new version of sketch file
- Add overflow: hidden to collapsible to fix #294 (#295)
- docs(typography): map helvetica neue to it's corresponding css attribute (font-weight value)
- build(ci.groovy): remove tds-deploy line, not needed to push to qa
- build(ci.groovy): remove tds-deploy line for qa-build because we are not generating git tags
- Update ci.groovy
- refactor(package.json): consume redux-contentful
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core
- feat(grid and typography updates): grid gutter is now 16px on each side of a column and typography f
- fix(grid): offset class are now viewport specific
- docs(grid): update sample page to use .container--fluid
- docs(changelog): manually update changelog because it won't update automatically
- docs(markdown): fix broken TOC links and broken roadmap link
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core into qatesting
- build(ci.groovy): add sshAgent to release job
- Changelog and version bump for v0.14.0
- fix(blocks): got rid of
folder - Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core
- Changelog and version bump for v0.13.2
- docs(overview block): update order of elements in overview documentation page
- fix(headline block): Fixing headline block tests (#273)
- fix(overview block): move to blocks/blocks folder
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core
- fix(overview block): update path to checklist now that block was moved to blocks/blocks folder
- Changelog and version bump for v0.13.0
- Feature/bmk 30 overview check list block (#270)
- docs(changelog): update
- test(overview block): update test
- feat(package.json): update telus-thorium-core to 0.11.4
- feat(package.json): updates to package.jsons to manually update 0.10.2 to 0.11.4
- docs(blocks template): update layout on layout-blocks.jade to improve presentation of blocks
- update jest config to only scan src folder for unit tests; remove the extra block folder
- Changelog and version bump for v0.12.0
- Changelog and version bump for v0.11.4
- Changelog and version bump for v0.11.3
- Changelog and version bump for v0.11.2
- Changelog and version bump for v0.11.1
- docs(sketch): add version number on all TDS.sketch links
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core
- fix(typography): adjust letter-spacing and font-weight for h2
- docs(display heading 1): add .display-heading-1 to typography.md documentation
- BMK-28 - Dan, Bruno, Fernanda: Add Checklist Component.
- Merge branch 'feature/BMK-28_check_list_component' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core
- fix(icons): update core-icons.* path to fix .woff2 404 issue #260
- revert(checklist): Bo to review the code before it gets published
- docs(typography): add example on how sup and sub look like with p1,p2 and p3 on typography.html
- docs(blocks): add blocks section within documentation and Overview block boilerplate
- feat(blocks-components): add ability to add non-global components and their corresponding documentat
- feat(blocks): add sample Overview Block and corresponding documentation template and page
- Changelog and version bump for v0.11.0
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core
- docs(buttons): accessibility: add role="button" in documentation
- fix(typography): fix p2 and p3 font-size
- Changelog and version bump for v0.10.2
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core
- docs(manually run changelog script because deployment is buggy):
- Changelog and version bump for v0.10.1
- remove ## from readme link
- update stylelint to fix linting warnings
- adjust button padding to 17px 20px 17px 20px just like business site buttons
- fix issue#191 (#197)
- Updated grid boards to include max width (#180)
- adjust top/bottom padding on button
- update colours on documentation to match latest sketch file
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core
- add sass vars to documentation
- change hex value from upppercase to lowercase to prevent build from failing
- align colour documentation to the left
- Layout fix (#201)
- hide nav on automatically generated changelog page
- fix to changelog page
- remove fluidity section on grid.md
- remove hack for Changelog link on Nav
- hide doc nav on load on mobile views
- add box-shadow to buttons to avoid shifting on hover
- fix issue#188
- fix formatting on changelog
- add zip file with fonts needed to load sketch file
- add links to font-for-sketch.zip file
- remove min-height: 60px on buttons
- minor style updates to content in colours.md
- update Thorium to TDS in README.md copy
- update upgrading guide
- update getting started documentation
- add ToC and reviewed content in setting-up-projects
- update adoption thresholds section
- update receiving updates content
- update overview content
- remove more instances of “Thorium” in documentation
- add link to ttfautohint in icons script
- update homepage content
- fix issue#205
- add background to show how max-width on container—limited-width works
- document utility mixins
- fix for documentation mobile nav
- add ontouchstart event handler for mobile on doc nav
- refactor mobile nav using css
- add more details on how to use tds SCSS
- Collapsible top border fix (#210)
- add core-icons.otd to downloads page [doc]
- update Roadmap.md
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core
- make ms-input-placeholder pseudo class style more specific
- move core-icon mixin to mixins.scss
- minor copy updates/links
- add styles for sup and sub
- add minor copy updates
- Squashed commit of the following:
- generate core-icons.woff2
- remove font-weight: normal instances
- fix(buttons): adjust size of input fields and buttons now that default font-size has changed from 19
- docs(update to UPGRADING.md): with latest changes
- chore(add commitizen): command line utility used to follow standards for writing good commit message
- docs(foundations): add toc
- fix(webfonts): load helvetica 45, 55, 65 fonts from cdn
- remove core-icons from download because .otf is not working with font-book
- docs(downloads): updates fonts-for-sketch.zip with helvetica eText Pro 45, 55, 65
- docs(colours): switch green and purple colours between primary and response sections
- docs(docs navigation): remove bold style on links
- fix(grid): adjust padding on xs view columns
- docs(docs): add grid test example
- add grid test example
- docs(grid): adjust sample page with colorful grid
- fix(buttons): set font size to 16px
- fix(add new font size, line-heights and letter-spacing as per sketch file):
- fix(fonts): use cdn old helvetica fonts until brand buys etext font
- docs(colours): update colours section to match sketch file
- docs(docs): minor updates to colours and grid documentation
- docs(fonts): remove zip file with fonts for sketch
- docs(grid): add 12 column colorful grid example
- refactor(colours): update colour variables to match the colour names on sketch
- Changelog and version bump for v0.10.0
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core
- Changelog and version bump for v0.9.5
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core
- update buttons color/styles
- adjust disabled hover styles
- fix auto-width on SelectorCounter component
- Changelog and version bump for v0.9.4
- Changelog and version bump for v0.9.3
- Fix inconsistent newlines in the changelog (#167)
- Bug fix for collapsible pannel not receiving props
- update doc
- [DSR-203] Adding opt-in max-width to responsive grid (#145)
- Changelog and version bump for v0.9.2
- feature/BCM-165: Updated styling for Notification (#165)
- Changelog and version bump for v0.9.1
- Notification Component [BCM-165](#156)
- Changelog and version bump for v0.9.0
- Bug fixes for version bumps and changelog formatting during automated deployment
- Fix misspelled card scss import (#159)
- Publish the Icon component documentation (#160)
- Changelog and version bump for v0.8.0
- Update dev & peer dependencies to TDS 0.7 (#157)
- Changelog and version bump for v0.7.1
- Added react import line to grid docs.
- Removed unused column div at the bottom of docs.
- Fixed a typo in an example.
- Updated to export a single Grid component, instead of individual ones.
- Updated grid components to match linter specs.
- Merge branch 'master' into feature/B4YBD-891_grid_components
- Fixing CounterButton code style (#123)
- [DSR-143] Adding Jenkins jobs configuration script
- [DSR-143] Updating build pipeline
- Merge pull request #108 from telusdigital/feature/DSR-143_jenkins
- [DSR-167] Adding CDN Jenkins deployment
- Sketch Update v0.7.0 (#124)
- Merge pull request #127 from telusdigital/feature/DSR-143_jenkins-cdn-release
- Merge pull request #115 from telusdigital/feature/B4YBD-891_grid_components
- Screen reader SelectorCounter improvements (#128)
- [DSR-167] SelectorCounter label fixes
- [DSR-194] Adding Release/Rollback documentation (#129)
- implementation from #93 - adds a mixin to allow easy mapping of hover styles to focus states (#131)
- Fixing sidebar nav layout in iOS 8 (#138)
- [DSR] Deploy static site to S3 via Jenkins (#139)
- Automating NPM Publish (#141)
- Creating a seed job for Jenkins Job DSL
- Merge pull request #142 from telusdigital/feature/DSR_seed-ci
- Adding include pattern for Copy Artifacts steps
- Add collapsible component (#140)
- Updating breakpoint documentation (#143)
- Updating stylelint binary path
- Consolidating install/lint/test/build into one Jenkins Job (#146)
- Run a fresh build before each npm start (#147)
- Authenticate with AWS using Jenkins credentials
- Bind AWS credentials for CDN deployment
- Moving CDN deployment credentials binding
- Add auth token for Jenkins to execute NPM publish (#149)
- Automate changelog generation [BCM-211](#150)
- End-to-end release automation with Jenkins [BCM-213](#153)
- Use bash instead of sh for shell scripts (#154)
- Changelog and version bump for v0.7.0
- Fixing the sketch file download
- Fixing webpack URL on consumption page
- Fixing enriched npm example
- Alpha 0.5.0 Update (#90)
- Fix build of docs (#96)
- [DSR-32] Adding link examples (#97)
- Adding SelectorCounter tests and refactoring component (#98)
- Updated documentation (#95)
- [DSR-176] Fixing off-by-1 breakpoints bug
- Sketch Update v0.6.0
- Merge pull request #101 from telusdigital/bugfix/DSR-176
- [DSR] simplifying comments
- [DSR] simplifying comments (#103)
- Merge pull request #102 from telusdigital/sketchupdate11012016
- [DSR] Adding Hot Module Replacement to the documentation site
- Merge pull request #104 from telusdigital/task/DSR_docs-hot-reload
- [DSR-167] Better Selector Counter accessibility
- Merge pull request #107 from telusdigital/bugfix/DSR-167_selector-counter-accessibility
- [DSR-194] Document changelog & version maintenance
- Documenting README maintenance
- Merge pull request #109 from telusdigital/task/DSR-194_release-documentation
- [DSR-152] Updating product documentation
- Merge pull request #111 from telusdigital/feature/DSR-152_product-doc-updates
- [B4YBD-891] Added Icon component.
- Updated and added deps
- Merge pull request #112 from telusdigital/feature/B4YBD-891_icon_component
- Prevent click handler from executing for disabled button
- Merge pull request #114 from telusdigital/bugfix/DSR-failing-selector-counter-tests
- [RFC] Deprecated custom React rendering and implemented React rendering on client (#116)
- Cleaning up Docs Site SCSS comments (issue #72) (#118)
- [DSR-199] IA re-organization (#121)
- Restoring original Foundational Components in IA
- Re-arranging Getting Started, nav menu
- [DSR-195] Automated release to CDN (#119)
- Releasing/v0.6.0 (#122)
- Updating inter-module dependencies
- Renaming icons to reflect their form. (#60)
- Alpha 0.4.1 Update (#61)
- [DSR-115] Optimizing Core Icons web fonts for Windows (#62)
- [DSR-115] Adding ttfautohint to the webfont build (#63)
- [DSR-131] Easy download of thorium.sketch (#64)
- Adding the downloads directory to the Documentation Site (#65)
- Fixing Markdown list rendering (#66)
- [DSR-105] Updating font sizes to match the type stack audit (#67)
- [DSR-105] Increase h2 to 2rem/32px on mobile (#68)
- [DSR-96] Documenting build/release/deploy/tech stack (#69)
- #73 - adding a helper function for getting breakpoints in sass (#74)
- [DSR-113] Add enriched library and re-format project (#75)
- [DSR-113] Adding testing frameworks (#76)
- [DSR-69] Implementing selector counter (#77)
- Bumping required version of core by enriched
- Fixing sass include paths
- Adding an example of the Selector Counter (#78)
- [DSR-32] Links (enhanced) (#79)
- Removing leading zero to fix linter error
- Fixing package.json warnings
- Fixing missing README files
- [DSR-140] Type stack size adjustments (#80)
- [DSR-113] Adjusting Documentation build (#81)
- Updating local setup (#82)
- [DSR-140] Adjusting H3, P1, P2 sizes (#83)
- [DSR-32] Implementing descender-aware underlines (#84)
- [DSR-113] Isomorphic React build pipeline (#88)
- Alpha 0.5.0 Update (#85)
- Updating version number and changelog for v0.5.0 (#89)
- Updating version & changelog for v0.3.1 (#38)
- Updating consumption page for v0.3.1 (#39)
- Alpha 0.3 Update (#40)
- [DSR-35] Implementing lists (#41)
- Optimizing NPM module size (#42)
- Making TELUS uppercase everywhere (#43)
- [DSR-44] Form states (#44)
- Refactoring the form states interactive example (#45)
- Bugfix: hovered selections should have a gray border (#46)
- [DSR-51] Dropdowns (#47)
- Documenting accessible form error reporting (#48)
- [DSR-33] Utility Icons (#49)
- Adding voids to the Spyglass and Location icons (#50)
- Bugfix: restore missing "plus" icon (#51)
- [DSR-112] Show all core features under one nav category (#52)
- Bugfix: restore missing icons to lists and forms (#53)
- [DSR-109] Fixing docs hamburger alignment on mobile (#54)
- Task: improving the accessible icon documentation (#55)
- Restoring the header to the examples pages (#56)
- Alpha 0.4.0 Update (#57)
- Releasing v0.4.0 (#58)
- Updating version & changelog for v0.3.1 (#38)
- Updating consumption page for v0.3.1 (#39)
- Sketch file updates (#20)
- [DSR-20] Order nav links consistently (#21)
- [DSR-39] Text fields & labels (#22)
- [DSR-47] Field helpers (#23)
- [DSR-45] Radio buttons & checkboxes (#24)
- [DSR-67] Fixing clipped descenders inside form fields (#25)
- [DSR-70] Making form fields & buttons the same height (#26)
- Bug: fixing mis-aligned and mis-colored checkboxes (#27)
- [DSR-73] Fixing color of form placeholders in IE11 (#28)
- [DSR-81] Fixing check box alignment (#29)
- [DSR-74] fixing content width on Android 5 & 4 (#30)
- [DSR-46] Form hints (#31)
- Using web fonts from the Thorium CDN (#32)
- Bugfix: making subhead/strong/label text heavier (#33)
- Task: fixing checkbox example indentation (#34)
- Task: adding a feature switch to Form Hints (#35)
- Updating changelog & version for 0.3.0 (#36)
- Updating to latest v0.1 Sketch file (#2)
- [DSR-14] Migrate documentation site scaffolding (#3)
- Fixing dist directory error on Jenkins
- Updating Contributor Quick Start with dependency instructions
- [DSR-1] Responsive grid (#4)
- [DSR-7] Light Governance - Contribution Model
- Implementing grid padding & ordering feedback
- Migrating "Introduction" documentation section. (#6)
- Updating documentation
- Adding & documenting column nesting and utility classes
- Merge pull request #8 from telusdigital/feedback/DSR-1_grid
- [DSR-7] Light Governance - Contribution Model (#5)
- [DSR-3] Typography (#10)
- DSR-2 Colour (#9)
- [DSR-4] Buttons (#11)
- [DSR-24] use small body copy below level 3 heading (#12)
- [DSR-25] Implementing button spacing feedback (#13)
- [DSR-8] Consumption model
- Updating consumption model with more SCSS instructions
- Merge pull request #14 from telusdigital/feature/DSR-8_consumption-model
- Updating Sketch file
- Updated type color and weight as per Thorium Designers (#16)
- Updating headline levels in Contributor docs (#17)
14 July 2017
- fix(Card and Notification): import css using require just like on previous versions
- Changelog and version bump for v0.18.1
11 July 2017
- fix(links): cleaned up link underline mixin
- fix(buttons): update anchor styles when styled as buttons
- fix(notification): make it more accessible by using role="banner"
- fix(Expand Collapse): fix hover states by using chevrons to indicate state
- docs(sketch file): update
- docs(hide blocks and block components): because they are not following latest standards and no one i
- Changelog and version bump for v0.18.0
06 July 2017
- docs(sketch): update file to show colour updates
- docs(sketch): updates to versioning art board with details about colour changes
- docs(sketch): minor update to versioning details in sketch
- docs(sketch): update re: raven - shade of grey in forms
- build(dependencies): remove js-dom as a dependency as it was unused and causing install problems
- build(dependencies): add yarn.lock files to lock down dependencies for devs using yarn
- chore(editor): Add an .editorconfig file for aligning editor configurations
- feat(Card): Deprecate className and style.
- refactor(notification): deprecate className and style
- Changelog and version bump for v0.17.0
21 June 2017
- docs(documentation to use 0.16.1 to fix release):
- Changelog and version bump for v0.16.3
20 June 2017
- docs(changelog): usual manual update
- fix(repo rename updates): to keep the old repo instead of using the newly created so we don't loose
- fix(colours, chevron and display h1 updates): - colour renaming and updates
- chore(move over beta 0.16.1):
14 June 2017
- docs(changelog): update
- Update README.md
- Remove console.log (#344)
- Update README.md
- Beta Release (#369)
- docs(typography example): fix typo on list class
- docs(links): update code to match example
- Changelog and version bump for v0.16.0
17 May 2017
- Revert updates of latest blocks + component
- fix(component collapsible): make collapsible content height dynamic
- Revert "Revert updates of latest blocks + component"
- refactor(changed react.propTypes to PropTypes): (#337)
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core
- build(add prop-type package to enriched package.json):
- Changelog and version bump for v0.15.3
16 May 2017
- fix(linting): remove jsx-filename-extension rule because spec.js need to be written using a differen
- fix(linting): fix javascript linting
- fix(linting): fix linting errors and warnings caused by updates to eslint file
- docs(changelog): manually update changelog.md with jade header :S
- Merge branch 'fix/linting' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core
- build(preinstall): remove preinstall task and call /scripts/init-npm.sh instead
- build: groovy.ci
- build(groovy.ci): cd into /scripts folder to run init-npm.sh
- build(groovy.ci): updating path to init-npm.sh :)
- Changelog and version bump for v0.15.2
15 May 2017
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/qatesting' into qatesting
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/qatesting' into qatesting
- Merge branch 'master' into qatesting
- docs(changelog): update manually
- fix(viewport): adding initial-scale to test
- Merge branch 'qatesting' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core into qatesting
- fix(layout): make tablet view same as desktop
- fix(layout): css update for docs
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/qatesting' into qatesting
- fix(change nav bg on medium to match large view):
- Merge branch 'qatesting' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core into qatesting
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core into qatesting
- add polyfill.io to fix layout issues on IE11
- Revert "add polyfill.io to fix layout issues on IE11"
- feat(buttons): remove styles from html tag
- switch from include to indexof
- typo fix
- fix(set to display:block on reset.css for IE11):
- fix(changelog.sh): update changelog_entry()
- docs(navigation): add classname to navigation items
- fix(button): make min-width: 180px
- feat(button): remove css styles from button html tag
- docs(sketch): update version on sketch file to v0.15.0
- BEMize button styles
- docs(links): moved links documentation to its own page, it didn't really make sense to have it on th
- docs(upgrading.md): add note about changes made to buttons.scss
- fix(buttons): remove border on hover state of disabled button
- fix(buttons): BEMized style for button's disabled state
- docs(buttons): add TOC
- feat(chevron links): refactor css/html to reduce markup, ie. chevron is now displayed using :after p
- docs(typography): showcase of typography layout changes
- fix(buttons): inverted button hover state to match the other buttons
- docs(upgrading.md): documenting updates to reset offsets
- add Steps component
- feat(buttons): refactor css to clean up buttons css and documentation
- add in unit tests
- fix(component: Card): remove border
- fix(buttons): on selector counter component needed .tds-button--plain class
- fix(component card): remove 1px border from Card component
- fix(collapsible): Fixes vertical alignment of items win Collapsible.Panel using flex (#321)
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core
- docs(components with buttons in doc): update button classes
- fix(buttons): update cursor on button's disabled state
- Merge branch 'feature/steps' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core into qatesting
- ci(package.json): remove --watch from test task
- add Spinner component
- add in unit tests
- add api in doc
- build(jest): update to version 0.19.0
- test(test snapshots): update
- Merge branch 'feature/Spinner' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core into qatesting
- fix(component steps): add references to Steps in enriched/ and docs/ so the Step Tracker shows on it
- fix(steps): fix button on step tracker page
- docs(component collapsible): spelling mistake
- fix(button): fix button related bugs in documentation
- docs(forms): update code sample using tds-button--plain
- add spinner full screen mode
- remove console
- update style
- fix full screen bug
- type fix
- bug fix
- remove transition
- remove bulr effect
- Revert "docs(forms): update code sample using tds-button--plain"
- Revert "fix(button): fix button related bugs in documentation"
- Revert "fix(buttons): update cursor on button's disabled state"
- Revert "docs(components with buttons in doc): update button classes"
- Revert "Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core"
- Revert "feat(buttons): refactor css to clean up buttons css and documentation"
- Revert "fix(buttons): inverted button hover state to match the other buttons"
- Revert "feat(chevron links): refactor css/html to reduce markup, ie. chevron is now displayed using :after p"
- Revert "docs(buttons): add TOC"
- Revert "fix(buttons): BEMized style for button's disabled state"
- Revert "docs(upgrading.md): add note about changes made to buttons.scss"
- Revert "BEMize button styles"
- Revert "feat(button): remove css styles from button html tag"
- Revert "fix(button): make min-width: 180px"
- Revert "fix(component: Card): remove border"
- Revert "docs(links): moved links documentation to its own page, it didn't really make sense to have it on th"
- refactor a bit
- refactor
- Merge branch 'qatesting'
- Revert "Merge branch 'qatesting'"
- fix(collapsible component): fix toggle buttons on collapsible doc and the ControlledCollapsible.jsx
- docs(sketch): update version number on sketch file because it was missed on 0.15.0 release
- updating issue template (#336)
- Changelog and version bump for v0.15.1
28 April 2017
- fix(html tags style): remove styles on and set default font-weight: 400 globally
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core into qatesting
- Issue #304
- update doc
- fix(form hinter): adjust font size to make it more legible
- docs(contributing): add Alex's email to email us links
- ci(changelog.sh): add .jade header to avoid seeing Untitled in left nav after a release
- Revert "fix(html tags style): remove styles on and set default font-weight: 400 globally"
- feat(dimple): add tds-dimple mixin and use it in accordion component
- feat(grid offset): revert back to previous offset functionality and added offset reset for each view
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/collapsible-disable-state' into qatesting
- docs(changelog): updating .jade header manually for the last time
- Issue #304 (#306)
- Merge branch 'qatesting'
- Changelog and version bump for v0.15.0
26 April 2017
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core
- docs(fix container on sample forms page):
- docs(sketch): update new file v0.14.1
- Changelog and version bump for v0.14.1
25 April 2017
- fix(typography): add etext for helvetica 45(400), 55(600), 65(700) and the corresponding line-height
- fix(fonts): adjust font-url-prefix for new extext fonts
- fix(grid): fix containers, including add new .container--fluid
- fix(typography): letter-spacing audit for etext
- docs(typography): update typography example layout
- fix(typography): adjust line-height on h2 mobile
- feat(grid): update dimensions
- docs(grid): update documentation re: grid containers
- docs(fonts): update list of fonts in documentation
- fix(etext): update path to load from cdn /production/core/fonts/etext
- BMK-000 - Dan & Guille: Add index to blocks directory. (#276)
- docs(PR template and changelog): update PR template with acceptance criteria and manually update cha
- add url loader to doc webpack config
- BMK-123: Rodrigo - Add WithLegal to OverviewBlock (#282)
- feat(titled text block): Adds titled text block and documentation (#279)
- docs(gh #281): update md parsing to display classes
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core
- fix(build): add .npmrc to /enriched so we can install private contentful-redux package
- build(ci.groovy): call npm run preinstall explicitly
- build(ci.groovy and package.json): call npm run preinstall explicitly
- build(ci.groovy): add new jenkins job to get triggered from test branch to not pollute the master br
- build(ci.groovy): add ability to push to qa from test branch
- fix(package.json): move init-npm.sh to /enriched
- fix(init-npm.sh): update path to .npmrc
- Fixing tests (#291)
- fix(video block): fix unit test missing colon in console statement
- build(ci.groovy): update builds to accommodate pushing to qa to test
- fix(package.json): set react to 15.3.2 on peerDependencies
- Adding wrapper object to create an sshAgent containing an SSH key (#293)
- fix(docs): fix missing navigation
- build(ci.groovy): add sshAgent wrapper on new qa jenkins job
- build(ci.groovy): remove qa jenkins job
- fix(blocks): fix title on headline and titled text blocks due to title -> caption search and replace
- build(ci.groovy): setup jenkins job for qatesting branch
- feat(sketch): new version of sketch file
- Add overflow: hidden to collapsible to fix #294 (#295)
- docs(typography): map helvetica neue to it's corresponding css attribute (font-weight value)
- build(ci.groovy): remove tds-deploy line, not needed to push to qa
- build(ci.groovy): remove tds-deploy line for qa-build because we are not generating git tags
- Update ci.groovy
- refactor(package.json): consume redux-contentful
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core
- feat(grid and typography updates): grid gutter is now 16px on each side of a column and typography f
- fix(grid): offset class are now viewport specific
- docs(grid): update sample page to use .container--fluid
- docs(changelog): manually update changelog because it won't update automatically
- docs(markdown): fix broken TOC links and broken roadmap link
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core into qatesting
- build(ci.groovy): add sshAgent to release job
- Changelog and version bump for v0.14.0
18 April 2017
- fix(blocks): got rid of
folder - Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core
- Changelog and version bump for v0.13.2
18 April 2017
- docs(sketch): add version number on all TDS.sketch links
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core
- fix(typography): adjust letter-spacing and font-weight for h2
- docs(display heading 1): add .display-heading-1 to typography.md documentation
- BMK-28 - Dan, Bruno, Fernanda: Add Checklist Component.
- Merge branch 'feature/BMK-28_check_list_component' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core
- fix(icons): update core-icons.* path to fix .woff2 404 issue #260
- revert(checklist): Bo to review the code before it gets published
- docs(typography): add example on how sup and sub look like with p1,p2 and p3 on typography.html
- docs(blocks): add blocks section within documentation and Overview block boilerplate
- feat(blocks-components): add ability to add non-global components and their corresponding documentat
- feat(blocks): add sample Overview Block and corresponding documentation template and page
- docs(changelog): manually update changelog for 0.10.2 release
- build(jenkins): update deployment key for repo tagging
- build(jenkins): add ssh agent wrapper
- fix(icons): update core icons path to cdn v0.4.0
- Feature/bmk 30 overview check list block (#269)
- Feature/bmk 30 overview check list block (#270)
- docs(changelog): update
- test(overview block): update test
- feat(package.json): update telus-thorium-core to 0.11.4
- feat(package.json): updates to package.jsons to manually update 0.10.2 to 0.11.4
- docs(blocks template): update layout on layout-blocks.jade to improve presentation of blocks
- update jest config to only scan src folder for unit tests; remove the extra block folder
- Feature/bmk 102 headline block (#271)
- docs(overview block): update order of elements in overview documentation page
- fix(headline block): Fixing headline block tests (#273)
- fix(overview block): move to blocks/blocks folder
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core
- fix(overview block): update path to checklist now that block was moved to blocks/blocks folder
- Changelog and version bump for v0.13.1
06 April 2017
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core
- docs(buttons): accessibility: add role="button" in documentation
- fix(typography): fix p2 and p3 font-size
- Changelog and version bump for v0.10.2
06 April 2017
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core
- docs(manually run changelog script because deployment is buggy):
- Changelog and version bump for v0.10.1
05 April 2017
- remove ## from readme link
- update stylelint to fix linting warnings
- adjust button padding to 17px 20px 17px 20px just like business site buttons
- fix issue#191 (#197)
- Updated grid boards to include max width (#180)
- adjust top/bottom padding on button
- update colours on documentation to match latest sketch file
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core
- add sass vars to documentation
- change hex value from upppercase to lowercase to prevent build from failing
- align colour documentation to the left
- Layout fix (#201)
- hide nav on automatically generated changelog page
- fix to changelog page
- remove fluidity section on grid.md
- remove hack for Changelog link on Nav
- hide doc nav on load on mobile views
- add box-shadow to buttons to avoid shifting on hover
- fix issue#188
- fix formatting on changelog
- add zip file with fonts needed to load sketch file
- add links to font-for-sketch.zip file
- remove min-height: 60px on buttons
- minor style updates to content in colours.md
- update Thorium to TDS in README.md copy
- update upgrading guide
- update getting started documentation
- add ToC and reviewed content in setting-up-projects
- update adoption thresholds section
- update receiving updates content
- update overview content
- remove more instances of “Thorium” in documentation
- add link to ttfautohint in icons script
- update homepage content
- fix issue#205
- add background to show how max-width on container—limited-width works
- document utility mixins
- fix for documentation mobile nav
- add ontouchstart event handler for mobile on doc nav
- refactor mobile nav using css
- add more details on how to use tds SCSS
- Collapsible top border fix (#210)
- add core-icons.otd to downloads page [doc]
- update Roadmap.md
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core
- make ms-input-placeholder pseudo class style more specific
- move core-icon mixin to mixins.scss
- minor copy updates/links
- add styles for sup and sub
- add minor copy updates
- Squashed commit of the following:
- generate core-icons.woff2
- remove font-weight: normal instances
- fix(buttons): adjust size of input fields and buttons now that default font-size has changed from 19
- docs(update to UPGRADING.md): with latest changes
- chore(add commitizen): command line utility used to follow standards for writing good commit message
- docs(foundations): add toc
- fix(webfonts): load helvetica 45, 55, 65 fonts from cdn
- remove core-icons from download because .otf is not working with font-book
- docs(downloads): updates fonts-for-sketch.zip with helvetica eText Pro 45, 55, 65
- docs(colours): switch green and purple colours between primary and response sections
- docs(docs navigation): remove bold style on links
- fix(grid): adjust padding on xs view columns
- docs(docs): add grid test example
- add grid test example
- docs(grid): adjust sample page with colorful grid
- fix(buttons): set font size to 16px
- fix(add new font size, line-heights and letter-spacing as per sketch file):
- fix(fonts): use cdn old helvetica fonts until brand buys etext font
- docs(colours): update colours section to match sketch file
- docs(docs): minor updates to colours and grid documentation
- docs(fonts): remove zip file with fonts for sketch
- docs(grid): add 12 column colorful grid example
- refactor(colours): update colour variables to match the colour names on sketch
- Changelog and version bump for v0.10.0
01 March 2017
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core
- Changelog and version bump for v0.9.5
01 March 2017
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:telusdigital/telus-thorium-core
- update buttons color/styles
- adjust disabled hover styles
- fix auto-width on SelectorCounter component
- Changelog and version bump for v0.9.4
28 February 2017
- Changelog and version bump for v0.9.3
15 February 2017
- Fix inconsistent newlines in the changelog (#167)
- Bug fix for collapsible pannel not receiving props
- update doc
- [DSR-203] Adding opt-in max-width to responsive grid (#145)
- Changelog and version bump for v0.9.2
25 January 2017
- feature/BCM-165: Updated styling for Notification (#165)
- Changelog and version bump for v0.9.1
23 January 2017
- Notification Component [BCM-165](#156)
- Changelog and version bump for v0.9.0
20 January 2017
- Bug fixes for version bumps and changelog formatting during automated deployment
- Fix misspelled card scss import (#159)
- Publish the Icon component documentation (#160)
- Changelog and version bump for v0.8.0
19 January 2017
- Update dev & peer dependencies to TDS 0.7 (#157)
- Changelog and version bump for v0.7.1
19 January 2017
- Added react import line to grid docs.
- Removed unused column div at the bottom of docs.
- Fixed a typo in an example.
- Updated to export a single Grid component, instead of individual ones.
- Updated grid components to match linter specs.
- Merge branch 'master' into feature/B4YBD-891_grid_components
- Fixing CounterButton code style (#123)
- [DSR-143] Adding Jenkins jobs configuration script
- [DSR-143] Updating build pipeline
- Merge pull request #108 from telusdigital/feature/DSR-143_jenkins
- [DSR-167] Adding CDN Jenkins deployment
- Sketch Update v0.7.0 (#124)
- Merge pull request #127 from telusdigital/feature/DSR-143_jenkins-cdn-release
- Merge pull request #115 from telusdigital/feature/B4YBD-891_grid_components
- Screen reader SelectorCounter improvements (#128)
- [DSR-167] SelectorCounter label fixes
- [DSR-194] Adding Release/Rollback documentation (#129)
- implementation from #93 - adds a mixin to allow easy mapping of hover styles to focus states (#131)
- Fixing sidebar nav layout in iOS 8 (#138)
- [DSR] Deploy static site to S3 via Jenkins (#139)
- Automating NPM Publish (#141)
- Creating a seed job for Jenkins Job DSL
- Merge pull request #142 from telusdigital/feature/DSR_seed-ci
- Adding include pattern for Copy Artifacts steps
- Add collapsible component (#140)
- Updating breakpoint documentation (#143)
- Updating stylelint binary path
- Consolidating install/lint/test/build into one Jenkins Job (#146)
- Run a fresh build before each npm start (#147)
- Authenticate with AWS using Jenkins credentials
- Bind AWS credentials for CDN deployment
- Moving CDN deployment credentials binding
- Add auth token for Jenkins to execute NPM publish (#149)
- Automate changelog generation [BCM-211](#150)
- End-to-end release automation with Jenkins [BCM-213](#153)
- Use bash instead of sh for shell scripts (#154)
- Changelog and version bump for v0.7.0
30 November 2016
- Fixing the sketch file download
- Fixing webpack URL on consumption page
- Fixing enriched npm example
- Alpha 0.5.0 Update (#90)
- Fix build of docs (#96)
- [DSR-32] Adding link examples (#97)
- Adding SelectorCounter tests and refactoring component (#98)
- Updated documentation (#95)
- [DSR-176] Fixing off-by-1 breakpoints bug
- Sketch Update v0.6.0
- Merge pull request #101 from telusdigital/bugfix/DSR-176
- [DSR] simplifying comments
- [DSR] simplifying comments (#103)
- Merge pull request #102 from telusdigital/sketchupdate11012016
- [DSR] Adding Hot Module Replacement to the documentation site
- Merge pull request #104 from telusdigital/task/DSR_docs-hot-reload
- [DSR-167] Better Selector Counter accessibility
- Merge pull request #107 from telusdigital/bugfix/DSR-167_selector-counter-accessibility
- [DSR-194] Document changelog & version maintenance
- Documenting README maintenance
- Merge pull request #109 from telusdigital/task/DSR-194_release-documentation
- [DSR-152] Updating product documentation
- Merge pull request #111 from telusdigital/feature/DSR-152_product-doc-updates
- [B4YBD-891] Added Icon component.
- Updated and added deps
- Merge pull request #112 from telusdigital/feature/B4YBD-891_icon_component
- Prevent click handler from executing for disabled button
- Merge pull request #114 from telusdigital/bugfix/DSR-failing-selector-counter-tests
- [RFC] Deprecated custom React rendering and implemented React rendering on client (#116)
- Cleaning up Docs Site SCSS comments (issue #72) (#118)
- [DSR-199] IA re-organization (#121)
- Restoring original Foundational Components in IA
- Re-arranging Getting Started, nav menu
- [DSR-195] Automated release to CDN (#119)
- Releasing/v0.6.0 (#122)
- Updating inter-module dependencies
20 October 2016
- Renaming icons to reflect their form. (#60)
- Alpha 0.4.1 Update (#61)
- [DSR-115] Optimizing Core Icons web fonts for Windows (#62)
- [DSR-115] Adding ttfautohint to the webfont build (#63)
- [DSR-131] Easy download of thorium.sketch (#64)
- Adding the downloads directory to the Documentation Site (#65)
- Fixing Markdown list rendering (#66)
- [DSR-105] Updating font sizes to match the type stack audit (#67)
- [DSR-105] Increase h2 to 2rem/32px on mobile (#68)
- [DSR-96] Documenting build/release/deploy/tech stack (#69)
- #73 - adding a helper function for getting breakpoints in sass (#74)
- [DSR-113] Add enriched library and re-format project (#75)
- [DSR-113] Adding testing frameworks (#76)
- [DSR-69] Implementing selector counter (#77)
- Bumping required version of core by enriched
- Fixing sass include paths
- Adding an example of the Selector Counter (#78)
- [DSR-32] Links (enhanced) (#79)
- Removing leading zero to fix linter error
- Fixing package.json warnings
- Fixing missing README files
- [DSR-140] Type stack size adjustments (#80)
- [DSR-113] Adjusting Documentation build (#81)
- Updating local setup (#82)
- [DSR-140] Adjusting H3, P1, P2 sizes (#83)
- [DSR-32] Implementing descender-aware underlines (#84)
- [DSR-113] Isomorphic React build pipeline (#88)
- Alpha 0.5.0 Update (#85)
- Updating version number and changelog for v0.5.0 (#89)
04 October 2016
- Updating version & changelog for v0.3.1 (#38)
- Updating consumption page for v0.3.1 (#39)
- Alpha 0.3 Update (#40)
- [DSR-35] Implementing lists (#41)
- Optimizing NPM module size (#42)
- Making TELUS uppercase everywhere (#43)
- [DSR-44] Form states (#44)
- Refactoring the form states interactive example (#45)
- Bugfix: hovered selections should have a gray border (#46)
- [DSR-51] Dropdowns (#47)
- Documenting accessible form error reporting (#48)
- [DSR-33] Utility Icons (#49)
- Adding voids to the Spyglass and Location icons (#50)
- Bugfix: restore missing "plus" icon (#51)
- [DSR-112] Show all core features under one nav category (#52)
- Bugfix: restore missing icons to lists and forms (#53)
- [DSR-109] Fixing docs hamburger alignment on mobile (#54)
- Task: improving the accessible icon documentation (#55)
- Restoring the header to the examples pages (#56)
- Alpha 0.4.0 Update (#57)
- Releasing v0.4.0 (#58)
21 September 2016
- Updating version & changelog for v0.3.1 (#38)
- Updating consumption page for v0.3.1 (#39)
20 September 2016
- Sketch file updates (#20)
- [DSR-20] Order nav links consistently (#21)
- [DSR-39] Text fields & labels (#22)
- [DSR-47] Field helpers (#23)
- [DSR-45] Radio buttons & checkboxes (#24)
- [DSR-67] Fixing clipped descenders inside form fields (#25)
- [DSR-70] Making form fields & buttons the same height (#26)
- Bug: fixing mis-aligned and mis-colored checkboxes (#27)
- [DSR-73] Fixing color of form placeholders in IE11 (#28)
- [DSR-81] Fixing check box alignment (#29)
- [DSR-74] fixing content width on Android 5 & 4 (#30)
- [DSR-46] Form hints (#31)
- Using web fonts from the Thorium CDN (#32)
- Bugfix: making subhead/strong/label text heavier (#33)
- Task: fixing checkbox example indentation (#34)
- Task: adding a feature switch to Form Hints (#35)
- Updating changelog & version for 0.3.0 (#36)
06 September 2016
- Updating to latest v0.1 Sketch file (#2)
- [DSR-14] Migrate documentation site scaffolding (#3)
- Fixing dist directory error on Jenkins
- Updating Contributor Quick Start with dependency instructions
- [DSR-1] Responsive grid (#4)
- [DSR-7] Light Governance - Contribution Model
- Implementing grid padding & ordering feedback
- Migrating "Introduction" documentation section. (#6)
- Updating documentation
- Adding & documenting column nesting and utility classes
- Merge pull request #8 from telusdigital/feedback/DSR-1_grid
- [DSR-7] Light Governance - Contribution Model (#5)
- [DSR-3] Typography (#10)
- DSR-2 Colour (#9)
- [DSR-4] Buttons (#11)
- [DSR-24] use small body copy below level 3 heading (#12)
- [DSR-25] Implementing button spacing feedback (#13)
- [DSR-8] Consumption model
- Updating consumption model with more SCSS instructions
- Merge pull request #14 from telusdigital/feature/DSR-8_consumption-model
- Updating Sketch file
- Updated type color and weight as per Thorium Designers (#16)
- Updating headline levels in Contributor docs (#17)