Practice My Favorite Way To Handle Dev Environments | VS Code Devcontainers
- Install Git Desktop, VS Code, Docker Desktop, WSL
- VS Code Extension: Remote Development
- Create simple Github repo for the files (readme and gitignore enough)
- Ctrl+Shift+P --> devcontainers: Git clone into container --> Add URL from previous step
- Choose: Linux Universal Container --> No additional tools needed
- I had to install my git creds as per
- mkdir simple-nextjs-app ; cd simple-nextjs-app ; npx create-next-app@latest . ; npm run dev
- Talks about customising the default Linux Universal devContainer (e.g. if it was missing ffmpeg we can create a Dockerfile, add apt install -y ffmpeg and rebuild/restart the running container)
- By comitting the Dockerfile in the previous step to Github, then you can open in 'Github Codespaces' the entire environment in a web browser and code there!