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Articles REST API application

This is a simple "Articles CMS" example of a .Net Core application written in a CQRS manner.

It provides a REST API to an EntityFramework-backed article model.

The application uses MediatR, it's a .Net mediator pattern implementation by Jimmy Bogard.

About repo and app structure

Project folders contain it's own README files, you can check them to get more details about some project parts.

Run the app

docker-compose -f .\docker-compose.yml -f .\docker-compose.override.yml up sqldata articles-api

By default API available at http://localhost:5102/

After run you can use SwaggerUI which accessible at http://localhost:5102/swagger/index.html to make some test queries.

❗️ To access POST/PUT/UPDATE methods you need to authorize in the application. You can use the command below with default user credentials:

curl -X POST "http://localhost:5102/api/v1/Users/authenticate" -H "accept: */*" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"username\":\"test\",\"password\":\"test\"}"

Edit the .env to change default app configuration.

Run the tests

docker-compose -f .\docker-compose.tests.yml -f .\docker-compose.tests.override.yml up sqldata-test articles-api-test


✅ Headless (no UI) CMS for managing articles (CRUD).

  • create article
  • delete article
  • get an article by id
  • get articles (ascending or descending order + basic limit and offset parameters)
  • update article title and body
  • simple offset/limit/sorting implementation;

✅ SwaggerUI for testing

✅ Each article has its ID, title, body, and timestamps (on creation and update):

  • GUID Id
  • Title: from 1 to 100 symbols length
  • Body: up to 500 symbols length
  • Article created date and time
  • Article updating date and time

✅ Creating/updating/deleting data is possible only if a secret token is provided.

  • App has basic auth implementation, just provide a username and password to use POST/PUT/UPDATE methods. GET methods are accessible without auth.
  • Default user/password can be set USER_SERVICE_USERNAME and USER_SERVICE_PASSWORD env variables in .env configuration file.
  • By default USER_SERVICE_USERNAME set to 'test' and USER_SERVICE_PASSWORD set to 'test'.
  • If USER_SERVICE_USERNAME and USER_SERVICE_PASSWORD are not provided, the username set to 'test ' and password set to 'test'

✅ The whole client-server communication works in a JSON format and can be extended with other formats (eg. XML).


  • Add offset/pagination implementation. The response should contain total page count, current page, display limit, and sort order parameters
  • Add JSON/XML switcher to docker-compose configuration file


jimmy Articles API application






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