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Add ice shelf pressure initialisation bug fix (mom-ocean#800)
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* Add ice shelf pressure initialisation bug fix

This commit adds a new parameter FRAC_DP_AT_POS_NEGATIVE_P_BUGFIX
and associated bug fix. This bug occurs when TRIM_IC_FOR_P_SURF
pressure initialisation is used for ice shelf, whilst in
Boussinesq mode and a nonlinear equation of state. The subroutine
trim_for_ice calls cut_off_column_top. This routine in Boussinesq
mode calls find_depth_of_pressure_in_cell in
MOM_density_integrals.F90. This subsequently calls the function
frac_dp_at_pos which calls the density equation of state based on
given salinity, temperature and depth, which is incorrectly converted
into pressure by z position (which is negative) multiplied by g and
rho0. The bug results in incorrect densities from the equation of state
and therefore an imperfect initialisation of layer thicknesses and sea
surface height due to the displacement of water by the ice.

The bug is fixed by multiplying the pressure by -1.

This commit introduces parameter FRAC_DP_AT_POS_NEGATIVE_P_BUGFIX with
default value False to preserve answers. If true, the ice shelf
initialisation is accurate to a high degree with a nonlinear
equation of state.

Answers should not change, except for the added parameter in

The same functions are called by a unit test in MOM_state_initialization;
in this commit I set the MOM_state_initialization unit test to
use the existing bug (with a false flag).

* Resolve indenting and white space inconsitencies with MOM6 style
for ice shelf pressure initialisation bug fix FRAC_DP_AT_POS_NEGATIVE_P_BUGFIX
  • Loading branch information
claireyung authored and ashao committed Jan 30, 2025
1 parent cd66706 commit 9870f90
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Showing 2 changed files with 26 additions and 11 deletions.
16 changes: 11 additions & 5 deletions src/core/MOM_density_integrals.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2001,7 +2001,7 @@ end subroutine diagnose_mass_weight_p

!> Find the depth at which the reconstructed pressure matches P_tgt
subroutine find_depth_of_pressure_in_cell(T_t, T_b, S_t, S_b, z_t, z_b, P_t, P_tgt, &
rho_ref, G_e, EOS, US, P_b, z_out, z_tol)
rho_ref, G_e, EOS, US, P_b, z_out, z_tol, frac_dp_bugfix)
real, intent(in) :: T_t !< Potential temperature at the cell top [C ~> degC]
real, intent(in) :: T_b !< Potential temperature at the cell bottom [C ~> degC]
real, intent(in) :: S_t !< Salinity at the cell top [S ~> ppt]
Expand All @@ -2020,6 +2020,7 @@ subroutine find_depth_of_pressure_in_cell(T_t, T_b, S_t, S_b, z_t, z_b, P_t, P_t
real, intent(out) :: P_b !< Pressure at the bottom of the cell [R L2 T-2 ~> Pa]
real, intent(out) :: z_out !< Absolute depth at which anomalous pressure = p_tgt [Z ~> m]
real, intent(in) :: z_tol !< The tolerance in finding z_out [Z ~> m]
logical, intent(in) :: frac_dp_bugfix !< If true, use bugfix in frac_dp_at_pos

! Local variables
real :: dp ! Pressure thickness of the layer [R L2 T-2 ~> Pa]
Expand All @@ -2032,7 +2033,7 @@ subroutine find_depth_of_pressure_in_cell(T_t, T_b, S_t, S_b, z_t, z_b, P_t, P_t
GxRho = G_e * rho_ref

! Anomalous pressure difference across whole cell
dp = frac_dp_at_pos(T_t, T_b, S_t, S_b, z_t, z_b, rho_ref, G_e, 1.0, EOS)
dp = frac_dp_at_pos(T_t, T_b, S_t, S_b, z_t, z_b, rho_ref, G_e, 1.0, EOS, frac_dp_bugfix)

P_b = P_t + dp ! Anomalous pressure at bottom of cell

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2063,7 +2064,7 @@ subroutine find_depth_of_pressure_in_cell(T_t, T_b, S_t, S_b, z_t, z_b, P_t, P_t
call MOM_error(FATAL, 'find_depth_of_pressure_in_cell completes too many iterations: '//msg)
z_out = z_t + ( z_b - z_t ) * F_guess
Pa = frac_dp_at_pos(T_t, T_b, S_t, S_b, z_t, z_b, rho_ref, G_e, F_guess, EOS) - ( P_tgt - P_t )
Pa = frac_dp_at_pos(T_t, T_b, S_t, S_b, z_t, z_b, rho_ref, G_e, F_guess, EOS, frac_dp_bugfix) - ( P_tgt - P_t )

if (Pa<Pa_left) then
write(msg,*) Pa_left,Pa,Pa_right,P_t-P_tgt,P_b-P_tgt
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2119,7 +2120,7 @@ end subroutine avg_specific_vol

!> Returns change in anomalous pressure change from top to non-dimensional
!! position pos between z_t and z_b [R L2 T-2 ~> Pa]
real function frac_dp_at_pos(T_t, T_b, S_t, S_b, z_t, z_b, rho_ref, G_e, pos, EOS)
real function frac_dp_at_pos(T_t, T_b, S_t, S_b, z_t, z_b, rho_ref, G_e, pos, EOS, frac_dp_bugfix)
real, intent(in) :: T_t !< Potential temperature at the cell top [C ~> degC]
real, intent(in) :: T_b !< Potential temperature at the cell bottom [C ~> degC]
real, intent(in) :: S_t !< Salinity at the cell top [S ~> ppt]
Expand All @@ -2131,6 +2132,7 @@ real function frac_dp_at_pos(T_t, T_b, S_t, S_b, z_t, z_b, rho_ref, G_e, pos, EO
real, intent(in) :: G_e !< The Earth's gravitational acceleration [L2 Z-1 T-2 ~> m s-2]
real, intent(in) :: pos !< The fractional vertical position, 0 to 1 [nondim]
type(EOS_type), intent(in) :: EOS !< Equation of state structure
logical, intent(in) :: frac_dp_bugfix !< If true, use bugfix in frac_dp_at_pos

! Local variables
real, parameter :: C1_90 = 1.0/90.0 ! A rational constant [nondim]
Expand All @@ -2150,7 +2152,11 @@ real function frac_dp_at_pos(T_t, T_b, S_t, S_b, z_t, z_b, rho_ref, G_e, pos, EO
! Salinity and temperature points are linearly interpolated
S5(n) = top_weight * S_t + bottom_weight * S_b
T5(n) = top_weight * T_t + bottom_weight * T_b
p5(n) = ( top_weight * z_t + bottom_weight * z_b ) * ( G_e * rho_ref )
if (frac_dp_bugfix) then
p5(n) = (-1) * ( top_weight * z_t + bottom_weight * z_b ) * ( G_e * rho_ref )
p5(n) = ( top_weight * z_t + bottom_weight * z_b ) * ( G_e * rho_ref )
endif !bugfix
call calculate_density(T5, S5, p5, rho5, EOS)
rho5(:) = rho5(:) !- rho_ref ! Work with anomalies relative to rho_ref
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21 changes: 15 additions & 6 deletions src/initialization/MOM_state_initialization.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1205,6 +1205,7 @@ subroutine trim_for_ice(PF, G, GV, US, ALE_CSp, tv, h, just_read)
! answers from 2018, while higher values use more robust
! forms of the same remapping expressions.
logical :: use_remapping ! If true, remap the initial conditions.
logical :: use_frac_dp_bugfix ! If true, use bugfix. Otherwise, pressure input to EOS is negative.
type(remapping_CS), pointer :: remap_CS => NULL()

call get_param(PF, mdl, "SURFACE_PRESSURE_FILE", p_surf_file, &
Expand All @@ -1227,7 +1228,10 @@ subroutine trim_for_ice(PF, G, GV, US, ALE_CSp, tv, h, just_read)
"The tolerance with which to find the depth matching the specified "//&
"surface pressure with TRIM_IC_FOR_P_SURF.", &
units="m", default=1.0e-5, scale=US%m_to_Z, do_not_log=just_read)

call get_param(PF, mdl, "FRAC_DP_AT_POS_NEGATIVE_P_BUGFIX", use_frac_dp_bugfix, &
"If true, use bugfix in ice shelf TRIM_IC initialization. "//&
"Otherwise, pressure input to density EOS is negative.", &
default=.false., do_not_log=just_read)
call get_param(PF, mdl, "TRIMMING_USES_REMAPPING", use_remapping, &
'When trimming the column, also remap T and S.', &
default=.false., do_not_log=just_read)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1277,7 +1281,8 @@ subroutine trim_for_ice(PF, G, GV, US, ALE_CSp, tv, h, just_read)
do j=G%jsc,G%jec ; do i=G%isc,G%iec
call cut_off_column_top(GV%ke, tv, GV, US, GV%g_Earth, G%bathyT(i,j)+G%Z_ref, min_thickness, &
tv%T(i,j,:), T_t(i,j,:), T_b(i,j,:), tv%S(i,j,:), S_t(i,j,:), S_b(i,j,:), &
p_surf(i,j), h(i,j,:), remap_CS, z_tol=z_tolerance)
p_surf(i,j), h(i,j,:), remap_CS, z_tol=z_tolerance, &
enddo ; enddo

end subroutine trim_for_ice
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1368,7 +1373,7 @@ end subroutine calc_sfc_displacement
!> Adjust the layer thicknesses by removing the top of the water column above the
!! depth where the hydrostatic pressure matches p_surf
subroutine cut_off_column_top(nk, tv, GV, US, G_earth, depth, min_thickness, T, T_t, T_b, &
S, S_t, S_b, p_surf, h, remap_CS, z_tol)
S, S_t, S_b, p_surf, h, remap_CS, z_tol, frac_dp_bugfix)
integer, intent(in) :: nk !< Number of layers
type(thermo_var_ptrs), intent(in) :: tv !< Thermodynamics structure
type(verticalGrid_type), intent(in) :: GV !< The ocean's vertical grid structure.
Expand All @@ -1388,6 +1393,7 @@ subroutine cut_off_column_top(nk, tv, GV, US, G_earth, depth, min_thickness, T,
!! if associated
real, intent(in) :: z_tol !< The tolerance with which to find the depth
!! matching the specified pressure [Z ~> m].
logical, intent(in) :: frac_dp_bugfix !< If true, use bugfix in frac_dp_at_pos

! Local variables
real, dimension(nk+1) :: e ! Top and bottom edge positions for reconstructions [Z ~> m]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1416,7 +1422,8 @@ subroutine cut_off_column_top(nk, tv, GV, US, G_earth, depth, min_thickness, T,
do k=1,nk
call find_depth_of_pressure_in_cell(T_t(k), T_b(k), S_t(k), S_b(k), e(K), e(K+1), &
P_t, p_surf, GV%Rho0, G_earth, tv%eqn_of_state, &
US, P_b, z_out, z_tol=z_tol)
US, P_b, z_out, z_tol=z_tol, &
if (z_out>=e(K)) then
! Imposed pressure was less that pressure at top of cell
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3139,7 +3146,8 @@ subroutine MOM_state_init_tests(G, GV, US, tv)
P_t = 0.
do k = 1, nk
call find_depth_of_pressure_in_cell(T_t(k), T_b(k), S_t(k), S_b(k), e(K), e(K+1), P_t, 0.5*P_tot, &
GV%Rho0, GV%g_Earth, tv%eqn_of_state, US, P_b, z_out, z_tol=z_tol)
GV%Rho0, GV%g_Earth, tv%eqn_of_state, US, P_b, z_out, z_tol=z_tol, &
write(0,*) k, US%RL2_T2_to_Pa*P_t, US%RL2_T2_to_Pa*P_b, 0.5*US%RL2_T2_to_Pa*P_tot, &
US%Z_to_m*e(K), US%Z_to_m*e(K+1), US%Z_to_m*z_out
P_t = P_b
Expand All @@ -3158,7 +3166,8 @@ subroutine MOM_state_init_tests(G, GV, US, tv)
! h_neglect=GV%H_subroundoff, h_neglect_edge=GV%H_subroundoff)
! endif
call cut_off_column_top(nk, tv, GV, US, GV%g_Earth, -e(nk+1), GV%Angstrom_H, &
T, T_t, T_b, S, S_t, S_b, 0.5*P_tot, h, remap_CS, z_tol=z_tol)
T, T_t, T_b, S, S_t, S_b, 0.5*P_tot, h, remap_CS, z_tol=z_tol, &
write(0,*) GV%H_to_m*h(:)
if (associated(remap_CS)) deallocate(remap_CS)

Expand Down

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