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Available Options
Once you have a BulkLoader instance, you can add items to be loaded.
The simplest case is just adding the item, with no further options:
bulkInstance.add("myfile.txt"); // or you can use a URLRequest: var request : URLRequest = new URLRequest("myfile.txt"); bulkInstance.add(request); }}}
Further options can be specified when adding items to be loaded. = Options = BulkLoader.add takes an optional second parameter, an object with the options you wish to set for this particular item. Bellow are all options that are available.
By passing an id property, you can later on fetch that item by an id, instead of an url. This is more practical since if an url for an item changes, you only need to update the url passed to the .load method, but all further access to that loading item can remain untouched. For example:
bulkInstance.add("all_configs.xml", {id:"config"});
Later on, you can refer to the all_configs.xml file by the used id: "config":
BulkLoader must now what type of asset you are loading. For the most common cases it will discover from the url passed. So when loading a "background.jpg" BulkLoader knows that it must use a Loader instance internally. There are two situations when that will not work:
The url offers no clues about the file type: Maybe you are using a web-service or some server script that has a non-revealing url such as: "http://mysite.com/top-ten.php" BulkLoader doesn't know what the php script will return, so you can specify with the "type" option.
// returning a simple text bulkInstance.add("http://mysite.com/top-ten.php", {type:"text"});
// returning a xml file bulkInstance.add("http://mysite.com/top-ten.php", {type:"xml"});
// returning a jpeg image: bulkInstance.add("http://mysite.com/top-ten.php", {type:"image"});
Two things to keep in mind:
- If BulkLoader can't guess from the url extension and no type has been passed as an option, it defaults to a text type.
- If you specify a "type" option it will override the automatic guessing from the url
See also the Using Types and Acessing Loaded Content pages for more information on what types are available and how to add you own types.
By default, BulkLoader will load items by the order in which they are added. You can modify this behavior by specifying a "priority" option. The priority option is an integer and the higher the priority, the sooner that item will start to load. For example, this will load in this order: file_1, file_2, file_3
If you want file_3 to be lodaded before file_1 and file_2:
bulkInstance.add("file_3.txt", {priority:10});
If two items have the same priority, the item added first takes precedence. Priority defaults to 0.
See also How priorities and loading order works.
If you want to make sure the browser won't cache you request, the best way is to append a random bugues string to the url. If the option "preventCache" is set to true, BulkLoader will append a query paremeter: BulkLoaderNoCache=[SOME RANDOM NUMBER] to the end of url. For example, to prevent the get_latest url from caching, you can say:
bulkInstance.add("/get_latest/", {preventCache:true});
By default preventCache is false.
Sometimes you want to make sure an asset loads and maybe because of a loaded server or a unstable network you want to make multiple tries for an url.
By default BulkLoader will retry 3 times until it gives up. You can control this behavior with the "maxTries" option, which is an int. To try an asset up to 5 times before giving up:
bulkInstance.add("/something.php", {maxTries: 5});
This will turn maxTries off:
bulkInstance.add("/something.php", {maxTries: 0});
If you wish to add additional headers to an item you can pass the "headers" option. The headers parameter is an array of URLRequestHeaders. For example, suppose a lot of your requests must have some auth headers:
var authHeaders : Array = [new URLRequestHeader("apache-secret", "as3_is_fun")];
// use these headers:
bulkInstance.add("/something.php", {headers: authHeaders});
bulkInstance.add("/something-else.php", {headers: authHeaders});
Note that this will only work if you add an item by a string. If you use a URLRequest object, those headers will be taken into account.
You can also make sure assets are loaded with a given LoaderContext or SoundContext instance.
bulkInstance.add("/main.swf", {context: myLoaderContext});
Sometimes you will download many assets, more that the number of connections the BulkLoader instance will open. In those cases, if you report progress by bytesLoaded, the result will be very flaky because untill all connections are opend the bytesTotal will remain 0. In those cases you can report progress by ratioLoaded. The problem is that sometimes assetshave a very different size in bytes.
The weight option lets you assign an arbitrary weight to an assets, that can be used for progress status. The weight is an integer and defaults to 1. See also Reporting Loading Progress.